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The Most Effective Workout That Actually Changed My Body

My first experiences with fitness were based on the belief that if I gave up all the junk food I loved, then I would become healthier. I would then eat whole grains instead, or drink green tea to offset all the sugar I would no longer be eating. I figured that by giving up sweets I would become healthier, and by eating more fruits and vegetables I would become fitter. Nothing could have been further from the truth.

I’m sure many of you have heard about the countless physical and mental benefits of exercise, but what happens when you try to find a workout that is actually effective? It seems that every workout can promise you that, but what is truly effective? I have found that doing intervals of cardio and weight training is the most beneficial, not only for your body, but for your mind.

I used to be an out of shape couch potato who literally never exercised more than a walk to the bathroom. Since then, I’ve dedicated myself to working out hard for a year every single day before each workout, and I’ve seen dramatic results. I’ve lost 17 pounds, gone from a size 26 to a size 10, and gained the toned, athletic body that I’ve always dreamed of.. Read more about body transformation female and let us know what you think.

I’m going to share with you the MOST EFFECTIVE workout I’ve done to really transform my body!

Do you feel like you are stuck in a plateau in your training program? Or maybe you’re ready to change your body, but don’t know what workout program is right for you. And let me tell you, I completely understand. I was in the same situation as you when I started my health journey. But I want to share with you the most effective workout that really changed my body! I hope this article inspires you and helps you on your personal fitness journey, whatever stage you are in. From my progress photos to my exact training plan to some insider tips, I’m going to tell you EVERYTHING I did (no secrets, sis!) to get where I am today. I’ll also give you a FREE workout at the end, so stay tuned until then. So let’s get to work.


Everyone seems to be busy with work these days. With the workload of a full-time job, a social life and maintaining personal relationships, it can sometimes feel like there is no time for a healthy lifestyle. So what would motivate us to adopt a healthy lifestyle and exercise more? For some people, it’s a simple change in daily life. But for me, it wasn’t a matter of WHAT could motivate me. It was a question of WHO. Before I tell you about the person who inspired me to change my body, let me tell you how I trained before I discovered this person. I used to go to the gym regularly (about 5-6 times a week), lift weights and do occasional cardio sessions. But let me tell you, my friend, I was really bored and hit a plateau in my fitness. So I did a little research on the internet and found Sarah Day, a fitness and health Youtuber. She was the first to introduce me to the most effective workout that helped me change my body: HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). These super-intensive HIIT workouts were very different from the normal strength training I did, and they looked, dare I say, HUGE. So I started following his training videos. After about a month, I began to feel more comfortable with this style of workout and started writing my own HIIT workouts! In just three months, my body has changed dramatically. Below you can see some pictures of the progress of the work!

  • This was me before….


  • And that was in 3 months of HIIT training!


Shh… Stay tuned for another photo of progress a year after these HIIT workouts. The difference between the two pictures still amazes me. But the most effective workout that can change your body in such a short time is HIIT! I also want to make it clear that my goal of getting back in shape was never to lose weight. I just wanted to lose weight and feel better about myself. This means that I went from 130 kg (first picture) to 118 kg (second picture) and I am very proud of that! Let’s see what my training program looked like!


So here’s the best part! Now that you know what workouts I used to transform my body, let’s talk about exactly how I train. First of all, let me say that HIIT workouts are extremely intense and require a lot of energy in such a short time, which is why I think it is the most effective workout. But because it’s an insane strain on the body, you shouldn’t do them every day. So I do HIIT three times a week with a weight training session. My training plan looked like this for 3 months: Sunday: Free time Monday: HIIT Tuesday: Free time Wednesday: HIIT Thursday: Free time Friday: HIIT Saturday: Weightlifting Now weightlifting classes often alternated between Saturday and Sunday, but I still tried to work out at least once a week! Another important factor in doing HIIT training is taking enough rest days. I think without this, HIIT can’t be as effective as it should be. If you want to learn more about HIIT, you can check out this article on 10 simple HIIT tips. In the beginning (I’d say for the first month or so), each HIIT workout was about 20-30 minutes. I was sweating the whole way to seventh grade (I know, gross, but it’s necessary) and I couldn’t go on because those workouts were so intense. But if you’re looking for a way to build muscle (and I mean a lot of muscle), I would just try to incorporate 1 HIIT workout and more lifts per week! Now that you know my workout plan, let’s start with the exercises I did!


Now that we know my workout routine, let’s talk about workout routines! Most of my HIIT workouts were a combination of bodyweight and exercises with weights. But some days I focused ONLY on strength training and turned it into a cardio workout, other days I focused on incorporating strength exercises like medicine balls! Before you ask: YES, pure bodyweight workouts hurt like hell the next day (never underestimate these types of workouts)! During this time I also stopped holding special ab days and instead added ab exercises to my HIIT workouts! I think it helped me a lot to vary my exercises, because I get bored of the abdominal exercises. As you can see, the structure of my workouts was very fluid, but most of them worked on the whole body. This was very different from my previous split workouts, where I worked on specific muscle groups on different days. Now you’re probably wondering if I built muscle by doing HIIT and only using one day to lift? And the answer to that question is YES!!! 100% yes! HIIT is not only a fat-burning exercise, but also a great way to build muscle mass! The trick is to do weight-bearing exercises. To build lean muscle, you need to add weight-bearing exercises. So the moment we’ve all been waiting for has arrived. Here is a picture of me after doing HIIT classes for 1 year!

