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What is RA No 9255? |

RA No. 9255 is the Philippine Government’s Family Code, a comprehensive law that defines and protects in family relationships. While some say it promotes archaic values and discriminates against same-sex couples, others see it as a way to help Filipinos live with greater freedom of choice under its progressive principles.

RA 9255 is a law that was passed on October 18, 2017. It states that the “effectivity of ra 9255” will be reviewed every five years.

NO. 9255 REPUBLIC ACT (An Act Allowing Illegitimate Children to Use the Surname of their Father, Amending for the Purpose Article 176 of Executive Order 209 Otherwise known as the Family Code of the Philippines). Each illegitimate kid’s legitime should be equal to one-half of that of a legitimate child.

Is RA 9255 thus retroactive?

According to R.A. No. 9255, the laws apply to ALL ILLEGAL CHILDREN BORN BEFORE OR AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF R.A. No. 9255. As a result, the legislation will have a RETROACTIVE EFFECT on illegitimate children born before to 2004.

In the Philippines, what are the rights of an illegitimate child? A recognized illegitimate child, in addition to the right to support, has the right to use his father’s surname (Section 1, RA 9255), as well as the right to inherit from him via succession (Article 887, Civil Code of the Philippines).

Is it possible for an illegitimate kid to take his father’s surname?

8.1 An illegitimate kid who is not recognized by the father is usually given the mother’s surname. 8.3 If the mother or, in the absence of the mother, the guardian, executes the AUSF, an illegitimate child aged 0-6 years old recognized by the father must use the father’s surname.

In the Philippines, how can I alter my child’s surname without his father’s permission?

“No individual may alter his name or surname without court approval,” according to Article 376 of the Civil Code. As a result, in order to alter your son’s surname, you will need to submit a petition in court.

Answers to Related Questions

Is it possible for a newborn to get the father’s surname if the parents are not married in the Philippines?

Write the father’s last name for a kid born to a legally married couple; The following regulations apply to a child born to a woman who was not married throughout the pregnancy or at the time of birth: If neither parent recognizes the kid, write the mother’s last name (I.M. p.

In the Philippines, how much does it cost to change your surname?

A filing fee of P3,000.00 would be required for altering one’s name. The same criteria and procedures apply to incorrectly spelt names on birth certificates. The filing fee for rectifying typographical errors or misspelled names, on the other hand, will be merely P1,000.00.

What is an illegitimate child’s middle name in the Philippines?

While our laws are mute on the subject of illegitimate children’s middle names, our Filipino custom or practice is to append the child’s mother’s surname as the child’s middle name (In the Matter of the Adoption of Stephanie Nathy Astorga Garcia, 454 SCRA 541).

How can I get a paternity affidavit?

Within 72 hours after the child’s birth, an affidavit must be completed in the hospital. You may receive a paternity affidavit from your local health department after that time has passed. If the parents have signed a paternity declaration, who has custody of a kid born outside of marriage?

If the father refuses to sign the birth certificate, what happens?

If the father is not present at the hospital when the baby is born, the mother will not be able to list him as the father on the birth certificate in his absence; instead, the father and mother will have to sign a voluntary declaration of paternity and have the father’s name added to the birth certificate at a later date.

How much is an illegitimate child’s share?

Illegitimate children often get half of what a legitimate kid receives. However, before the portion of the illegitimate children may be provided, Article 895 of the Civil Code states that “the legitime of the surviving spouse must first be completely fulfilled.”

Where can I get AUSF?

If the kid was born in the Philippines, the AUSF, together with the other paperwork, must be submitted with the Local Civil Registry Office (LCRO) where the child was born. The AUSF must be submitted at the Local Civil Registry Office (LCRO) in Manila if the kid was born outside the Philippines.

In the Philippines, how can I alter my surname?

In the Philippines, you’ll need a court order from your municipality’s or city’s Regional Trial Court to alter your surname. You submit a petition with the relevant documentation indicating why you wish to alter your surname.

What happens if the father’s name isn’t shown on the birth certificate?

The kid has no legal father if the father’s name is absent on the birth certificate and there is no order of filiation (paternity). Without proving paternity, no support petition may be filed, and no custody or visitation proceedings can commence.

Is it necessary for the father to sign the birth certificate in order for his last name to appear on it?

It is not necessary for the boyfriend to be present for the birth certificate to be recognized. However, since you are single, he must sign an acknowledgement of paternity to be listed as the child’s father on the birth certificate.

What constitutes an illegitimate child?

A kid born “out of wedlock” to parents who are not married to each other is referred to as an illegitimate child. A “bastard” or a “love child” is another term for an illegitimate kid.

What is the difference between a legal and an illegitimate child?

A kid born or conceived during a marriage. A legitimate kid is one who is born or conceived during the marriage (as opposed to an illegitimate child). A kid conceived in wedlock but born after the marital status has been terminated is valid.

Is it possible for an illegitimate kid to inherit in the United Kingdom?

Claim for inheritance on behalf of illegitimate offspring

Even if their father was not married to their mother, a child may bring a claim against their father’s assets under the Inheritance Act. In the United Kingdom, this is the most common route for illegitimate offspring to dispute a will.

Is it okay if I give my newborn his father’s surname?

Parents are free to name their kid anything they like. Children born to married parents usually have the same surname as their father. If the mother is unmarried, the child’s father may only be mentioned on the birth certificate if the father confirms paternity or if a court order is obtained.

What is the cost of changing one’s surname on a birth certificate?

If you want to go back to your old name, you’ll need a divorce decree or marriage and birth certificates from the Department of Births, Deaths, and Marriages. Expect to spend $35 to $65 per certificate if you don’t already have it. A successful legal name change application might cost anything from $110 to $280.

In the Philippines, how much does it cost to alter your child’s last name?


The cost of changing the child’s last name is between Php1000 and Php1500. For the remaining circumstances of altering one’s last name, it varies by court and scenario (applicant is 18 years old or over)

In the Philippines, how much does it cost to alter one’s surname?

A filing fee of P3,000.00 would be required for altering one’s name. The same criteria and procedures apply to incorrectly spelt names on birth certificates. The filing fee for rectifying typographical errors or misspelled names, on the other hand, will be merely P1,000.00.