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What is the easiest way to beat Mettaton ex? |

Mettaton is a popular character from the indie game Undertale. He’s also very difficult to beat, even for those who have played the entire game. Here are some tips that might help you with your next playthrough!

The “can’t beat mettaton ex” is a question that has been asked many times. One of the easiest ways to beat Mettaton ex is by using the “Mettaton EX – The Ultimate Battle”.

What is the easiest way to beat Mettaton ex? |

In a pacifist run, the only way to avoid Mettaton is to use the Act menu to “fight” him. When Mettaton’s heart becomes accessible, your heart cursor will change to a yellow shooter, and you must fire it. After a certain number of blows, his limbs and legs will come off, allowing you to conclude the fight.

How can you defeat Mettaton Ex without killing him?

To beat Mettaton EX without killing him, you must survive until his arms and legs are blasted off and get a show rating of 10,000 or higher; if his limbs aren’t blown off, a show rating of 12,000 or higher concludes the fight. The ratings fall while the protagonist waits without acting.

What happens if you murder Mettaton, for example? Whether you kill or save Mettaton has a little impact on the result. Undyne if you kill 10 or more creatures. Whether you spare or murder Papyrus, you’ll get a somewhat different consequence.

How can I prevent Mettaton Ex assaults in this regard?

Boss duel with Mettaton EX. You’ll be in your yellow form when the battle starts, but you won’t be able to do any harm to Mettaton. However, your bullets will deflect his strikes, so assume a defensive position for a few rounds until Alphys summons you, then use Turn Around from the Act menu to turn him around and flick the switch on his back.

Mettaton’s ex-gender is unknown.

Mettaton is a masculine character. His pronouns never change, but since his bedroom is pink, some people thought he was a female (case in point: a comment on this answer). There’s no evidence in the game that he’s ever been a female (if anything, ghost-MTT was probably agender, like Napstablook).

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Is Mettaton a gay man?

If you’ve played Undertale, you could have assumed Mettaton was a girl when you first met him, presuming you didn’t know his gender in the first place. We can immediately tell Mettaton is a man based on the text fields. A guy who seems to be “queer” but is really heterosexual.

Is it possible that Napstablook and Mettaton are cousins?

After hearing about a new body design from Alphys, Mettaton effectively deserted Napstablook in order to become a celebrity. Napstablook is usually depressed because of this. Mettaton is really Napstablook’s cousin. He claims that the residence next to Napstablook’s is his cousin’s.

In pacifism, do you kill Asgore?

King Asgore, the Pacifist Boss

There is no way to resolve this conflict in a civilized manner. You’ll have to take on King Asgore. Make sure you’re stocked up on healing goods and wearing your most powerful weapon and gear.

How can you get access to Sans’s room?

Back up behind Sans and Papyrus’ mailboxes and their home. If you travel to the left until you can’t go any farther, you should be able to open the door and enter the chamber by pressing Z/Enter.

In Undertale, what is the most powerful weapon?

On practice, the Worn Dagger is the greatest weapon to fight monsters with in a neutral route, whereas the Empty Gun is arguably the best weapon to combat creatures with in a genocide run up until the final boss.

How are you going to save Vulkin?


  1. Hugging or nurturing this monster will save them. Encouragement, on the other hand, will boost their assault, while embracing them will reduce the protagonist’s defense.
  2. Criticizing them will make them less likely to attack, which is important if there is another monster around.

What’s the best way to make friends with Alphys?

Getting to Know Alphys

Undyne summons the protagonist (at Papyrus’ request) at the CORE’s entrance to ask them to deliver her letter to Alphys. If the protagonist befriended Undyne on the Pacifist-Neutral Route, she would instantly offer the protagonist the letter after befriending her.

What does the term Mettaton refer to?

Mettaton is a SOUL-enabled robot created by Alphys. Mettaton is revealed to have simply functioned as an entertainment robot turned human murdering robot so that Alphys could save the protagonist, feel important, and get closer to them.

How do you keep astigmatism at bay?


  1. To avoid being attacked by this monster, the protagonist must take a turn reading what it wants them to do; it will say “Pick on me” or “Don’t pick on me” before attacking.
  2. When you challenge an Astigmatism while other adversaries are battling, those foes become instantaneously sparable.

What is the best way to defeat Madjick?

The monster may be spared if the following measures are taken:

  1. Stare at each orb once, or twice if you’re lucky.
  2. First, clear your mind, and then speak. Madjick is content with its own company.
  3. Make use of the Stick. Madjick considers the protagonist to be a fellow wizard and may thus be spared.
  4. During a “Chaser Orb” assault, do not move for 12 seconds.

What is Alphys’ age?

Sans seems to be considerably more emotionally and magically mature than the other characters, indicating that he is between the ages of 18 and 28. The sn of Napstablook is ’22’. Because he’s a ghost, he may be from any century, but in the end, it implies he’s at least 88 years old.

In Undertale, what happens if you don’t murder anyone?

In Undertale, there is no need to murder anybody.

The slogan for Undertale is: The RPG game where you don’t have to kill anybody, and they make sure that there is always a method to progress without murdering.

Is it possible for you to assassinate Dr. Alphys?

Alphys does not kill herself and becomes ruler in the unsuccessful genocide attempt. You can’t kill Alphys directly, but you can make her commit suicide by killing Undyne or Mettaton.

What happens if papyrus is destroyed?

Papyrus isn’t dead when you kill him. Papyrus loses faith as you murder more people, and after you kill Sans, he has none left. He doesn’t initiate a combat to murder his sibling as Sans did since he knows his attacks are weak. Then he’ll most likely be watching you slay Asgore and Flowey.

In Hotland, where do creatures spawn?

Go to a location where creatures are likely to spawn. They don’t generally spawn in puzzle areas, so go someplace you’ve had a random encounter before. To return to windowed mode when in fullscreen mode, press F4. Keep an arrow key pressed.

What is the best way to defeat Mettaton Neo?

This tutorial will show you how to dispatch Mettaton Neo!

  1. When the Battle Really Starts! When you join the combat, you must follow these instructions.
  2. Transfer your Soul to the “FIGHT” button. Then hit the “Z” key.
  3. To assault, press Z once more.
  4. You are the winner! Mettaton Neo is going to perish. YOU ARE THE WINNER!
  5. Please accept my apologies, Brooh. Yes, I am aware that this tutorial is terrible.