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The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Profitable Online Yoga Course

From Grandma to Yoda, yoga has never been so popular. In fact, according to a recent infographic by Supertracker, more than one in five Americans do yoga. And with the global yoga industry expected to reach $25.4 billion in 2016, it’s no wonder many are eager to get in on the action. But, if this is your first foray into the world of online yoga lessons, you may have some questions: how do I calculate my course ROI? How do I convert my yoga classes into a profitable business? What are the best tips for testing the market? What are the best ways to promote my online classes? In this post, we’ll answer these questions and provide the steps you can take to create your online yoga classes.

The business of yoga is growing rapidly. According to Yoga Journal, a leading source of information on the practice, more people are now practicing yoga than ever before. And more people are becoming aware of the benefits of yoga. While the practice has roots in ancient techniques, Yoga is also known for offering a holistic approach to well-being. It is said to ease stress, improve flexibility, improve overall health and mental focus. It is practiced by all age groups including children, babies, teens, adults and seniors. The growth of the yoga industry has led to the creation of many online yoga courses. These online yoga courses are usually put together by yoga teachers and yoga studios, with the hope that they will become popular and profitable. But how do

Yoga has swept the world over the last few years, from being a religion to a practice to a way to find inner peace in our busy lives. But how do you get a beginner to start their own yoga practice? Or how do you help him or her increase their level? In this post, we have compiled some of the best yoga poses that can help a person get started, and also help them to increase their practice time.. Read more about best equipment for teaching yoga online and let us know what you think. If you’re a yogi looking to expand your business and increase your influence, you’ve probably thought about creating classes. While there are many resources for creating online courses, you need something specific about how to create a course for yoga teachers. Then you’ve come to the right place!

At Yoga Nomads, we help yoga teachers of all levels and niches develop their yoga business for greater financial freedom and geographical independence. Whether your dream is to travel the world, work from home with your kids, or just reduce your personal workload, an online yoga class can free you up while continuing to do what you love. Finally, 2020 has taught us that we should always have an online backup plan.

Why start a yoga class?

Place Independence

Imagine being able to cultivate your passion for yoga while living in Bali, traveling in Europe, or living in a Van Life in North America. This reality is now more affordable and financially viable than ever. Creating a unique and valuable online yoga class means you can teach from anywhere in the world without having to go to the studio multiple times a day.

While you’re focusing on creating a profitable online yoga course, it’s equally important to ensure your business is legally established. If LegalZoom doesn’t fit your needs or budget, exploring legalzoom alternatives will provide different options for setting up your business structure, freeing you to focus on providing a top-quality, serenity-inducing yoga experience.

Attract more customers

The power of the Internet lies in its growing potential for impact. If you really want to help people achieve their yogic goals (flexibility, weight loss, strength, spirituality, stress reduction, etc.), an online course will extend your potential influence far beyond your hometown or even your country.

From a professional point of view, this expansion of the customer base is also very advantageous. A face-to-face course can only take a certain number of people, whereas with an online course the number is virtually unlimited. If, like me, you love the energy of real-life encounters, you can turn this network of clients into seasonal or annual yoga retreats in different parts of the world.

Time maximisation

With an online course, you can take fewer classes and have more time to develop your spiritual and yoga practice and other hobbies. Since you do not need to be physically present in the studio, your learning time is maximized and stored in a video format. It can also give you more freedom to develop your practice. You can make new contacts and explore different teaching styles during face-to-face classes while building your online community.

Passive income

There’s nothing like waking up and realizing you made money while you were sleeping. This is one of the basic requirements for passive income. You can strive for financial freedom by creating scalable content that will provide you with passive income. In other words: You create it once, but it will pay off for you for years to come. You don’t have to change watches into dollars. We all know that time is more valuable than money. Online courses have freed countless people from the 9 to 5 grind, allowing them to spend their time doing something they enjoy.

Build up your ranking

Open the (digital) doors to your yoga business with an online course. When you look at yogis like Megan Curry, Tara Stiles or Adrienne Mishler (Yoga with Adrienne), their millions of followers can seem both intimidating and enticing.

The reality is that everyone started somewhere. Even if you don’t aspire to become a major yoga authority, you can build a strong following if you are consistent and stay true to yourself. Developing your own course offers your audience added value and an even stronger connection with you as a teacher.

