Apparently there is this new trend happening on the internet where a person claims a word to be their mantra, their focus, their resolution for 2014. Word of the Year.
I tend not to follow trends. I’m not calculating or a strategist in terms of posting things on the blog. I don’t do things just because others do. BUT as I saw these “Word Of The Year” posts crossing my feeds MY word came to me.
I’m not a risk taker in any aspect of my life. I do things that make me happy and that I know will benefit me and my family. I’m a creature of habit. I don’t often venture off my cushy path. With all of that taken into account I somehow feel comfortable with the word that that I’ve chosen for my Word of the Year…TRY
I will try harder at being a
an understanding parent
a supportive wife
an inspiring blogger
a constant friend
I’m going to consider new endeavors with open eyes and an open heart.
Did you choose a Word of the Year?