Chest training is a big issue. Between rounded backs, low testosterone, and overall poor posture, many guys have limited results when it comes to their chest. The problem is that their options are limited. There is no way to effectively train your chest without a set of dumbbells and some resistance bands. That’s where the Absolut Chest Training Program comes in. This program is based on a revolutionary approach to chest training, and will target your lagging, underdeveloped pectorals with a comprehensive program that uses the best exercises and the most effective techniques to develop a strong chest.
When you’re trying to get a bigger chest and you want to begin training for it, it can be extremely frustrating. You want to get a good foundation in the chest, but it seems like you have to learn a whole new body part. The following article will show you how to train your chest from the beginning to the end. This article is based on research and personal experience.
Most modern bodybuilders have sagging breasts. Her shoulders and triceps are absolutely huge, but her chest generally lags behind the rest of her upper body. If your chest is lagging behind the rest of your upper body, it means your current workout routine isn’t working and you need to change something. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll teach you the top 5 training strategies for taking care of a sagging chest. The best strategies for chest training include using a proper mechanical stance with the chest up for all chest exercises, proper sequencing of exercises, and using proper high-intensity training methods, such as. B. Drop sets and Iso plugs. Here’s a summary of the rest of this article: Overview of Article
- Strategy # 1: Mechanical training position
- Strategy #2: It gets really weird with this thing.
- Strategy #3: Practice sequences
- Strategy #4: Frequency of training
- Strategy #5: High intensity training techniques
After reading this article, you will have all the knowledge you need to clean your sagging breasts. Message: If you have trouble reading the workout programs in this article, check out this workout reading guide. Let’s get to work… Strategy #1: Mechanical training position The most important factor in building a huge chest is the use of proper mechanical exercise positioning. I learned this term from bodybuilding coach Dante Trudel. In any chest exercise, the sternum should come up and protrude and the shoulder blades should go back and down. This ensures maximum chest extension throughout the range of motion of each chest exercise. Here, IFBB professional Stan Efferding shows you the correct mechanical chest position during the 30 degree incline bench press. Look at this: Stan lifts the sternum as high as possible and pulls the shoulder blades back and down with each repetition. This creates a strong stretch in the chest throughout the range of motion and maximizes tension on the muscle fibers in the chest. Stan also maintains this mechanical position in the upper bench press position. That’s what you need! Once you bring your shoulders forward during a chest exercise, you lose the tension in your chest and transfer it to your shoulders and triceps. Some bodybuilders, like. B. Ronnie Coleman, only do the bottom two-thirds of their chest exercises because this is where the most breast growth occurs. Just look at Ronnie Coleman pressing 500 pounds: Ronnie pretty much ignores the top half of the bench press! Why is Ronnie doing this? The reason is simple: a mechanical exercise position! Ronnie knows that the chest develops best in a stretched position with a deep load and a high chest, so he focuses exclusively on this part of the bench press. Ronnie Coleman had the second largest chest in the history of bodybuilding (just behind Arnold Schwarzenegger), and I don’t think that’s a coincidence. In reality, you can modify any chest exercise to make it more effective by pushing your sternum up and your shoulder blades down and back. If you learn to maintain this position while performing compound and isolated chest exercises, you will get better breast development. Strategy 2: It’s getting really scary with this!
The most important factor in caring for a stunted body part is to use the right exercises for your body. If you don’t feel your breasts working when you do basic exercises, it doesn’t matter what volume, frequency or intensity you use: Her boobs will never grow! What’s the solution? As Dante Trudel says, the decision to be with this one is very strange. This means changing the old exercises and using new ones where you can actually create tension in your chest. One of the most overrated chest exercises in the world is the bench press. Bench pressing was great for Arnold Schwarzenegger, but it doesn’t do much for most people. Additionally, the flat bench causes more upper body injuries than all other exercises combined. Don’t get me wrong: the flat bench is a great exercise! But if you are trying to firm up sagging breasts, there are better options. Legendary bodybuilder Dorian Yates was a big fan of the bench press and the incline. Throughout his career he has used both with great success. Dorian rightly points out that the variations in incline and decline train the chest more, while putting less strain on the tendons of the pectoral muscles and causing far less injury. Flat, incline and decline dumbbell presses are also a much better choice than the flat bench press. They offer the chest muscles a greater range of motion and involve more motor units and muscle fibers in the chest muscles than dumbbell exercises. However, training the pectoral muscles is not limited to using the same incline / 30 degree drop every time. In fact, the chest can contract at any angle, whether downhill or steeply uphill. If you never experiment with dumbbell parallel squats, 15-degree dumbbell presses, 60-degree dumbbell presses, etc., you’re leaving a TON of chest growth on the table. Here, IFBB pro Ben Pakulski talks about the concept: Ben rightly points out that the chest can contract at different angles. If your breasts aren’t growing, you MUST start experimenting with these different angles to work the dormant muscle fibers in your chest. One of the most popular chest exercises is the dumbbell swing. With this