How to create your own online yoga class

  1. Specify the theme and time slot of your course
  2. Find a unique selling proposition
  3. Structure and plan of your training program
  4. Record your lessons
  5. Choose your platform
  6. Marketing for your course

Specify your course subject and time frame

How to assess your skills and choose a topic

Take a piece of paper and write down 5-10 words that best describe your style of teaching yoga. What do you do best? In what area do you have the most experience? These are your key marketing terms. When designing a course, it is important to stick to what you know. You can always develop additional skills and broaden your specialization in the future, but it is best to start with the core subject.

Assess your existing customers and think about the kind of people your courses attract. Are they mostly beginners? Are you an advanced fitness enthusiast? Are they spiritual seekers who connect with your teachings on a soul level? This data will help you find your main topic and your target audience.

This will help you to imagine some of your personal learners as archetypes of the type of audience you want to attract to your online course. How old are they? Paul? Interests? Yoga level? How do you talk to them? What results are they looking for?

Identify your niche for yoga

You may have heard that wealth is in the niches. In order to stand out and establish yourself as an expert, it is best to define a niche. This is not a bad intention, just a way to reach your target audience with your expertise.

For example, instead of yoga for beginners, you can focus on yoga for people with back pain. This niche still reaches a very wide audience (think of how many people suffer from back pain!), but also addresses the main problem these people face. Your online course offers a clear solution.

On the other hand, a meditative yoga teacher can fill a slot on the topic of stress reduction. Her marketing and course program focuses on releasing tension in body and mind. You can tout better concentration or increased productivity as possible outcomes of your yoga classes, as you help people relieve stress in their daily lives.

Download our 100 yoga niche ideas for more inspiration.

Finding a unique selling proposition

A unique business proposition (UBP) is what sets your online yoga classes apart from all others. It’s time to shine! Think of your UTP as the special benefits your clients receive when they come to your yoga class instead of someone else’s. What keeps them coming back to you?

Examples of FTEs for online yoga classes

A unique selling proposition can be related to price, quality, theme, results, bonuses or delivery method. Take your niche and add a unique focus that makes it useful to the customer. Here are some examples…

  • Affordability : Access to 12 weeks of yoga classes for only $10 per week ($120 at one time).
  • Quality: I have over 10 years experience teaching yoga to children, both individually and in groups.
  • Subject: This prenatal yoga class is specifically designed for new mothers who suffer from back pain.
  • Results: During this 5-week yoga and meditation course, you will become more confident and in touch with yourself.
  • Bonus: Sign up now and receive a free downloadable meditation journal to keep track of your progress.

How do you know your TSR

As you can see, UTP is really a marketing tactic to attract your target customers. But don’t use empty words! Make sure you keep your promises too. To determine your ideal ATP, take your chosen niche(s) and ask yourself the following question:

  • What do students most often praise after your classes?
  • What unique experience or knowledge do you have that other yoga teachers do not?
  • How can you design your courses to keep your target audience coming back?
  • How do you interact with your students?
  • What brought you to yoga in the first place?
  • What results have your students achieved after your courses?

How to structure and organise your study programme

Now that you’ve identified your niche and your PBC, it’s time to get creative. Most online courses include 6 to 12 classes in their curriculum. Each lesson should last between 20 and 45 minutes depending on the topic, process and objective.

Writing target

Think of the objective as the Pole Star that guides the creation of your course. Just like setting an intention at the beginning of each yoga class, this goal sets the intention for your entire class.

What will students get out of this experience? Write a short one or two sentence objective that can be placed on your sales page that quickly explains the benefits of the course. For example, the focus of my beginner yoga class for back pain: We will strengthen the core and develop flexibility in the spine with beginner yoga flows that help reduce back pain.

Making a plan

Start by creating a course outline document that you can use as a guide for the video and share with students. It explains what they will learn in each lesson and how it relates to the overall goal of the course (remember, people want results!).

The structure of your class can be focused on specific body parts, specific mental goals or inspirational themes. For example, Yoga with Adriene offers a 30-day yoga journey called HOME, and each day has a specific theme, such as. B. Recognize, intend, awaken, activate, etc.

Each topic outlined in your lesson plan is covered in a separate video. So make sure the topic is broad enough to create 20-45 minutes of content, but also narrow enough to not overwhelm you. Unlike face-to-face classes, online classes often focus on instructional videos that help students correct their form, understand breathing techniques, etc. You can delve into topics that will give you maximum benefit, such as. B. explain how to support your spine when you turn or how to prevent back pain.

Writing a scenario guide

Even if you don’t have to write every word, it’s helpful to create a manual for your training videos. An easy way to start is to record yourself with a tape recorder during one of your personal yoga classes. You can also sit down with a friend to ask you specific questions about the course, and you can record how you answer them.

