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Elevations RTC: Why recreation provides therapy teens need.


If your teenager is struggling, you might be wondering whether getting out and doing things can help or whether recreation therapy is just a buzzword that people like throwing around. Many teens seem to be struggling with issues that are too big for them to work effectively. 

Elevations RTC offers a whole range of recreational activities. They are aimed at helping teens work through their issues and come out the other side with life skills and the self-confidence to deal with the obstacles they face. Their programs, along with their Residential Treatment Centers and Family Therapy offerings, have helped teens everywhere.

What Is Elevations RTC?

Elevations is a company that provides struggling teens (ages 13-18) with outlets for their stress and frustration. The company offers many different kinds of recreational activities and treatment programs. All of which are geared at teaching your practical teen skills, helping them feel empowered and more confident in their ability to problem-solve.

The RTC works with families and with teenagers in group classes. This provides experiential learning to get teenagers out of the classroom and give them a fresh approach to education.

What Does Elevations RTC Offer In Terms Of Recreation?

This company provides an extensive range of recreational activities to help students out. Your teenager might do:

● Rock climbing

● Biking

● Snowboarding

● Kayaking

● Gym workouts

● Weight lifting

● Dodgeball

● Capture the flag

● Soccer

● Other group activities

It doesn’t matter whether or not your child is a pro at sport – they can still join in, and they will learn a lot from experience. Even if your child has never been interested in any physical activities before, they may benefit enormously from doing so now, getting out of their comfort zone and discovering untapped skills within themselves.

How Do Recreational Activities Help?

It may be challenging to understand the connection between the above activities and your child’s mental health. However, there are many benefits, which we will explore below.

Physical Activity Provides A Mental Boost

Many studies show a correlation between physical exercise and mental well-being. With more children getting stuck behind screens and spending less time outside, this is important to consider.

Exercise leads to the release of endorphins that can make a teenager feel better physically, even if they are still struggling with mental issues. Improving physical fitness can also improve their confidence and may help to combat body issues.

It Is Something Different

It is also important to note that sometimes, just doing something different is of value to a teenager who feels trapped and uninspired by life. Through this treatment program Elevation offers, they might unlock a hidden passion, make new friends, or enjoy a breather in which life changes and takes on a new shape.

In some ways, teenagers who have never been engaged in physical activities before may get even more from the program. It is tailored to ensure that it is suitable for anyone, regardless of their abilities.

Additionally, because Elevations RTC provides such a different environment, your teenager has more space to think and feel without the pressures contributing to their issues. They can start to look at and address the things they need to deal with away from everyday life.

It Provides An Achievable Challenge

Perhaps even more importantly, however, these activities will allow your teen to test themselves in a very different way from how school challenges them. The activities are fun, often involve a group, and do not have as much pressure as school presents, but they still get a sense of achievement when they do well.

A teenager struggling at school is often experiencing significant stress associated with all the big challenges in their life. Being presented with a different kind of challenge, where it does not matter if they “fail,” can help restore their confidence and make them more willing to try.

It Improves Their Problem-Solving Skills

Recreational activities all require focus and problem-solving, although different activities will require different levels. Even something like snowboarding or kayaking means your teenager has to pause, study the challenge, and think about how to overcome it. Have a look at best snowboard gloves.

The group activities may prove particularly valuable for problem-solving. When your teenagers practice working in a team, they will build their social skills and feel pleased with their ability to contribute to something bigger than themselves.

Games like capture the flag and soccer can be a great way to bring teenagers together and make them feel proud of their contributions.

A Better Understanding Of Themselves

Exercise is an opportunity to get more in touch with your body and learn about your limits and resilience. The recreational activities offered by Elevations RTC’s treatment programs all do this for your teenager, helping them realize what they love, what they find challenging, and what they are good at.

All of these are valuable lessons that will help your child build up their confidence and sense of who they are. Recreation is a fantastic way to learn about yourself.


The recreational activities at the RTC will help your child start processing their issues and focus on what they need to do to move forward. Unlike doing therapy at home, they will have the space to explore and experiment without the pressures they handle every day blocking them in and preventing them from learning.