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What is the opposite of alienation? |

The past century has seen a great deal of social change such as the rise and fall of communism, globalization, feminism. These movements have brought with them its own problems which are manifested in many forms such as alienation from family or society at large. How might we avoid these pitfalls?

The “what is the opposite of alienation quizlet” is a question that asks what the opposite of alienation would be. The answer to this question is “integration”. Integration means to come together, or unite.

Rehabilitation is the antonym of alienation or corruption.

People also wonder what the appropriate term for alienation is.

Synonyms for the word “alienation”

  • disaffection.
  • estrangement.
  • disinterest.
  • separation.
  • breach.
  • coolness.
  • division.
  • divorce.

One can also wonder how to utilize the word alienate in a phrase. 4 Neither faction can afford to be alienated by the government. 5 Disagreements may cause teens to become estranged from their families. 6 His efforts to alienate the two buddies were unsuccessful since they had total confidence in one other. 7 I really hope that nothing will ever cause him to be estranged from his brothers.

Also, what is the opposite of alienate?

Abalienate, transfer, decease, consign, assign, transmit, descend, make over, deliver over are all synonyms for abalienate. irritate (v. a.) Synonyms: alienate, alienate, alienate, alienate, alienate, alienate, alienate, alienate, alienate, alienate, alienate, alienate, alienate, alienate, alienate, alienate, alienate, alienate

What is a synonym for the word “unite”?

have or possess in combination, unite, combine(verb) “She combines charm with sound commercial judgment.” Blend, conflate, join, coalesce, unify, aggregate, connect, merge, combine, mix, commingle, flux, link, compound, meld, fuse, immix Synonyms: blend, conflate, join, coalesce, unify, aggregate, connect, merge, combine, mix, commingle, flux, link, compound, meld, fuse, immix

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What does the term “done dash” mean?

A dine and dash is a kind of theft by deception in which a customer purchases and eats food and drinks from a restaurant or similar facility with the intention of not paying the bill.

What exactly does it mean to “dash” a person?

stifle someone’s hopes Disappoint, disappoint, or disillusion someone. That collapse, for example, ruined her chances of winning a gold medal. This word employs dash to mean “destroy,” a meaning that only exists in this idiom.

What is a synonym for the word coerce?

coerce. Restraint, obstruct, propel, compel, drive, counteract, check, restrict, force, confine, intimidate are all synonyms for restraint.

Are the words alienate and estrange interchangeable or antonymous?

Synonyms. The words “estrange,” “alienate,” and “disaffect” all imply “to drive someone away from a former condition of fondness or devotion.” Estrangement often denotes the absence of love or devotion in favor of indifference or hatred. Alienate is a word that generally refers to a source of hostility or animosity.

What is a culinary synonym?

delicious, savory, comestible, dietary, appetizing, digestible, harmless, nutritious, palatable, piquant, satisfying, scrumptious, tasty, tempting, succulent, good, edible, fit, safe, kosher, delicious, savory, comestible, dietary, appetizing, digestible, harmless, nutritious, palatable, piquant, satisfying, scrumptious, tasty, tempting

What does it mean to a person to be alienated?

alienate is a word that has a lot of different meanings. 1: to induce estrangement: to make unfriendly, hostile, or indifferent, particularly when affection was previously present With his nasty attitude, he alienated the majority of his coworkers. Many of her erstwhile followers have been turned off by her stance on this topic.

What is the definition of alienating behavior?

The conduct of an alienating parent arises from the parent’s unresolved emotional concerns. At the cost of the other parent, the parent utilizes the kid to satisfy his or her dysfunctional emotional demands. Mild, moderate, and severe alienating conduct have been recognized by PAS specialists.

How can people get alienated?

When a person withdraws or gets separated from their surroundings or from other people, they are said to be alienated. People who exhibit alienation symptoms often reject their loved ones and society. They may also exhibit feelings of separation and alienation from others, as well as from their own emotions.

What does it mean to be disenfranchised?

Like a quiet bookworm sitting among a bunch of fervent sports fanatics, an alienated person feels distanced or separated from others. Alienated is derived from the Latin alienus, which meaning “of or belonging to another location” – just like an alien!

What is a synonym for the word “separate”?

SYNONYMS. disengage, uncouple, unyoke, disarticulate, dismantle, disunite, disjoin, disaffiliate, disconnect, tear apart, break apart, detach, disengage, uncouple, unyoke, disarticulate, disassemble, disunite, disjoin, disaffiliate sever, sever, sever, sever, sever, sever, sever, sever untangle, untangle, untangle, untangle, untangle

What do you mean when you say “alienation”?

Alienation is defined as a feeling of being cut off from society. 1: estrangement alienation is the withdrawal or separation of a person or a person’s affections from an item or position of prior connection. S. L. Halleck says that one’s values are formed by the values of one’s society and family.