  • Do you remember me from the beginning?


  • Well, that was me 1 year later!


IT’S CRAZY, ISN’T IT?! Let me tell you how I managed to achieve this goal, even after a 3 month period!



After three months I was very happy with my body, but I knew I couldn’t give up. After three months, summer was over and school started. The beginning of the school year is always stressful, and I had just started my first year (which is a very difficult year for most students). That year I combined my full-time studies with the toughest classes of my life, worked 20 hours a week, did another 4-8 hour internship a week, and was on the board of nursing. So how the hell was I supposed to do 3-4 workouts a week without feeling physically and mentally exhausted? The answer to that question, my friends, is F45.


The F45 is a 45 minute HIIT and circuit functional workout designed to increase your strength and endurance! You can see what the F45 is here! My school had just added a new class in the campus gym (where I was working at the time, so it was much easier for me to get there) and encouraged all students to try the sport. And I did! And let me tell you how much my life has changed since I took these courses. This training helped me not only change my body, but also maintain it, as I had already started my journey 3 months before my school offered this training. The F45 is actually the kind of training I did in the summer, but now someone has walked me through it. The only thing I had to worry about was getting into class! The best of both worlds, right? This school year I am taking 3 F45 classes every week, 1 weight lifting class, 2 cardio kickboxing classes and 2 tennis classes. Now that I say it out loud, I feel like I’m completely crazy. But here’s the thing: I’M DELIGHTED. I loved the feeling of accomplishment after each workout, even if it was tough and tiring at times. This is the kind of motivation that helps me stay fit and change my body! I’m not going to lie to you, there were weeks when it was really hard. Exams and final exam weeks, busy fraternity weekends, hectic family reunions – it was all on my plate then. But I kept going, and I want you to know you can too.


By sharing this with you, I want to inspire you to achieve your health and fitness goals. If telling you about my fitness journey helps and guides you in yours, that’s more than I can ask for in this post! But I want to go a little further with you and give you a FREE HI workout! Yes, I’m going to share with you the most effective workout that really changed my body! Give it a try, and hopefully you’ll get that sense of accomplishment I mentioned earlier that made me want to keep going! It will be INTENSIVE. So grab a towel and headphones and put on your workout playlist because we are going to #shred! The beauty of this workout is that you can do it at home without fitness equipment!


Round 1: 60 seconds on, 20 seconds off Round 2: 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off Round 3: 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off. Round 4: 20 seconds on, 5 seconds off Round 5: 20 seconds on, 5 seconds off

  1. Burpee with 4 shoulder touches
  2. Varied slots
  3. Plank (this is an exercise for the abdominal muscles)
  4. Burpee with 4 squats
  5. Sitting with a thumb
  6. 180 jump squats
  7. Skiing with hop
  8. Russian twists (oh, look, another abdominal exercise).
  9. Star jump in the squat
  10. 2 pull-up jumps during 10 uphill runs





I’ve always been an athlete, but I never saw myself being an Olympic Gold Medalist. Yet, one day I woke up and I had a new strength in my muscles and a new body. And I wasn’t just being a cliché. I wasn’t just being one of those people who say “I did that, and I lost 10 pounds!” or “I did that, and my body changed!”. I used to be a skinny little kid, now I’m strong and I have muscles. I didn’t change my diet, I didn’t change my workout, I didn’t change anything. I did what I did, and I did it well. I did what I did, and my body changed. When I did what I did,. Read more about how to change your body shape from apple to hourglass and let us know what you think.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can you reshape your body with exercise?

I work out daily. I do cardio, weight training, and even yoga on a regular basis. However, I have a hard time staying motivated and sticking to my workout routine. I find myself wanting to slack off on working out. It’s always easier to sit on the couch and watch my favorite TV show. I feel like I’m not getting the results I want, and I’m not satisfied with my body either. More women than ever are hitting the gym to get in shape, but it’s not always easy to get in the exercise groove. Not only are so many different workouts out there, many of the fitness and weight loss gurus out there are either hyping a lot of nonsense or simply haven’t proven their claims.

What is the best exercise to change body shape?

If you want to change the shape of your body, you need to change your whole life. The bigger picture includes diet, exercise, sleep, life-style and more. It’s all about how your body responds to everything that is happening around you. It’s easy to focus on losing weight, but some people get frustrated after a few weeks of dieting. No exercise plan is going to lose you fat forever. When you’re looking to get in shape, it’s important to drop the pounds and build muscle, but you shouldn’t overlook cardio. Even though it’s not something you’ll see in the latest workout video, cardio is an effective way to shed body fat and build lean muscle.

Can you tone up in 2 weeks?

You may think that only physical exercise can tone your body. But you’re wrong. There are countless ways to tone up your body, and all of them are as effective as physical exercise. Here are some ways to tone up your body, without having to work out. I’ve been trying to tone up for over a year now (and failed miserably), and recently read a book called The Paleo Solution . After reading the book, I thought to myself, “This will work for me!” and so, I began incorporating the 5-day, 2-week plan into my lifestyle. After two weeks, I noticed a huge difference in the way I looked and felt. I guess you could say I have been trying to tone up in 2 weeks…

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