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Why Does Cannabis Cultivation Have Such a Negative Impact on the Environment?

Cannabis cultivation is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. This is due to the widespread legalization of medical and recreational marijuana use in America and the staggering increase in demand for these drugs in developing countries around the world. As the world’s population continues to grow, the need for more hemp and cannabis products is only increasing. The problem is that most of the hemp and cannabis products we consume every day are grown in unhealthy, environmentally-irresponsible ways.

In the U.S., it is estimated that the cannabis industry will be worth approximately $3.5 billion a year by 2021. This industry is largely responsible for the downfall of many ecosystems around the world. Cannabis is an annual herb that is most well known for its psychoactive properties. Therefore, it has been widely grown across the world. Cannabis has also been made into an item of clothing, which is why it is so common in the United States.

Earth Day has just passed and once again our planet has been the victim of all sorts of terrible disasters caused by mankind. Opponents of the legalization of cannabis like to point out the environmental impact of cannabis cultivation and legalization. They point to the amount of waste generated by cannabis packaging, as well as the impact of rising electricity prices and the runoff of nutrients and chemicals used in cannabis cultivation. I started researching the topic and the article that came out on top was about the environmental effects of cannabis terpenes. This scientific article points out that a team of researchers has concluded that cannabis has the potential to double the current levels of volatile organic compounds in our atmosphere. The team came to this conclusion by growing four cannabis varieties for 90 days in a closed environment and measuring the amount of terpenes released. I thought it was strange from the start, because hemp grows very differently outside than inside. Yes, it’s all about light, water and nutrients, but anyone who has ever grown plants indoors and outdoors will tell you that there is a difference. When they talk about the need for further research, I think they mean that more specific research is needed. In theory, one could blame the US federal government for the environmental impact of cannabis.

Growing plants indoors pollutes the environment

Decades of cannabis prohibition have put millions of Americans on the underground market. People who grow cannabis illegally do so indoors or outdoors. We’ve all seen the news images of landscapes littered with trash and debris where cannabis has been grown. Sometimes trees are cut down and excess nutrients and pesticide leaching are released into the environment. By forcing people to grow plants indoors, we have also caused a huge increase in utility costs. This increases the pressure on energy companies and on the precious natural resources of our planet.

We don’t grow oranges in every state, why cannabis?

If cannabis had not been banned and placed on the federal list, things might have turned out differently. Only Texas and California can grow enough cannabis to supply the entire United States. Instead of a few small businesses scattered across the country, these states could run larger businesses. There is a misconception that hemp is of poor quality when grown outdoors. One of the best cannabis products in the world is grown outdoors under the right conditions. Texas and California have these conditions. However, current federal restrictions on cannabis prevent the plant and people from having the freedoms they both deserve. This freedom means that one can travel openly to any part of America without fear of persecution, while carrying a natural plant. word-image-3445

Mining equipment damaging to environment

Cannabis cultivation is not the only concern regarding the environmental impact of the cannabis sector. The raw materials industry is also in the spotlight. Upstream companies often use methods involving solvents such as butane, propane or CO2. These companies have equipment that also consumes electricity during this process. Many of these companies are taking productive steps to not only control supply costs, but also to reduce the environmental impact of the cannabis industry through methods such as operating facilities during off-peak hours, using energy-efficient equipment, and using technologies and methods that prove conservative in their products.

Cannabis cultivation is water intensive

Water is another problem when growing just about anything, and cannabis is no exception. Opponents of cannabis legalization and those who insist on strict rules and regulations often use this method. They point out that it is known that the cultivation of cannabis requires large amounts of water, which is taken from the irrigation systems used in agriculture and also has a negative impact on the ecosystem. Before you point the finger at hemp, remember that there are many other agricultural goals to point the finger at as well. Almonds, for example, are the cause of many environmental problems in the state of California. The almond industry is a multi-billion dollar industry in California that consumes huge amounts of water. You’ve never heard people complain about tonsils on the news, have you? A little research has taught me that it takes about three and a half gallons of water to produce one almond. This is insane! Imagine the United States if we had a federal ban on almonds. The world is crazy, so anything is possible, but for now the federal government seems quite content to maintain its draconian stance on federal cannabis prohibition. In the United States of America, cannabis remains a Schedule 1 drug. As long as these fossil policies remain in place, it will be difficult to truly and accurately measure the true impact of the cannabis industry on the environment. Personally, I can say that I grow both indoors and outdoors. When I grow plants outside, I rarely have to water them because the rain takes care of that. Only in very dry periods should the hose be pulled out. I guess I don’t see the water usage they are complaining about. To all those who work in the cannabis industry to improve the environment by growing a medicine that many people love and need to live, I want to say thank you! word-image-8214 Ashley Priest is a patient, mother, entrepreneur and activist fighting for the abolition of drug prohibition around the world, for a better future for all. Ashley is passionate about sharing knowledge about the divine plant that is cannabis. She believes that one seed can make all the difference and that together, through education, we can end the stigma that prevents cannabis from reaching its full potential worldwide.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is cannabis environmentally friendly?

Cannabis cultivation is not a particularly environmentally-friendly process. Harvesting the plant, transporting it home, preparing it to be smoked, waste disposal, cleaning, and burning all takes up a huge amount of energy, and the by-products of cannabis cultivation can be quite detrimental to the environment. The modern cannabis cultivation industry is a massive global industry, and the cultivation practices employed by these operations come with a surprising cost to the environment. This review examines the top seven most environmentally-damaging cultivation practices and describes how to improve the sustainability of the cannabis industry.

What are negative environmental impacts of hemp?

Cannabis cultivation has been shown to have a very negative impact on the environment. This is primarily due to the use of toxic chemicals. The effects of these chemicals in combination with the continued use of water and power makes cannabis cultivation a very expensive process. What are negative environmental impacts of hemp? In this blog post, we will talk about the negative environmental impacts of hemp cultivation. Hemp cultivation is a huge environmental burden. It requires a lot of water to grow and produces lots of waste. It is also a very labor intensive crop to grow and harvest.

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