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You Might Be Overlooking These 6 Signs Of Exhaustion


There are medical reasons why you might be feeling exhausted – allergic rhinitis, fibromyalgia, depression, anemia, and the like. These will need to be addressed by you and your doctor. 

Take heart. There are wonderful positive outcomes to be enjoyed. If you are mentally and emotionally drained from maybe having too much on your plate, top-rated memory pills might be just what you need. 

Yawning your head off by 2.00 p.m. or passing out in front of the television by 7.00 p.m. is an indication that it is time to sit up and take notice – this type of exhaustion could be downright dangerous to you and your health.

‘Exhaustion is overwhelming’

That’s what nutritionist Jennie Gough, says. She was once a sufferer too, but she overcame it, understanding that it’s not just normal tiredness. She describes it as “trying to move through thick mud and think through thick fog. You can’t function because you feel wiped out all the time.”


6 Signs That You Are Exhausted

1. Your lips are dry

If you notice that your lips are dry all the time and you are reaching for your chapstick while experiencing headaches as well, it could be you are dehydrated. The more dehydrated you are, the more fatigued and exhausted you are. Dr Michael J. Breus, an expert in clinical sleep disorders says that anyone who craves needing something to drink all the time, with skin and lips that are parched might well be “dealing with a level of hydration that can lead to sheer exhaustion.” You should drink sufficient water to the point where you see that your urine is clear.

2. Your mind has become all fuzzy

Sleep is essential to the brain. Like a car needs gas, the body needs sleep to stabilize the chemical imbalances and refresh the mood and behaviour. Check out Neuriva reviews for relief! When you disturb the period of sleep known as REM (rapid eye movement), you might notice that you are exhausted and sluggish the next day. Being deprived of sleep, you are inclined to forget important things and to experience irritability.

3. No more energy even for workouts

Exercise requires you to focus mentally. If your brain isn’t up to date because you haven’t been getting sufficient rest, but you continue to carry on like normal, your activities become limited and lethargic. A big sign that you are experiencing exhaustion is if you can’t even get to the gym, let alone do exercises. According to Health Web Magazine, one night of lost sleep can start an unhealthy pattern of excessive eating, more exhaustion, and less exercise.

4. You’re feeling super-stressed but pretending you’re cool

An article on the Health Web Magazine website mentions stress can keep you up at night. One study on over 1000 men and women on stress and how it affected them revealed that those who tried to ignore it or distract themselves were the ones who suffered more from chronic insomnia. The researchers from the study suggested mindfulness techniques ease stress for them to cope better.

5. You’re devouring more junk foods

You have noticed you are forever looking for comfort foods – you feel the need to feed your nervous exhaustion and stress with high carbs and fatty foods. All those junk foods make you feel even more exhausted. Exhaustion often relates to high levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. It is when the blood sugar and insulin levels rise dramatically. So, fuel your body with healthy low-fat foods like whole grains and fruit that stabilize the blood sugar and keep insulin levels normal.

6. You’ve missed a couple of nights of good sleep

Researchers found that after a night of fragmented sleep, people experienced worse moods and weaker attention spans from sheer over-tiredness. It is important to decrease the stimulation of your mind before you go to bed. You can even consider orange light glasses at night to help you sleep better.

Have you noticed that with your exhaustion and stress, you always seem to have a cold, and you often are short of breath at any time, even when you are not even exerting yourself? Check out our Neuriva reviews to know how to deal with mental exhaustion. While taking supplements, eat smaller meals, get plenty of sleep, and control your stress levels. Mindful meditation and yoga can do wonders too.


If you have been exhausted for well over three or four months, you might have chronic fatigue syndrome. Common symptoms you will notice are sleep problems, headaches, muscle or joint pain, you feel nauseous with fast, irregular heartbeats, or heart palpitations. There are more symptoms, and they often get exaggerated with exercise. If you believe you have the symptoms of exhaustion – it’s time to schedule a visit to your GP. A doctor may advise whether it is your lifestyle, depression, stress, post-viral fatigue, and more that is causing your exhaustion.

You may opt for the top-rated memory pills to pull yourself together while adding vitality, focus, and joie de vivre because your life matters!