The most important thing is to keep it natural and start a conversation. You don’t want your course to sound harsh or too rhyming, but you do need to stay focused and avoid inconsistencies. You may feel silly or awkward at first, but don’t worry! After a few shots, it becomes easier for you to relax and feel comfortable in front of the camera. Imagine teaching a class of enthusiastic students.

How to register your yoga class online

You don’t have to be a professional videographer to create an online yoga class. However, it helps to have high quality video, sound and lighting. If you have a digital SLR camera, use it to make a course. Fortunately, smartphones today can record videos in HD and even 4K quality. You don’t have to spend a fortune on equipment either; here are some affordable and easy-to-use gadgets to make your DIY yoga recording studio.


High quality sound is one of the most important elements of your yoga classes. Nobody wants to hear unpleasant background noise and it doesn’t take much effort to understand what you are saying. A compact microphone like the Rode VideoMicro can be easily mounted on a camera tripod and connected to a recording device.

You can also choose the Lavelier microphone, which attaches to your shirt and provides high-quality sound as you move and teach.

It is also useful to include an accompanying voice for asanas and demonstration videos. The best option for dubbing is a USB podcasting microphone, which allows you to add audio after you record the clip.


Whether you are shooting with a smartphone or a camera, you should use 4K or 1080p HD (high definition) at 30 fps (frames per second) if possible. Place your phone on an adjustable tripod, for example the UBeesize aluminum tripod, or use the Ubeesize 67 camera tripod with Bluetooth remote control. With the remote control you can easily start and stop the video from the mat. For an optimal viewing experience, videos should only be shot horizontally and landscape (no social media type videos).


As with a personal yoga class, lighting plays an important role in creating the mood and atmosphere of the class. Try to keep the exposure the same during the modules by taking pictures in the same room each time. Diffused light is always best, but you don’t want to put windows behind you so you look like a shadow. You also don’t need too much synthetic lighting that darkens you and makes the video too bright. To find the right balance, you can use adjustable ring lights or dimmable LED lights attached to a tripod or camera.

Scene setting

When designing decorations for a yoga class, it’s important to keep your audience in mind. Build the scene with their specific needs and interests in mind. Spiritual people will appreciate an abundance of tapestries, Zen paintings or Buddhist decorations, while fitness-conscious people will probably feel more at ease in a clean gym. Some yoga teachers rent a studio to teach their classes because it’s more professional and better lit than your home.

Make sure you center yourself and your mat within the frame of the stage. Any accessories or equipment (blocks, straps, weights, etc.) can be placed on the side in an orderly fashion. Avoid too many distractions in the background so students can focus on your material.

Publishing and music

With apps like iMovie and Splice, editing your own videos has never been easier. A more advanced editing program is Adobe Premiere. If you’re intimidated by video editing, you can easily outsource this work to freelancers on sites like Fiverr or Upwork.

As you edit, you’ll find that awkward silences or white noise don’t go well with yoga instructions. It’s best to add quiet, soft background music that matches your theme and creates a sense of relaxation and fun. Find royalty-free music on Epidemic Sound or in YouTube’s audio library.


Trust me, you do NOT want to put all that time and effort into your yoga class only to have the files disappear into thin air. Technological problems can arise, and you need to be prepared for them. An external hard drive is required to store video footage for security and backup purposes.

Best platforms for selling yoga classes

The course platform is the basic framework for transferring your course from your computer to your participants via the Internet. This is essentially the foundation of your success as an online yoga teacher (and we all know the saying A house is built on a solid foundation). Choose your platform wisely, as it can be quite difficult to change. Also be aware of additional fees and commissions that can reduce your income. Here are the most popular platforms based on price and features….

Budgetary option: Patreon

Patreon is a community platform created to give fans direct access to creators and artists of all kinds for a monthly fee. The tiered system allows you to create special rewards and incentives for different levels (for example, $5 level, $10 level and $25 level).

This is a less structured way of creating a course and can be more difficult for students to understand. Still, it’s a great way to build a paid audience without a huge initial investment. They may offer exclusive videos, behind-the-scenes tutorials, live Q&A, downloadable asana PDFs, Mp3 meditation recordings or physical products.

Available option: Teachable or Podiums

Teachable starts at $39 per month and includes a super-intuitive course creator, access to an existing pool of students (people who have already purchased other Teachable courses), and beautifully designed sales pages.

The platform is consistent and responsive on both desktop and smartphone/tablet. Moreover, it can be integrated into almost anything. For more engagement, create quizzes and discussion forums for your students. Teachable also handles payments (and more) for you, making it a unique and convenient platform for aspiring online yoga teachers.

