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10 Health Tips for Your Kids This Spring

In some parts of the country, the weather is warming up, and that means that spring is on the way. This warming trend also means we’re seeing the end of flu season, though COVID is still an ongoing issue. People spend less time indoors and take advantage of the wonderfully temperate weather before the summer heat sets in. Unfortunately, kids are still germy messes, and spending time outdoors is not proof against illness. Follow these 20 tips to help keep your kids healthy this spring. 

 1. Stay Hydrated

Warm weather means sweaty afternoons spending time in the sun — and that means it’s more important than ever to stay hydrated. Make sure your kids have access to water or other hydrating drinks. Start getting them hydrated before you leave the house. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that a child who weighs 88 pounds should drink 5 ounces of water every 20 minutes while active. Kids up to 132 pounds should drink 9 ounces of water in the same period. 

 2. Wear Sunscreen

We love a sunny afternoon, but it’s essential to protect your skin if you’re going to be out in the sun. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends wearing sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher whenever you’re in the sun — regardless of your skin tone. Put on your sunscreen 30 minutes before you head outdoors, and reapply it every 90-120 minutes for the best effect. If you’re spending time in the water, you may need to reapply every time you towel off. 

 3. Keep an Eye Out For Allergies

We love spring, but some of us show that love from the bottom of a bottle of Benadryl. Seasonal allergies are not fun, and if you live in a part of the country where every outdoor surface turns yellow for a few weeks during the spring, you probably know what we’re talking about. Keep an eye on your kids for signs of seasonal allergies and treat them accordingly. You may wish to speak with their pediatrician before administering any over-the-counter antihistamines or other allergy treatments. 

 4. Deal with Insect Bites

Your kids aren’t the only ones coming out of winter hibernation and enjoying a little fun in the sun once temperatures start to rise. Insects of all shapes and sizes will start coming out of the woodwork. Insect stings are uncomfortable at best and dangerous at worst. If insect sting allergies aren’t a risk, make sure you’re treating these bites and stings as quickly as possible. They get itchy fast, and scratching them open is an easy way to get an infection.

 5. Keep Up Good Handwashing Practices

If living through the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it’s how important good handwashing practices are. That importance doesn’t change just because they’re playing outside instead of indoors. Make sure you’re reinforcing those good handwashing techniques, especially after if they’re spending time on public playground equipment. Let’s face it — kids are tiny germ factories. If they can find a way to get sick, even from playground equipment, they will. 

 6. Get Outside and Play

Most kids aren’t discouraged by cold temperatures, but they’re usually excited to get outside once things warm up. It’s just a lot more fun to explore the world without the extra jackets and gloves that you need to stay warm in the winter. Take advantage of these warmer temperatures and get outside! Play helps teach your kids essential life skills as well as helping them to maintain their physical and mental health.

 7. Maintain Your Sleep Schedule

Spring is great until you lose an hour of sleep and suddenly it’s dark until 8 pm. Getting your kids to go to bed at a reasonable hour flies right out the window at this point. Before it’s time to spring forward, start making minor changes to their sleep schedule, so it isn’t such a dramatic change when the time does change. 

 8. Eat Healthily

Spring is here, which means we’ll start seeing an influx of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Switch up your diet and opt for locally grown produce to supplement your meals. There are plenty of options, depending on where you live. Adding fresh produce to your diet might be just the thing to refresh your immune system after a long winter. 

 9. Practice Water Safety

If it’s warm enough to jump in the pool, it’s essential to practice water safety — especially with younger kids. Don’t ever leave children unattended in or around water. Pools need to be locked up and childproofed when not in use. Make sure your kids know how to swim, but keep an eye on them anyway. There’s no replacement for good supervision when it comes to water safety. 

 10. Learn to Identify Poison Ivy/Oak/Sumac

We love wandering in the woods, but there are a few things that you should always be on the lookout for. Make sure you know how to identify poison ivy, oak and sumac so you can avoid contact with them. The rashes that these plants can cause are uncomfortable and can be dangerous if they trigger an allergic reaction. 

 Enjoy The Warm Spring Weather!

Don’t let these tips scare you back into the house. Enjoy the warm spring weather, but make sure you’re taking enough precautions to keep your kids safe while you stretch your legs and shake off the winter blues.