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What happened to the cat in Anne Frank? |

In the final chapter of her diary, Anne Frank describes how she and her family hid from Nazis in a secret annex during World War II. But one thing is missing: what happened to their cat? Did it escape or was killed by someone else hiding with them? The mystery has been debated for decades.

Anne Frank’s cat, named Moishe, died on August 4th 1944. The cat was found in the attic of the secret annex with a note that said “I am so happy now. I can rest.”

At that time, the Kupers also kidnapped Anne’s cat, Moortje. In March 1945, Anne died of typhus in the Bergen-Belsen detention camp. Her journal was discovered and published by her father Otto, the family’s only survivor, after the war.

You could also wonder whether Anne Frank had a cat.

Anne Frank did, in fact, possess a cat. Tommy, Boche, and Mouschi were the names of her three cats. They were her pals throughout the conflict.

Is it also true that Mouschi died? Only that she died in March 1945 is all we know. In the Bergen-Belsen detention camp, she succumbed to typhus.

Also, who leaked information about Anne Frank?


Miep Gies
Known for Keeping Jews like Anne Frank and her family hidden from the Nazis in the Netherlands.
Spouse(s) Gies, Jan ( m. 1941; died 1993)
Children 1

What is Anne Frank’s cat’s name?


Answers to Related Questions

What motivates the Frank family to flee Germany?

Otto and Edith took the leap in early 1933. Because of their commercial issues and Hitler’s and his supporters’ rising antisemitism, they decide to flee Nazi Germany. Otto worked tirelessly in the Netherlands to establish his firm and start a new life for his family.

In Anne Frank, what is the name of Peter’s cat?

Mouschi the cat encounters a girl called Anne when he travels to a hidden annex with his kid, Peter.

Peter Van Daan, what happened to him?

Peter and the other detainees arrived to the Mauthausen concentration camp after a long trek. Peter became unwell and was sent to the sick bay. On May 5, 1945, American soldiers freed the camp. Peter van Pels died on May 10, 1945, according to a medical staff roster.

What is Anne Frank’s story and why is she so well-known?

The diary of Anne Frank has become renowned all over the globe. The journal gives a vivid and moving portrait of a little Jewish girl growing up in Nazi-occupied Holland. While hiding from the Nazis in an Amsterdam warehouse, Anne kept a journal. She and her family fled into hiding when she was 13 years old.

Where did the Franks receive their food and supplies?

Later, the van Pels family and Miep’s dentist, Fritz Pfeffer, join the Franks in hiding. Miep Gies has been supplying individuals in hiding with a portion of her food rations, news from the outside, and, most importantly, companionship for the last two years.

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Thursday would have been Anne Frank’s 85th birthday. The red-and-white checkered journal was given to her on her 13th birthday, June 12, 1942. She, her parents, sister, and four other people went into hiding in the attic of a home in Amsterdam not long after.

What was Miep’s motivation for saving Anne’s diary?

Anne’s journal entries are kept by Miep.

Miep and Bep collected everything and Miep decided to put the documents in a desk drawer in the hopes of returning them to Anne one day. Miep made one last desperate effort to release the persons who had been detained after the arrest.

What does the term “Gestapo” mean?

The Geheime Staatspolizei (Secret State Police), abbreviated Gestapo, was Nazi Germany’s and German-occupied Europe’s official secret police.

What happened to Anne Frank’s diary?

Miep Gies

Anne Frank hid for how long?

25 months

Karl Silberbauer, what happened to him?

In 1944, while hiding from the Nazis in an Amsterdam attic, Karl Josef Silberbauer hunted out and captured Anne Frank and her family. At 1945, Anne died of typhus in Belsen.

Who tipped off the Franks?

Van Maaren, Willem

What was the name of Otto Frank’s company?

Opekta, also known as Gies & Co., was a European pectin and spice company that existed between 1928 and 1995. It is notable for its Dutch operation being based in the building at Prinsengracht 263 that would later become the Anne Frank House.

What is Anne Frank’s last sentence in her diary?

On Tuesday, August 1, 1944, Anne wrote her last entry. It begins, “Dearest Kitty,” and ends, “Dearest Kitty, My last letter ended with the phrase “a bundle of contradictions,” and this one begins with the phrase “a bundle of contradictions.”

What exactly transpired between Anne and Peter Frank?

In Mauthausen, Peter van Pels (8 November 1926 – 10 May 1945), (Hermann and Auguste’s son, identified in Anne’s journal as Peter van Daan and Alfred van Daan in her initial manuscript) died. Because they were assigned to the same work group, Otto Frank had safeguarded him throughout their time in jail together.

What exactly did Miep Gies accomplish?

Miep Gies was born on February 15, 1909, in Vienna to Austrian parents, but she was transported to the Netherlands for care due to sickness and poverty, where she connected with her foster family. She saved Anne Frank’s journals and eventually gave them to Otto Frank, the family’s lone survivor.

Why did Anne Frank flee to the Netherlands?

Anne is forced to seek refuge in the Secret Annex.

Margot’s parents were skeptical when she was summoned to a so-called “labor camp” in Nazi Germany on July 5, 1942. They didn’t think the call-up was for work, so they decided to go into hiding the following day to avoid being persecuted.