Podia is a customizable platform with many options for any type of course you want to create (walk-in courses, course packages, etc.). You can easily upload images, audio files, PDFs, Mp3s, quizzes and more to enhance your students’ work.

Over 50,000 creators use Podia as a platform to host courses and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Everything is flexible, customizable, optimized and – most importantly – easy for even the least tech-savvy designer.

Extended version: HeyMarvelous (Namastream) or Thinkific

HeyMarvelous (formerly Namastream) specializes in online yoga classes. This means the platform is smaller, but it is also more directly relevant to yoga teachers and yogis. They range from individual coaching, to team feedback, to the creation of a virtual yoga studio.

The cost is quite high, at $125 per month, but they don’t charge any fees or transaction commissions on your earnings. They also offer the Namastream film school to help you create excellent video modules of your yoga classes.

Thinkific is a super popular course platform for yoga teachers and other creatives. The functionality is similar to Teachable, but with more flexibility and customizability. For example, you can easily customize the colors and fonts of your course to match your brand. You can also develop sales pages, create communities to support students and track their progress. Uploading and publishing content is very simple and straightforward. Costs start at $49 per month.

How to promote your online yoga course

So you’ve created an epic, beautiful yoga class aimed at your niche audience and filled with added value! What’s next? You must market your creation!

Create your mailing list

Email is the currency of modern course marketing because it gives you a closer and more direct communication channel with your customer. Make sure you get emails from your full-time students in each class! This could be a useful marketing tool in the future. When delving into modern course marketing strategies, tapping into consumer mailing lists online is like anchoring your outreach efforts to a sturdy base. Email serves as the prime currency for communication in today’s digital landscape, offering a direct line to your audience. It’s crucial to collect email addresses from your full-time students in every class; this not only fosters closer connections but also lays the groundwork for a valuable marketing resource down the line.

Ideally, a yoga class funnel starts with a social media post that ultimately convinces the customer to move on to the lead magnet. This is usually a free gift, such as. For example, a video or an e-book that asks you to enter your email address to receive it.

Once you have their emails on your list, you can provide valuable information, ideas, tips and inspiration in weekly newsletters that build trust and interest in your online course. ConvertKit is by far the best platform for creating email lists because of its endless features, easy input and output, subscriber tagging, funnel design and much more.

Contents Contents Contents

Offering free content can seem counterintuitive when trying to make money with an online course. In fact, it’s just the opposite! Valuable content is what attracts customers in the first place. Just like you want a free taste of a new ice cream flavor before you buy a whole cone, think of free content on social media as a free taste or preview of your yoga class. The more free content you offer, the more loyal your audience will be. Teach them what you know yourself to build confidence in your course, create a bond with you as a teacher, and encourage them to enroll and learn more!

Free ideas for content:

  • Instagram videos of 30 seconds (e.g. a timelapse of a stream or simple asanas showing how to do them).
  • TikTok videos explaining short topics (e.g. neurobiology, how yoga reduces stress).
  • downloadable materials (e.g. a free printable meditation journal for the week)
  • Sequences on YouTube
  • Live Q&A on Facebook

Price of your course

Some yoga classes start at $5 or $10 for a single class. If you plan to take a full course (12-14 lessons/classes), a $20-40 monthly subscription may be the best option. Some online yoga classes offer unlimited flow for more than $50 a month, while others can cost anywhere from $100 to $500 or even $1,000 for lifetime access to a very in-depth class.

Don’t fall into the trap of undervaluing yourself, as low price can be associated with low value for the customer. Think about what the same content would cost in real life, and how much convenience and value you add to a customer’s life by offering it online.

Estimated revenue from the sale of the online yoga course

Can you really make a living as an online yoga teacher? If you are strategic and decisive, the answer is clearly yes!

Income from online yoga classes ranges from $100 to $4,000 per month or more. When you create a digital product, the earning potential is almost limitless as long as you keep building your audience.

