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Drug-Free Pain Relief Methods That Work

If you’re someone who suffers from chronic pain, then you know that living with this can be tough. Many people try to get rid of the pain by using conventional pain killers. However, there are many drug-free pain-relieving methods available that work. You can also try iridology at Essential Balance, a painless health analysis to get to the root of your pain. If you’d like to learn more, keep reading because, in this blog post, we will be exploring some of these drug-free pain-relieving methods, including how you can use them to manage your chronic pain. These methods are much healthier than pharmaceuticals, so you will want to give them a try!

Heat Therapy

Heat therapy uses heat to relieve pain, and this is done by improving circulation as well as blood flow to a particular area in your body due to the increase in temperature. This works to soothe any pain or discomfort you might be experiencing, and it also increases muscle flexibility. Additionally, heat therapy can be used to soothe and relax muscles and also heal damaged tissue, which makes this an ideal form of treatment.

If you are a female who experiences period pains or cramps, you can use heat to relieve the pain. This is a much healthier way to find relief without the negative side effects associated with pain meds.

TENS Therapy

TENS therapy or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation is a way to relieve pain by using mid electrical currents. This machine is small and battery-powered, with leads that are connected to pads called electrodes. You attach these sticky pads directly onto your skin, and when the machine gets turned on, small electrical impulses get delivered to the area of your body where you are experiencing pain which then causes a tingling feeling. These pulses are known to reduce pain by reducing pain signals that travel to the brain and spinal cord. Additionally, endorphin production gets stimulated, which are known to be the body’s natural painkillers. If you’re interested in a more unique and portable form of TENS therapy, there is the Pain gone pen which is easy to use and is an excellent drug free pain relief. TENS therapy is recommended for those who suffer from period pain, arthritis, endometriosis, knee pain, back pain injury from sports, and it also serves as a good relief for women during labor. This treatment is safe and has no side effects.

Massage Therapy

Massages have no scientific link to relieving pain; however, they are linked to increased relaxation and easing muscle tension which overall results in decreased pain levels. For more effective results, opt for more intense massage options such as sports massages or deep tissue massages, as these work well with other pain-relieving strategies. Next time you experience muscle pain or strain, book a massage because this is a safe and effective way to help your body relax while soothing pain in the body.


Acupuncture is an Asian medicine technique that involves the placement of needs into certain points in the body. This form of treatment is one of the most ancient and most popular in traditional Chinese medicine, and although there is no science to back this treatment, a few studies have shown the link between acupuncture and pain relief. This is a creative and more daring way to relieve pain.

Chiropractic adjustment

A chiropractic adjustment, also known as spinal adjustment, is the practice of spinal manipulation or adjustment. This practice involves a trained specialist, known as a chiropractor, who will use his hands or a hand-sized instrument to apply sudden and controlled force onto a joint in the spine. This practice aims to improve the motion as well as the physical functions of the body in general. If you suffer from back, neck, or hip pain, then this might be the treatment for you to try.

Yoga and Stretching Exercises

 Yoga and stretching involve breath control work, meditation, and gentle movements that allow you to stretch your body and strengthen your muscles. Numerous studies have revealed that this is an effective way to help people manage pain caused by many conditions, including arthritis, headaches, knee pains, and muscle and joint pains.

This is a form of treatment that improves your overall health and not just the pain you are targeting, which makes it a much better option than conventional pain meds, which only target the pain symptoms while deteriorating your health in the process.