exercise you get a big chest stretch in the low position of the movement. It is also one of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s favorite chest exercises. Unfortunately, many people get poor results from this exercise. The low position can put a lot of pressure on the shoulders and chest tendons, while the high position puts little pressure on the chest muscles. A much better option for most bodybuilders is the chain fly, made popular by bodybuilding coach Josh Bryant. Here is an excellent video demonstration: This is a perfect example of how to get really crazy with it! The chains make the exercise easier in the low position where you are weaker and harder in the high position where you are stronger. In other words: The gears are ridiculously heavy at every point in the range of motion! The chains also make the exercise much safer. You can stretch your pecs considerably without worrying about overloading your shoulders or chest tendons in the down position. I think you’ll be shocked how hard your chest works when you first try this exercise. Strategy #3: Exercise Sequences
Let’s say you’re doing everything right in terms of exercises, but your breasts still aren’t growing. They use a correct mechanical posture, with the sternum high and the shoulder blades lowered and pulled back, to obtain maximum chest extension during each exercise. They are also very enthusiastic and use a wide range of chest angles/exercises where you can really feel your chest working. What are you doing now? The next step is to make sure you have the right sequence of exercises for your chest. This is something John Meadows has perfected in his mountain dog training program. John divides his chest training into 4 different phases to encourage as much chest growth as possible while avoiding injury:
- Phase 1: Pre-pump/activation phase
- Phase 2: Explosion phase
- Phase Three: Supramaximal pump phase
- Phase Four: Stretch phase
John starts his chest workout with a routine where he can really feel his chest working. John has a lot of fun doing dumbbell and hammer presses at different angles in sets of 8-12 reps. This first stage aims to establish a good connection between the mind and the pectoral muscles and drives the blood to the working muscle. The second phase is called the explosion phase. This is where you do heavier sets of 5-8 reps on a meat and potatoes chest exercise, such as. B. the 30 degree barbell. Through trial and error, John has found that doing the dumbbell exercises second in his program, after warming up and preparing for the first exercise, gives the best results. After the explosive phase, John goes straight into the supramaximal pump phase. John’s goal is to take and perform the exercises and pump up his chest as much as possible. John likes to perform high intensity bodybuilding techniques such as drop sets, partial reps or iso holds in the last work set. That’s when you get really mad and put your foot down. Finally, John finishes his chest muscle workout with an exercise that effectively stretches the muscle. Exercises such as cable swings, push-ups with extension, chest presses and dumbbell presses with the hand in the extension position are all acceptable. Performing a stretching exercise at the end of your workout, after your muscles are already perfused, is a great strategy to further stimulate growth. There are many ways to do chest exercises, but John’s system is one of the best. It’s definitely worth a try if you struggle to feel your chest during large compound exercises like the barbell squat. Strategy #4: Frequency of training We looked at the main strategies for chest training, such as. B. The correct mechanical position for chest exercises, the odd selection of exercises and the sequence of exercises for maximum growth. If you are doing all this but your breasts are still not growing, you can try advanced breast shaping strategies. One of the best strategies for getting a lagging body part back on track is to increase the frequency of your workouts. Most advanced bodybuilders train each body part once a week in a typical bodybuilding pen pattern. For example: Typical bodybuilding splits
- Monday: Chest
- Tuesday: Biceps
- Wednesday: Feet
- Thursday: On the website
- Friday: Shoulders / Triceps
- Saturday: Back
- Sunday: On the website
There is nothing wrong with such a low frequency training split. Most professional bodybuilders use something similar. However, if you have a body part that is overdue, working out once a week may not be the best solution. Let’s look at a few different ways to increase your training frequency. One of the easiest strategies is to add an extra chest workout to one of your other training days. For example: Chest workout with delayed split
- Monday: Chest
- Tuesday: Biceps
- Wednesday: Feet
- Thursday: On the website
- Friday: Shoulders / Triceps (extra chest)
- Saturday: Back
- Sunday: On the website
Add an extra shoulder and tricep workout to your day with this split. It can be as simple as adding one or two exercises at the end of the workout for a relatively higher number of reps. Even if you use light weights, that extra day of exercise can be very beneficial in rebuilding sagging breasts. John Meadows often uses a similar strategy to lift a sagging chest. For example: John Meadows Split Chest Workout
- Monday: Feet
- Tuesday: Chest / Shoulders
- Wednesday: On the website
- Thursday: Back
- Friday: Breastfeeding day
- Saturday: Weapons
- Sunday: On the website
If you train with John and your chest lags, he may ask you to do an extra chest workout at the end of the week. This pumping workout consists of exercises that are easy on the joints and performed with lots of repetitions. Barbell, dumbbell and rope exercises are suitable for this workout. Heavy barbell exercises like the bench press – no! If you want to get rid of the weight distribution and train each body part more than once a week, there are several ways to do it. Dorian Yates used a non-traditional training regime where he trained each muscle group once every 6 days. Look at this: Dorian Yates Formation Splitting
- Day 1: Chest / Biceps
- Day 2: Feet
- Day 3: On the website
- Day 4: Shoulders / Triceps
- Day 5: Back / rear deltoids
- Day Six: On the website
- Day 7: Say it again.
