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The Most Intense and Fun Partner Workouts To Burn Fat

It’s no secret that a healthy body is sexy. But what is the best way to keep your body looking sexy and fit? One of the simplest but most effective ways to get fit is to work out with a friend. As a matter of fact, the benefits of working out with a partner are numerous. Working out with a friend offers more motivation, more accountability, and a higher level of intensity.

In this post, we are going to share with you our most intense and fun partner workouts to burn fat. these partner exercises are great because they are intense and you can keep the intensity going but involve only your partner.

If you are looking to burn fat, it is important to focus on your workouts. Additionally, you should also focus on what you eat. However, if you are looking for the most intense and fun partner workouts to burn fat, try these!

Are you ready for an incredibly intense fat burning affiliate workout at home?

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a fitness bowl? Maybe you’ve been doing the same workout for a while, but you’re not seeing results and you’re not motivated to keep going. You feel… stuck. Well, my friend, I’m here to change that for you with these partner workouts! In fact, there is no better way to train than with a friend who holds you accountable. So grab a friend, sister, brother, boyfriend, girlfriend or whomever to go work out with and get your heart pumping!


How to practice with a partner

You don’t need any equipment for these pairing workouts (with the possible exception of a yoga mat), but you can do each exercise with dumbbells, a medicine ball, or a resistance band if you’re in the mood for more of a challenge! But that’s not necessary! (Psst… if you need a workout where you only use dumbbells, you can check out this workout plan). All workouts will consist of bodyweight and cardio (sorry about that, haha). So you can do these exercises in pairs, at home, outside, at the gym or anywhere else! The structure of the workout will be similar to a HIIT workout, but with some changes! There are a total of 3 sets of 4 exercises each that target the whole body, upper body and lower body. You only do each round once! You and your partner must perform a total of 60 reps on each exercise to move on to the next exercise. Only one person may work at a time. This way, you and your partner will never work at the same time. This means you can split the number of reps for each exercise between you and your partner however you like! Let me explain with an example! For the first exercise, partner A may do 10 reps, and after he is done, partner B may do 10 reps. Partners A and B then continue to alternate 10 reps to reach a total of 60 reps for each of you. So, basically, partner A does 30 reps and partner B does 30 reps to reach those 60 reps. Here are some different combinations of how you can split the workout between you and your partner:

  • (Partner A: 10 reps + Partner B: 10 reps) x 3 = 60 reps total
  • (Partner A: 15 reps + Partner B: 15 reps) x2 = 60 reps total
  • Partner A: 30 reps + partner B: 30 reps = 60 reps total

There are many possible combinations, these are just a few examples. Do what’s best for you and your partner! The difference between HIIT and torque training is that you don’t have time technique. The amount of rest between exercises depends entirely on how quickly your partner can perform the exercise. This could mean they finish in 10 or even 30 seconds. No two holidays are the same. So you need to keep working on speed during this workout, even though I said you don’t technically need time. You should try to complete the exercise as quickly as possible. This will prevent your partner from taking too long a break after completing the reps. This training takes about 30-45 minutes. But again, it depends on how much time you and your partner spend exercising! So, now you know how to do this training. Let’s do the exercises!



Partner training round

So we’ve reached the first round! Remember, you and your partner do each exercise for a total of 60 reps, which you share together! So look at the training exercises and then decide how you want to program them!

Exercise 1: Worm with plunger

You begin this exercise by standing on the edge of your yoga mat. Bring your hips back and start spreading your arms to form a horizontal bar. Your feet will not move during this exercise! When you are in the high bar position, make sure your head and spine are in alignment. Do not lower your hips or neck. Once you are in the high plank position, do a push-up. If necessary, you can also do a modified push-up, kneeling instead of standing on your toes. Both versions are excellent! Keep your core tight during the exercise so you can control your movements while developing a decent amount of speed.

Exercise 2: Squat with 180 degree jumps

Prepare to be burned at high speed! You do your normal squats with jumps, but with each jump you do a 180 degree rotation. This means that if you look forward, your next squat will have you looking at the back wall with a bounce. Each jump squat counts as 1 repetition! This pairs training is ideal for beginners! It takes regular training to the next level without making it too hard to get your heart rate up!

Exercise 3: Sitting position and hip flexion

Hip movements at the bar are exactly what it’s all about. This exercise works the oblique muscles (the very lateral abdominal muscles)! Start with the normal position of the bar. The elbows should rest on the ground, the body is stretched on the toes. Keep your back flat and in line with your neck. Perform the exercise by rotating one hip to the side, staying just above the ground. Your hips should NOT touch the ground completely! Then rotate your hips to the other side to do the same! Each hip movement counts as 1 repetition! This means that the left side counts for one repetition and the right side counts for another repetition. If that sounds too easy, you can also count the two sides together as one repetition! So one repetition counts for the execution of both the left and right side.

Exercise 4: Side jumps

I’m sure you’ve heard of the long jump. This is a great workout for the lower body and core muscles! This exercise is an improved version of the Stepping Lunges. Start with a deep slit with a correct shape. Keep your front knee at a 90-degree angle and your back knee close to the ground. Then swap the front and back leg by jumping in the air. Make sure you use your abs to control the movement so the landing is smooth! Each jump counts as one repetition. But just like the previous exercise, if it seems too easy, you can count the left and right sides for 1 repetition!


Round 2 Training with partner

Let’s go to the second round! The structure of the course is the same as the previous round, but with different exercises. Watch the exercises and decide how you want to share this trick with your partner!

