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How do you alphabetize two last names with no hyphen? |

There are many ways to alphabetize two last names so long as they don’t have a hyphen in between. You can use the first letter of one name, and the last letter of another, or you could start with and end with that person’s surname respectively.

Alphabetizing a hyphenated last name is not always easy, but there are some steps that can help you.

If there isn’t a hyphen, alphabetize by last name. Because the origin of the middle name is seldom known for certain, it is considered as a middle name (rather than a surname) by default.

As a result, may I have two last names that do not include a hyphen?

Hyphenated last names are legal, but remember that once you choose to hyphenate, you must stay with it since any official papers and circumstances needing precise identification (such as airport customs, job applications, security background checks, and so on) will require both names and the hyphen.

How do you place a last name in alphabetical order, for example? a. Compare the initial unit letter by letter to alphabetize names. If the initial letters are the same, file in the second letter’s category, and so on. Individuals’ names are organized in the following order: last name, first name or initial, middle name or initial.

How do you alphabetize using hyphens in this case?

RULE 3. – Hyphenated names are considered one unit. Ignore the hyphen and alphabetize considering the first part of the hyphenated name. Ignore ampersands (&) joining two or more proper names. File considering the first name.

What comes first, the last name of the mother or the last name of the father?

The father’s first surname is the child’s first surname, while the mother’s first surname is the child’s second surname.

Answers to Related Questions

What comes first in alphabetical order?

The first letters of two words are compared to determine which comes first in alphabetical order. In alphabetical order, the word with the first letter that occurs earlier in the alphabet comes first. If the initial letters match, the second letters are compared, and so on until the order is determined.

Do you alphabetize by last name, first or second?

How do you alphabetize a person with two last names that aren’t hyphenated, such as Harriet Beecher Stowe? By Beecher or Stowe? Her middle name isn’t Beecher. It’s the name of her mother’s maiden name. A.

In Word, how do you alphabetize by last name?

Sorting by last name is exactly as simple as sorting by first name; you just change the option to:

  1. Choose a list from the options.
  2. Select Sort from the Table menu. On the Home tab of Word 2007, click Sort in the Paragraph group.
  3. Out of the Sort Choose Word2 from the dropdown menu.
  4. Select Text from the Type dropdown menu.
  5. Click the OK button.

What’s the best way to organize a list of names?

Your last name/surname comes first when writing your name in this sequence, and you must use a comma to distinguish it from the others. The first name comes next, followed by the middle name (as illustrated above). Always double-check that your name is spelled properly and in the correct sequence.

Where does MC belong when filing alphabetically?

Makespeare would appear before Mcdonald if certain people took surnames strictly alphabetically. Others, like you, interpret Mc as an abbreviation for Mac, placing Mcdonald ahead of Maddox. This may be found in Wikipedia. It’s most probable because Mc and Mac are treated as though they’re the same person.

Is it necessary to use a hyphen in Sub?

When composing a compound term, when is it important to add a hyphen? Some English writings employ the prefix sub before a legitimate term with a “-” between them, such as sub-zero, but there is no such “-” in mathematical settings, such as subgroup or subfield. For semi, the same narrative could be told.

What’s the best way to start a hyphenated name?

If the first name of an author is hyphenated, keep the hyphen and add a period after each initial. After the period of the first initial and the – before the second initial, do not place a space.

Is it legal for me to have two last names?

Using two last names interchangeably is highly complicated for legal considerations. I suggest that you officially alter your name to either your married surname or a hyphenated surname. You may also legally change your married last name to your maiden last name and relocate your maiden last name to your middle name.

Can I get rid of my hyphenated surname?

Smith-Jones or Jones-Smith is a hyphenated last name. Hyphenating your last name is regarded a legal name change, which means you won’t be able to delete your spouse’s name or the hyphen without a court-ordered name change in the future.

Is it possible for a newborn to have two last names?

Name of the child

Couples who aren’t married usually have two separate last names. When a kid is born, unmarried spouses are not compelled to give their infant a particular surname. The child’s surname may be the mother’s, the father’s, or a hyphenated surname. The couple’s choice of name is subsequently recorded on the newborn’s birth certificate.

What is the prevalence of your surname?

During the most recent census in 2010, the US Census Bureau documented 162,253 last names 100 times or more. You may go through this database to check whether your name appears. According to the Census, around 6.3 million surnames were registered in 2010, with roughly 62% of them being reported just once.

When you have two last names, what do you call it?

There are various sorts of double surnames in the Western surname tradition (or double-barrelled surname). It’s also known as a hyphenated surname when the two names are united by a hyphen. Without the use of a hyphen, these names are blended (but optionally combined using y “and”).

In alphabetical sequence, do numbers or symbols come first?

Rule #1: Numbers go in first.

The numbers come first. Before alphabetic letters, Arabic numbers (0-9) are indexed numerically. Keep in mind, however, that they are not written explicitly.

What is the best way to alphabetize a list?

In a bulleted or numbered list, choose the text. Sort may be found in the Paragraph group on the Home tab. Click Paragraphs and then Text in the Sort Text dialog box, then choose Ascending or Descending under Sort by.

In a hyphenated last name, which name comes first?

When it comes to determining how your hyphenated last name should be written, there are no hard and fast guidelines. You may enter your maiden name first, as is “traditional,” or you can write your new last name first, followed by your maiden last name.

What do indexing rules entail?

Indexing is the process of extracting attribute values from Windchill objects as text strings and delivering them to a search engine, which creates index collections suited for searching. When doing keyword searches, an indexing rule bridges a domain, an object type, and a life cycle state to a set of collections.

What is the best approach to organize your files alphabetically?

If two persons have the same last name, files are usually filed alphabetically by last name and then by first name when dealing with names. If you’re filing folders or documentation including landmarks or structures in different states, you may sort by state first, then by building name.