Dorian opted for a traditional bodybuilder split, combining several training days and scrapping one of the extra rest days. The result is a training split where you can train each muscle group once every 6 days, while using a wide range of exercises for each muscle group. Training with Dorian is like the best of both worlds! If your chest (or any other body part) is lagging, this can be a great split workout to get it back up to speed. Another good format of high frequency training is the 4 day format for press/pull/legs. This is a bit of an odd distribution, but it allows you to train each muscle group about once every 5 days. For example: Four day split: bench press / deadlift / legs
- Monday: Chest / Shoulders / Triceps
- Wednesday: Feet
- Friday: Back / Biceps
- Saturday: Chest / Shoulders / Triceps
With this split, just alternate push, pull and leg exercises. All the muscle groups you trained on Monday will be trained again on Saturday. This split is ideal for bodybuilders because it allows you to train the stunted muscle groups every 5 days. It’s also easy to do an extra workout that day for the weak body. Another good high frequency split to try is Poliquin’s 5 day split. For example: Polyquina Five-day split
- Day 1: Arms / Shoulders
- Day 2: Feet
- Day 3: On the website
- Day 4: Chest / Back
- Day 5: On the website
- Day Six: Say it again.
With this approach, you train each muscle group once every 5 days. With this split, you can also use antagonistic muscle groups, such as. B. Chest and back, train together. It was Arnold Schwarzenegger’s favorite strategy, and he seemed to know a thing or two about building large breasts. Arnold performed antagonistic supersets with exercises such as bench press and pull-ups or dumbbell swings and cable pull-ups. In summary, there are a number of different high frequency workouts you can use to firm up your sagging breasts. You can add additional chest muscle exercises at the end of the week, or use an entirely new split to train each body part more than once a week. These high-frequency splits are not mandatory, but can be very effective in getting stuck body parts, such as…… breasts, in order. Strategy #5: High-intensity training techniques If you are doing everything right, but your breasts are still not growing, the traditional 3 sets of 10 exercises will not be enough. You should train until you fail and continue with different high intensity training methods. What these high-intensity training methods have in common is that they make the chest work harder by extending the tension time in the set after the muscle has succumbed. Here are some of the most effective high-intensity workouts for firming sagging breasts:
- Advance
- After the exhaust.
- Forced rehearsals
- Rest stop
- Extreme Stretch
If these intense workout methods don’t make your breasts grow, then nothing will! Let’s take a closer look at them. High intensity technique #1: Prior signature procedure The pre-exhaustion method is a high-intensity training method where you perform an isolation exercise immediately followed by a compound exercise. Isolation exercises isolate the target muscle, while compound exercises overload the muscle with more weight, causing the target muscle to work the hardest and fail first. Here’s a brutal pre-stretch triset that John Meadows had performed by IFBB pro Ken Jackson at the end of his chest workout. Look at this: Here is the exact protocol for this tri-set if you don’t want to watch the whole video:
- A1 : Pectoral extension machine, 1 x 10-15, 1/0/1/0, without rest
- A2: cable pulley / chest press**, 1 x 10-15, 1/0/1/0, no rest
- A3 : Incline weight machine Hammer with bands, 1 x 10-15, 1/0/1/0, rest as needed
**Execute as a hybrid between the cable swing and cable chest press. Talk about a cheeky triset! Ken does an isolation exercise until he fails with a few more forced reps, then goes right on to two compound chest exercises. This is a great way to make sure you are using your pecs during full body exercises. High intensity technique #2: Post sign method The post-processing method is in many ways the opposite of the pre-processing method. In this method, you perform a compound exercise after the exercise, which is immediately followed by an isolation exercise for the targeted muscle group. Studies show that the post-workout method is actually better for building muscle mass than the pre-workout method. It’s so powerful! Here’s an example of a post-workout chest workout you can try. Look at this:
- A1 : Bench press at a 30-degree angle, 4 x 6-8, 3/0/X/0, 180 seconds rest.