Exercise 1: Superman pumps

So for this exercise, do push-ups, but lower your chest to the ground. Once your chest is on the ground, lift your arms and legs to do the Superman! This is an excellent weighted exercise for the lower back. Return to the stretch position and keep the upper body tight. You should make sure that your body remains flat and horizontal while lifting. Don’t lead with your shoulders so as not to pull your hips up. This is a great training exercise to test speed and upper body strength!

Exercise 2: Interlude Dancers

Ah, breakdancer. This is probably one of my favorite workouts so far! Start with the so-called 4-point position. Place both hands and knees on the floor and pull the knees up slightly. The palms should rest on the ground and the wrists should be straight under the shoulders at a 90-degree angle. Your knees are also directly under your hips, and you step on your toes. A COMMON MISTAKE: Many people start with a plank position. However, this will make the exercise itself more difficult and you will be eccentric. So don’t start in the plank position! Lift off the floor and reach for the ceiling with one hand while pushing the other right leg to the side. Your hips should barely be off the ground. Then bring the arm and leg back to the starting position and repeat the process on the other side. Make sure you tighten your muscles to turn to the side! Each side of the breakdancer counts as 1 repetition!

Exercise 3: Jumping squat with heartbeat

So let’s get to the heartbeat staples! Perform the usual jump squat (as in the previous round), but this time keep looking forward and give the floor some momentum. You can now add any number of pulses for this partner workout! It’s up to you and your partner to decide if it’s one or five pulses. But keep it real, because you and your partner still have to do 60 reps! Each jumped squat plus any number of pulses constitutes a repetition.

Exercise 4: Above Bottom

Two words for you, my friend: up and down. They are pretty simple, but they are a serious strain on your shoulders! You start with a stretching stance. Then lower one forearm to the ground and return to the high plank position. It is very important to use your abdominal muscles during this exercise to prevent hip sway!



Round 3 Training with partner

You have come to the final round, my friend. Dun-dun-dun-dun. I think this one will be the most fun. …. Oh, who am I kidding, they’re all funny! But seriously, let’s move on to the exercises you can do to get started!

Exercise 1: Burpee

IT’S TIME FOR THE BURPEE! For this exercise, I suggest doing a cardio burpee. The idea is to lower your entire chest to the ground during the push-up phase of the exercise. To perform a burpee, first stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Do a jump, then lower your hands to the yoga mat. Push your feet away from you to get into a high plank position, then lower your chest to the ground. Once you’ve done that, push off from your chest with your feet and jump up to do it again!

Exercise 2: Crab finger keys

To do the crab feet, squat with your hands behind your back and your feet in front of you. Raise your hips so that you are in a table position. Contract your torso and raise your right arm while lifting your left leg. Your palms and toes should meet in the middle of your body. Lower the arm and leg simultaneously to return to the starting position. Do it again from the other side! Each page counts as 1 repetition!

Exercise 3: V-ups

This exercise will kill your abs. If you don’t know how to do it yet, don’t worry! This course is more difficult, so I have an adjustment for you. To begin the V-up, lie on your back and fully extend your legs and arms. Contract your abdominal muscles to lift your legs and arms toward the center of your body. Then roll down and bring your arms and legs back to the starting position. Only use the lifting press! It may be tempting to pull yourself up with your arms or some kind of swing, but it won’t help you reach your workout goal. If you can’t do this exercise yet, just do a squat or a full pull-up! Both are a great workout for your abs!

Exercise 4: Pull-up jump

You have arrived at the last exercise of the training. This should be celebrated! This exercise is similar to a burpee, but with minor modifications. As with the burpee, start with a shoulder-width stance. Squat to build momentum, then jump up and bring your knees as close to your chest as possible. This will be your jump rope. The most important thing is to engage your heart so you can land smoothly! Bend your knees slightly upon landing to avoid blocking them. When you land, place your hands on the yoga mat and push back with your feet. Stay in this stretching position for about 2-3 seconds and tighten your abs! Then push off with your knees from your chest and jump into a pull-up jump to start again! 1 repetition is a pull-up jump and a high bar!

Final thoughts on exercising with a partner

You’ve come to the end of one of the most intense but fun partner workouts ever. Congratulations! I hope you and your partner sweated well. These few workouts were inspired by Steve Cook’s YouTube video, so check out his video! If you want more workouts, you can click on any of the links below! These workouts include a variety of weight-bearing exercises, dumbbell-only workouts, HIIT, and various tests. I can’t wait for you to try it!

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The following workout program will help you burn fat, improve overall health and fitness, and have fun while doing it!. Read more about best hiit workout to burn belly fat and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most intense workout to lose weight?

There is no one best workout to burn fat, there are several intense and fun workouts that you can do, but there is one you should do. That workout is the Zombie Mash! This text is sensitive. Try generating new copy.

What is a good finisher workout?

The best triathlete’s goal is to finish their race right. After a long day of training, they soak in a hot tub, enjoy a great meal, and sleep well. Those who go home with a half-empty tank of gas will have a bad time the following day, and will likely be underprepared for their next training session. But the same can be said for the best workout finisher. It’s not just about finishing the workout, it’s about enjoying the experience as well. A good finisher workout is one that you complete when you’re about to get off the treadmill. It’s not one designed to be done during a running workout. It’s one that is intended to simulate the final few sprints that you’d normally do before finishing a workout.

How can I workout more intense at home?

Workouts can be a drag, no matter the environment. You go to the gym, you stink out your gym bag, you end up putting off what you really wanted to do because you can’t wait for the end of your current session. If you’re like most people, you just don’t have the time to work out at the gym. You like working out, but the thought of an hour-long workout seems too exhausting. You’re also probably not all that impressed with the gym’s equipment, and you’re probably not a fan of the frequent interruptions for equipment repairs and the general rules that seem to govern the place. If so, then you need a place where you can work out at the intensity you enjoy, and without fear of getting injured.

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