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What is the meaning of pensive mood? |

Pensive mood is the state of being thoughtful, contemplative or pensive. It’s a feeling you might have if you’re going through an emotional experience that requires thought to understand.

The “pensive meaning in english” is a mood that can be described as feeling deep thought or contemplation. The word pensive comes from the Latin word pensare, which means to think deeply or ponder.

What is the meaning of pensive mood? |

adjective. A pensive attitude is one that is dreamily or longingly pondering. A pensive adagio expresses or reveals introspection, which is generally accompanied by grief.

What is a pensive person, you may wonder?

pensive. See that sad-looking individual gazing out the window, lost in thought? He is solemn and thoughtful, the polar opposite of cheerful and joyous. You probably know that the verb pensar means “to think” if you’ve studied Spanish. If you’re pensive, it’s possible that you’re just thinking about something.

Second, what exactly does the term “pensiveness” imply? A pensive gaze is a way of expressing or displaying profound, often sorrowful pondering. [See (s)pen- in Indo-European origins; Middle English pensif, from Old French, from penser, to think, from Latin pnsre, frequentative of pendere, to weigh.] adv. pen′sively

People may wonder whether pensiveness is an emotion.

pensive. A thoughtful lady. Pensive is defined as feeling sorrowful when deep in contemplation. How one feels after reading a dismal literature is an example of pensiveness.

What do you mean when you say “pensive”?

Examples of pensive Sentences

  1. For a little period, he was contemplative.
  2. She shrugged and seemed pensive.
  3. We were contemplative as we sought to make sense of what was going on.
  4. Before rising, Xander sat in contemplative quiet for another time.

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What is the antonym of contemplative?

pensive. Antonyms: empty, joyful, unreflective, reckless, thoughtless, unmeditative, incogitant, unreflective. contemplative, ruminating, thoughtful, musing, introspective, impressed, melancholy, sober, despondent Synonyms: meditative, ruminating, thoughtful, musing, reflective, impressed, melancholy, sober, sad

What is another word for pensive?

pensive. contemplative, ruminating, thoughtful, musing, introspective, impressed, melancholy, sober, despondent Synonyms: meditative, ruminating, thoughtful, musing, reflective, impressed, melancholy, sober, sad

What does it mean to be in a gloomy mood?

melancholy. Melancholy is a term signifying the gloomiest of moods, and it may be used as a noun or an adjective. You’re gloomy if you’re filled with sadness and caught up in mournful thoughts. From a fairly unpleasant origins, the term began as a noun expressing great melancholy.

What exactly does it mean to be depressed?

melancholy. Melancholy is a term that expresses melancholy or a person who experiences it. Melankholia is a Greek word that signifies sorrow, but it also refers to black bile, a physiological fluid that was thought to produce melancholy in Medieval physiology.

In a sentence, how do you utilize the word melancholy?

Examples of Sentences

  1. He experienced a lot of melancholic flashbacks to his old school days.
  2. Despite being a love narrative, this adds to the film’s gloomy tone.
  3. The rain brought with it a sense of melancholy.
  4. By the river, there was a gloomy atmosphere.
  5. Surprisingly, the sound seemed more sad than threatening.

What exactly is bliss?

Bliss is the state of being completely happy or joyful. Marriage is often connected with this happy feeling: persons who are married and still in love are said to be in “wedded bliss.” Heaven or paradise, as in perpetual happiness, is another prevalent connection.

What is the origin of the word pensive?

contemplative (adj.)

late 14c., from Old French pensif (11c. ), from Latin pensare “weigh, consider,” frequentative of pendere “to hang, make to hang; weigh; pay” (from PIE root *(s)pen- “to pull, stretch, spin”). Pensively is a synonym for pensiveness.

What is the most strong feeling a human being can experience?

Because it absorbs you, affects you, becomes you, and governs you, love is the most powerful feeling. It fills you with joy, hope, and anticipation.

What are the four fundamental emotions?

According to Glasgow University study, all human behavior may be broken down into four fundamental emotions. The findings contradict a widely believed assumption that happy, sorrow, fear, anger, surprise, and disgust are the six primary emotions.

What are the seven different types of human emotions?

Here’s an overview of the seven universal emotions, their appearances, and why we’re biologically built to express them this way:

  • Anger.
  • Fear.
  • Disgust.
  • Happiness.
  • Sadness.
  • Surprise.
  • Contempt.

What are the ten most fundamental emotions?

This collection of terms includes (10)

  • Joy.
  • Excitement.
  • Surprise.
  • Sadness.
  • Anger.
  • Disgust.
  • Contempt.
  • Fear.

What does it mean to have a warm heart?

: to make someone happy by producing pleasant sensations It brings joy to my heart to see them together once again.

In a sentence, how would you utilize the word solitude?

solitude Examples of Sentences

  1. Her best buddy had always been solitude.
  2. The peacefulness of the location inspires one to daydream.
  3. We were more in awe of the hills’ grandeur and seclusion than we had ever been.
  4. They gripped him with extraordinary power today, in the loneliness of the voyage.
  5. Solitude in its purest form.