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How do I change dimension precision in SolidWorks? |

SolidWorks is a CAD software tool that uses 3D models to plan, visualize and simulate objects. It supports multiple dimensions for each part in order to provide optimal accuracy. This article will focus on how you can change the precision of your dimensions when building a model or drawing an assembly document.

The “how to change dimension precision in solidworks” is a question that has been asked before. The answer is, you can change the dimension precision by using the “Change Precision” tool.

How do I change dimension precision in SolidWorks? |

To adjust the accuracy of measurements and tolerances, do the following:

  1. Select a tolerance type and the accompanying tolerance values in the Dimension PropertyManager’s Tolerance/Precision section.
  2. Set the number of decimal places for the dimension value in Unit Precision.

People also wonder how to modify accuracy in SolidWorks.

Modify the units of measurement used by the Measure tool in the Measure Units/Precision dialog box. To change the units of measurement, do the following: In the Measure dialog box, choose Units/Precision, then choose from the settings below, then click OK. Toggle between using the units and material characteristics set in Document Properties and using the defaults.

Beside above, how do you set tolerance in SolidWorks? To open the Dimension Tolerance dialog box: Click Tolerance in Tools > Options > Document Properties > Dimensions. In TolAnalyst, when a dimension is a callout with more than one value, you can select a value and edit it.

So, in SolidWorks, how do you alter dual dimensions?

To see dual measure dimensions, type:

  1. Click Measure (Tools toolbar) or Tools > Measure .
  2. Click Units/Precision in the Measure dialog box.
  3. Select Use custom settings and the first length unit in the Measure Units/Precision dialog box.
  4. Select the second unit of measurement by clicking Use Dual Units.
  5. Click .

In SolidWorks, how do you modify the size of a part?

To modify a dimension, use the following commands:

  1. Select a dimension by double-clicking it. The dialog box Modify appears.
  2. The arrows, thumbwheel, mouse wheel, or typing in the dimension box may all be used to change the dimension value.
  3. Add Equation is one of the options. (The Modify dialog box appears if a dimension is controlled by an equation.)
  4. Use the following buttons:

Answers to Related Questions

In Solidworks 2018, how do you measure?

To get the distance between two places, use the following formula: Select two points on the model by clicking Point-to-Point. In the graphics area, callouts emerge, and new measurements show in the Measure dialog box. Click Measurement History to see all measurements taken during the current SOLIDWORKS session.

What is dual dimensioning, and how does it work?

Dual dimensioning is a drawing technique that involves employing different units of measure in the same dimension of a feature. Dual dimensioning is supported by SolidWorks and many other CAD systems.