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Why You Should Visit Estonia

For those of us that paid attention to world history, the Baltic country of Estonia probably didn’t appear much in the curriculum. Maybe a little when learning about the Cold War, but overall, it’s sadly a country that is often overlooked in American schools. Good news for you, you can learn more about this amazing destination right here!

Internet Everywhere

Yes, I mean it. Internet service is available literally everywhere: major cities, secluded forests, beaches, bogs, I could go on. Any adventure you’d like to take, rest assured, you’ll have served the entire way.

Not to mention, Estonia is an incredibly internet-friendly country. Nearly every part of human life can be done online: voting, applying for government aid, opening a new company, just not marriage, divorce, or a transfer of property. Pretty neat!

Beautiful and Interesting Sites

While Estonia is fairly flat, the natural and diverse beauty is unquestionable. With over 2,200 islands, woody forests, beaches, and meadows, nearly all forms of nature can be experienced. Estonia also has six national parks, zoos, specialized hikes, horseback riding, bird watching, and a really neat field of craters to check out!

World Famous Spas

Dating back to the 1700s, the island of Saaremaa is known for its variety of luxury spas. Nearly any treatment can be scheduled, from mud baths to weed wraps, and it’s available! You can choose the type of spa or resort you’d like to visit. Want to get impeccable treatment but also still spend time hiking and enjoying nature? Saaremaa has it! Need to specifically spend time at a medical spa while recovering from your bunionectomy? Saaremaa has it! Whether it’s a day spa or long-term spa hotel, there is no shortage of options in Estonia!

Cool Traditions and Festivals

Estonia has rich cultural traditions and really awesome sporting events! Obvious holidays like Christmas (fun fact, the Christmas tree actually came from Estonia), New Year’s Eve, and Independence Day are celebrated each year with blatant enthusiasm. However, we can’t forget about Jaanipäev, a Midsummer Day, and Vastlapäev, Cream Bun Day; need I say more? If you’re still not convinced about booking your trip, consider some of the extreme sports of Estonia: Wife-carrying, kiiking, the annual sauna race, and last but not least, winter swimming.

Long story short, Estonia is a beautiful country, both physically and culturally. Many Estonians speak at least three languages, public transit is readily available, the internet is everywhere, and hopefully, that’s enough to earn consideration for your next vacation!