It’s no surprise that seniors see changes in their bodies as they get older. With their bones losing density and muscular strength fading, seniors need to pay even more attention to their health. Families worry as well. Whether their loved ones are in a retirement home or doing independent senior living, family members know to be watchful of their senior relatives’ health.
It is important to keep an eye on the health of older adults. The effects of aging can be quite significant. Dementia, heart disease, and other illnesses are more likely as we get older. What can lower the risks of these? One of the primary factors is social interaction. And grandparents love nothing more than to play, chat, and do fun activities with their grandchildren. Here are some ways in which shared activities can improve health for seniors.

Arts and Crafts Can Strengthen The Mind
We all know how creative children can be. Arts and crafts are one particular way that kids emphasize their inner creativity. Grandparents especially enjoy seeing what drawings, paintings, or other craftwork their grandchildren have made. Artistic creativity always leads to new and enjoyable experiences for the creator and the viewer.
When children get their grandparents involved with artistic projects, it opens up a healthy, creative outlet for seniors. A study from the American Art Therapy Association found that art, music, and other creative expressions can improve memory. These can also strengthen neural connections, which could help prevent dementia. Since dementia can impair memory loss and judgment, keeping our neural pathways strong is critical.
No matter what you decide to create, having an arts and crafts session between grandparents and grandchildren can be an entertaining pastime. In addition, they can be a healthy, neurological stimulation that enriches seniors’ mental wellness.

Outdoor Walks Can Boost Heart Health
Children have more energy than seniors, but both grandparents and grandchildren can still enjoy a walk outdoors together. A stroll around the neighborhood, or even a short hike, can have multiple physical benefits for older adults.
Getting your heart rate up with a daily, low-impact exercise such as walking can lower your blood pressure and cholesterol. This addition can improve heart health by helping reduce the risk of coronary artery disease. The boost in heart health that exercise gives is an advantage for all seniors. And as an added tip: daily walks can reduce the pain with chronic conditions such as arthritis so it’s a good idea to wear proper shoes, Seniors can reduce pain from plantar fasciitis with orthotics, and keep walking much longer.
Grandchildren can give seniors extra motivation by going along with them on these walks. However, don’t pick a walking route or trail that is too difficult or strenuous. You’ll also want to make sure that both grandparents and grandchildren take the appropriate safety precautions beforehand. This means:
● Applying sunscreen
● Ensuring sure you have proper shoes and clothing
● Bringing a first-aid kit, just in case
● Taking a water bottle with you
● Making sure your cell phone is charged
Make sure that you take the right safety measures before starting your outdoor walk or hike. Once you do, you can have a fun and healthy walk with your grandkids.

Why do grandparents want grandchildren
It’s not a surprise that kids these days love gaming. From consoles to PCs, children love the entertainment that video games bring them. However, numerous games are available whose structure makes it easier for grandparents and grandchildren to experience them together. These are usually games that leave out factors like combat and concentrate more on creation and communication.
“Stardew Valley,” is a fun little farming simulation game and can be picked up for $14.99 on multiple platforms. Here, you can mine for valuables, grow crops and interact with the townsfolk. With this game, grandparents and grandchildren can decide how to build their farm, either playing together or through online multiplayer.
Another suggestion is the Nintendo Switch game “Animal Crossing: New Horizons”. The game puts players on their own island. Afterward, they get to build their own home, interact with animal villagers, dig for fossils, and participate in other fun activities.
If another player has their own Switch, they can visit their friend’s island through online multiplayer. Grandparents can have a great deal of fun playing this game. Even a story last year went viral about a grandmother named Audrey, who played over 3,000 hours of Animal Crossing!
Since teenagers use the internet to communicate more these days, online gaming with their grandkids can improve grandparents’ communication with their grandchildren. An AARP study regarding generational connections revealed that 30 percent of grandparents, and 29 percent of young adults, found that connecting online helped them better understand the other.
Gaming can be both a fun activity for grandparents and grandchildren and significantly improve their communication with each other.
Grandparents love their grandchildren. And in return, families are both caring and mindful of their senior relatives. To improve their health, grandparents can participate in shared activities with their grandchildren and increase their social interaction. They may even have some fun in the process.

About the Author
Jennifer Bell is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beachgoer operating out of Southern New Jersey