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Earth Day 2021: More important than ever

The new decade has already been one of extreme change. The ongoing pandemic has completely changed our social structure, with the aftermath still to be felt. But we started the decade with an environmental disaster down under, with bushfires ravaging the Southern Australian Continent. A heavy reminder of how fragile our planet really is. An incredible 72,000 square miles of burnt land, almost 6000 buildings destroyed, and tragically, 34 people lost their lives. As the dust settled and the smoke dissipated, the damage to flora and fauna was all too clear. Around 3 billion native animals were killed or displaced, many of them endangered. It brutally highlighted the heavy toll the fires and the ensuing environmental disaster had taken.

This is only one story and one issue of our changing planet. The time to act swiftly is now, and it’s up to all of us to do what we can look after our home we call earth; whether it’s tackling industrial pollution, effective recycling schemes, waste disposal, healthy farming practices, we need to promote a sustainable world. In a few weeks, the 51st anniversary of Earth Day will be upon us. So let’s look at what it’s all about and the small ways we can help by supporting those that strive for a better planet and the protection of our precious wildlife and surroundings.

What is Earth Day?

The first Earth Day began as a protest on April 22nd, 1970. Disasters such as the Santa Barbara oil spill of 1969 proceeded the event, leading to increased public awareness on environmental issues. A groundswell of support grew, spearheaded by US Senator Gaylord Nelson, culminating in millions of Americans taking to the streets to air their grievances over the lack of action taken on the conservation of our planet. 

Since that date, Earth day has been an annual event that has increased in support dramatically over the years. More than 1 billion people across the planet, in more than 190 countries, are involved in a variety of events lead by

Ways to get involved: Bears for Cares

One of the best ways to help is to support organizations, charities, and small businesses that support a sustainable future. A perfect example is Bears for Cares. Launched on an equally important day, “Endangered species day,” two sisters Jazmin and Lotus Kay, gave away stuffed animals and children’s books to help educate our youth on the state of the environment and the ever-growing list of endangered species. Today they have an extensive series of children’s books available that come complete with soft toys, perfect for 4 to 9-year-olds. The books not only help educate on how we can save our animals but give a little back as well. With part of the proceeds going to the Jane Goodall Institute and Roots and Shoots program.

Their latest book, “Jenny the Chimpanzee”, winner of the “Mom’s Choice Gold Award” is available now, just in time for this year’s upcoming Earth Day and, of course, for Endangered Species day on May 21st. We highly recommend visiting their website to find out more and how to purchase. Supporting small or large business with an environmentally conscious outlook is a perfect way to help those that are looking out for everyone.

Earth Day 2021

One of the important themes for this year is recognizing that even with the deadly pandemic that has turned the planet upside, we can’t just go back to the ways things always were. We need to continue to take steps to protect the planet and make a future for our children and grandchildren in the coming years. The events will actually begin on April 20th and continue till the 22nd, Earth day itself. So check out the website to see what you can do to be a part of these important events. The theme for this year is Restore Our Earthâ„¢.

So whether it is something small or something big, there are many ways to help out. Such as 

Reuse and recycle: Try to avoid using single-use plastics, refill a water bottle, recycle everything you can. Stop using plastic bags; bring a reusable one along to the store.

Use non Toxic Chemicals: Don’t send them into our water system.

Be a volunteer: If there is a cleanup, go and help out.

Drive less: When you can, walk or ride a bike.

More Trees: Plant a tree; the more we have, the cleaner our air is and helps fight climate change

Less water: Wherever you can, conserve water, meaning less waste goes into our oceans.

the door to hell google earth

These are only a small selection of things to help make a difference. Support Earth Day the is April 22nd, and if we all help out a little, we can make a planet a sustainable one.