Your success and profitability depend on your marketing tactics and the VALUE you offer your community. Do your best and show off your yoga skills to the audience. We look forward to your course. Namaste!Yoga is an amazing way to relax and find inner peace. It has been practiced for thousands of years and is a great way to relieve stress and boost your metabolism. In the last few years, yoga has become increasingly popular and now millions of people worldwide are practicing it. It’s no wonder why! Truthfully, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all yoga class, and the best way to build a yoga studio is to offer a wide variety of classes. In fact, you can even be profitable by offering online yoga classes because the internet offers the potential to reach millions of people around the globe with yoga course information.. Read more about yoga software for teachers and let us know what you think.{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I create an online yoga class?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” You can create an online yoga class by following these steps: 1. Create a free account on and sign in. 2. Click the “Create Class” button at the top of the screen to start creating your class. 3. Choose your location, time, and duration for your class from the drop-down menus on the left side of the screen and click “Save.” 4. You will be taken to a page where you can add your class description, choose a teacher, and upload your own photos. 5. Click “Create Class” to save your class. 6. You will be taken to a page where you can share your class with friends and family or post it on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. 7. You are now ready to start teaching! How do I create a private online yoga class? You can create a private online yoga class by following these steps: 1. Create a free account on and sign in. 2. Click the “Create Class” button at the top of the screen to start creating your class. 3. Choose your location, time, and duration for your class from the drop-down menus on the left side of the screen and click “Save.” 4. You will be taken to a page where you can add your class description, choose a teacher, and upload your own photos. 5. Click “Create Class” to save your class. 6. You will be taken to a page where you can share your class with friends and family or post it on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. 7. You are now ready to start teaching! How do I create a private online yoga class for my studio? You can create a private online yoga class for your studio by following these steps: 1. Create a free account on and sign in. 2. Click the “Create Class” button at the top of the screen to start creating your class. 3. Choose your location, time, and duration for your class from the drop-down menus on the left side of the screen and click “Save.” 4. You will be taken to a page where you can add your class description, choose a teacher, and upload your own photos. 5. Click “Create Class” to save your class. 6. You will be taken to a page where you can share your class with friends and family or post it on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. 7. You are now ready to start teaching! How do I create a private online yoga class for my studio? You can create a private online yoga class for your studio by following these steps: 1. Create a free account on and sign in. 2. Click the “Create Class” button at the top of the screen to start creating your class. 3. Choose your location, time, and duration for your class from the drop-down menus on the left side of the screen and”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How can I become a successful yoga instructor online?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” There are many ways to become a successful yoga instructor online. One way is to start your own website and offer classes for free. Another way is to offer private lessons or group classes on sites like Groupon, Living Social, or Amazon Local.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How can I make money doing yoga classes online?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” There are many ways to make money doing yoga classes online. You can teach yoga classes, run a website that offers yoga classes, or sell your own products related to yoga.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create an online yoga class?

You can create an online yoga class by following these steps: 1. Create a free account on and sign in. 2. Click the “Create Class” button at the top of the screen to start creating your class. 3. Choose your location, time, and duration for your class from the drop-down menus on the left side of the screen and click “Save.” 4. You will be taken to a page where you can add your class description, choose a teacher, and upload your own photos. 5. Click “Create Class” to save your class. 6. You will be taken to a page where you can share your class with friends and family or post it on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. 7. You are now ready to start teaching! How do I create a private online yoga class? You can create a private online yoga class by following these steps: 1. Create a free account on and sign in. 2. Click the “Create Class” button at the top of the screen to start creating your class. 3. Choose your location, time, and duration for your class from the drop-down menus on the left side of the screen and click “Save.” 4. You will be taken to a page where you can add your class description, choose a teacher, and upload your own photos. 5. Click “Create Class” to save your class. 6. You will be taken to a page where you can share your class with friends and family or post it on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. 7. You are now ready to start teaching! How do I create a private online yoga class for my studio? You can create a private online yoga class for your studio by following these steps: 1. Create a free account on and sign in. 2. Click the “Create Class” button at the top of the screen to start creating your class. 3. Choose your location, time, and duration for your class from the drop-down menus on the left side of the screen and click “Save.” 4. You will be taken to a page where you can add your class description, choose a teacher, and upload your own photos. 5. Click “Create Class” to save your class. 6. You will be taken to a page where you can share your class with friends and family or post it on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. 7. You are now ready to start teaching! How do I create a private online yoga class for my studio? You can create a private online yoga class for your studio by following these steps: 1. Create a free account on and sign in. 2. Click the “Create Class” button at the top of the screen to start creating your class. 3. Choose your location, time, and duration for your class from the drop-down menus on the left side of the screen and

How can I become a successful yoga instructor online?

There are many ways to become a successful yoga instructor online. One way is to start your own website and offer classes for free. Another way is to offer private lessons or group classes on sites like Groupon, Living Social, or Amazon Local.

How can I make money doing yoga classes online?

There are many ways to make money doing yoga classes online. You can teach yoga classes, run a website that offers yoga classes, or sell your own products related to yoga.

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