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What is Senbatsu election? |

Senbatsu is the Japanese word for “seniority”. It refers to a group of members selected by producers or fans and used in popular music, television shows, movies and other media productions. This election system can be seen as an indicator of popularity among members.

Senbatsu election is a method of selecting the top performers in a given field or category. The term originates from the word “senbatsu,” which means “selected ones.”

What is Senbatsu election? |

The Senbatsu Election (?????) (also known as Senbatsu Sousenkyo) is a yearly event in which fans vote for their favorite members of the AKB48, SKE48, NMB48, or HKT48. These top members with the most votes are sorted according to their rating.

So, what exactly is a Senbatsu?

Because “senbatsu” is a Japanese term that means “selection,” the people chosen are referred to as “senbatsu members.” Senbatsu members have “earned” the right to represent the organization in public and are selected in a variety of methods. The election is the most well-known.

The issue then becomes: who is the most popular akb48 member? Members of AKB48 who are the best

  • Tamomi Itano is one of the characters of Itano Tamomi. The all-time most memorable AKB member.
  • Atsuko Maeda is number two. The greatest ace of all time.
  • Yuko Oshima is number three. The akb8 dance queen, the group’s comedian, the mood creator, and the queen of variety performances.
  • 4 Kojima Haruna is a fictional character created by Kojima Haruna. She is a stunning and seductive young lady.
  • Haruka Shimazaki is number five.
  • Sayaka Akimoto is number six.
  • Mayu Watanabe, number seven.
  • Takajo, Aki, and Takajo, Aki, Takajo, Taka

In that case, what is kami7?

The name Kami7 (God 7) refers to AKB48’s seven most popular members. Each year, fans utilize the SingleSenbatsu Sousenkyo rankings to decide who the Kami7 are for that year.

How many women are there in akb48?

AKB48 is a Japanese female idol group that was created in 2005. The organization presently has 102 people, organized into multiple teams: Team A has 23 members, Team K has 23 members, Team B has 23 members, Team 4 has 28 members, Team 8 has 38 members, and Team 9 has 33 members serving simultaneously.

Answers to Related Questions

Who is Japan’s most popular idol?

According to surveys conducted by The Nikkei, Momoiro Clover Z was the most popular female idol group from 2013 to 2017, while male idol group Arashi was the most popular artist overall in Japan, according to Oricon polls of 20,000 people.

What does MNL 48 stand for?

After Indonesia’s JKT48, China’s SNH48, Thailand’s BNK48, and Taiwan’s TPE48, MNL48 (read M.N.L. Forty-eight) is a Philippine idol girl group and the fifth overseas sister group of AKB48. The group is called after Manila, the Philippines’ capital.

What is the meaning of Kenkyuusei?

The members-in-training are referred to as Kenkyuusei (???, Research Students?). SEEDs was the initial name for the members of AKB48Kenkyuusei.

What does 48 in akb48 stand for?

The Japanese idol girl group AKB48 (pronounced A.K.B. Forty-Eight) is called after the Akihabara (Akiba for short) district of Tokyo, where the group’s theater is situated.

Who is the focal point of akb48?

Acchan, or Maeda Atsuko, was unquestionably the most popular member of AKB48 and the focal point for the majority of the AKB48 singles. During her stay with the group, she won the Senbatsu Sousenkyo twice and obtained two center spots as a result.

What exactly is Senbatsu?

AKB48 Group and Nogizaka46 Group utilize the word senbatsu (?? selection?) to refer to the members who are chosen for singles, events, and performances.

What is the meaning of akb48 graduation?

Graduation. Wiki48 is the source of this information. Toggle between navigation and search. Graduation (?? Sotsugyou) is a phrase used to describe the departure of a member of AKB48, Nogizaka46, SNH48, and their respective national and international sister and competitor groups. The name is also used to other idol groups.