- B1 : Power Press with flat hammer, 3 x 10-12, 2/0/X/0, 10 seconds rest
- B2: crossover with cable (high pulley), 3 x 12-15, 2/0/X/1, 120 seconds rest
The post-exercise method is used for the last 2 years of this routine. You do a power press superset with a flat hammer and a cable crossover with a high pull. The isolation exercise allows you to increase your overall chest tension after you fail in a compound exercise. T This is a great way of exercising to get your sagging breasts back in order. High intensity technique #3: Forced repetitions Forced reps are a high-intensity training method in which your training partner helps you perform 1 to 3 additional reps of the exercise after your muscles have succumbed. Your training partner helps you lift the weight in a concentric range, and you lower the weight yourself in a controlled manner. These extra forced reps are incredibly effective in creating neurological adaptation and muscle adaptation. In other words, they help build strength and size at the same time. It’s not a bad deal! Here Stan Efferding demonstrates perfectly forced reps on the incline press with dumbbells. Look at this: Stan can do eight perfect reps by himself. On the 9th. He fails a few times and his training partner helps him perform 4 more forced reps in a row. These forced reps are so effective because they are actually a form of eccentric training. They help you increase your eccentric strength level after you reach concentric failure. Here Stan Efferding talks about the importance of using forced reps in training: So you have to go to the limit, do forced reps, give it your all and put your body in a state it has never been in before, so it adapts and gets bigger and stronger. Everything else is unimportant in comparison. I couldn’t have said it better myself! High intensity technique #4: Sets with rest The rest interval series is a high intensity training method invented by bodybuilding coach Dante Trudel. The basic idea is to train to failure three times in a row in the same exercise, with only 20 to 30 seconds of rest between each attempt. Yes, pause sentences are as brutal as they sound! Here Dusty Henshaw demonstrates the perfect setup for bench pressing: As you can see, Dusty uses the same weight on all three tests. He gets 8 reps on the first attempt, 4 reps on the second attempt and 2 reps on the third attempt. Immediately after the last attempt, Dusty does a static weightlifting move. This is something you can do if you are an advanced bodybuilder and really know what you are doing. Statically, the tension time of the series is further increased and your muscles are eccentrically overloaded. Usually when doing a rest set you want to fail somewhere between 7 and 10 reps on your first attempt, but you can go up to 15 or even 20 reps before failing if you really want to. Rest sets have many of the same benefits as forced reps: They allow you to break down your target muscle in a very short period of time while stimulating growth in size and strength. The only downside to rest-pause sets is that you can only do one such set per exercise. If you can do two consecutive sets with a break, it means you didn’t go far enough on the first try! High intensity technique #5: Extreme rack I saved the best for last! If you’ve tried everything to grow your breasts and they’re still not moving, it’s time to try extreme stretching. The extreme stretch is essentially a weighted stretch performed in the lower chest exercise position. One of the most popular methods of extreme chest stretching is to hold the lower barbell swing for 60-90 seconds. Here’s Dusty Henshaw demonstrating this technique to perfection: Why on earth would anyone do that? The reason is simple: Extreme stretching is one of the most powerful hypertrophy training tools you can use. Many people have completely transformed their weak body parts simply by incorporating extreme stretching into their routine. Here are 6 benefits of extreme stretching:
- They stimulate mTOR, a switch for protein synthesis…
- You’re overworking your rapidly recruiting muscle fibers…
- They increase blood flow and cause hyperemia in the muscles.
- You release anabolic hormones in your muscles.
- You are **potentially** stretching the fascia that surrounds your muscles.
- You are **potentially** stimulating hyperplasia in your muscles.
I recommend doing this extreme chest stretch at the very end of your workout. Dante Trudel recommends doing a full body stretch longer than 60 seconds, and strength trainer Christian Thibadeau recommends doing 3-4 easy, submaximal stretches for each body part. The choice is yours. Just make sure your chest is already very tired and full of blood before you try it. Trying to do extreme stretching at the beginning of your workout will only get you into trouble. Supplement It’s time to turn your sagging breasts into one of your strongest body parts! In this guide, I outline the top five strategies you can use to replenish your soggy treasure chest:
- Strategy # 1: Mechanical training position
- Strategy #2: It gets really weird with this thing.
- Strategy #3: Practice sequences
- Strategy #4: Frequency of training
- Strategy #5: High intensity training techniques
One of the most important strategies is to choose the exercises that best suit your body, perform them with the right mechanical posture and in the right order so that you really feel your chest working. If you do all these things well, it may be time to play with more advanced strategies, such as. B. Increase training frequency or use high-intensity training methods. If you follow the information in this article, you will be well on your way to a fuller, more powerful chest. You may not become like Arnold Schwarzenegger overnight, but even he had to start somewhere! So, what are you waiting for? Go back to the gym and train your chest the way you want to! Whatever you pursue, many people will tell you it is not possible. But all it takes is imagination. You are dreaming. You will. You can reach us. Thanks for reading and good luck with your strength training! Dr. Mike Jansen. I am the creator and owner of Revolutionary Program Design. I help advanced athletes take their training to the next level and achieve results they didn’t even know they had.
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