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3 Ways To Build a Sustainable Future

It is not a secret that pollution has increased in the last few decades. Many plants, animals, and ecosystems have been damaged due to overconsumption. The good news is that although we still have much to improve, we have seen a global effort to help the planet.

This global movement is making a difference. Today, governments and many non-profit organizations work with government relations Calgary firms like Podium Inc., to achieve sustainable development and net zero emission goals. These goals are focused on building a greener future, but the truth is that this objective is impossible to achieve without a collective effort.

Ordinary people, regardless of age, sex or race, have the future of the planet in their hands; small individual efforts will make great global change possible.

Here are three ways to build a more sustainable future.

Wild Energy

By definition, Wild Energy is energy that is generated as close as possible or even at the point where it will be consumed. This type of energy is wildlife-friendly.

Choosing wild energy instead of fossil fuel is one way to slow climate change, protect the ecosystem and, of course, save wildlife. Daily applications of wild energy would be charging EV from solar panels or heating a home with air source heat pumps. These are little things that make big changes.

Eco-Friendly Homes

Home is an excellent place to start a more sustainable life, and it can involve more than just eating less meat. You make your home eco-friendly by building from non-toxic materials and reducing its carbon footprint. Respecting the environment around the home at trying to be energy-efficient are all great ways to create an eco-friendly home.

You can also convert your existing home into an eco-friendly home, from charging EVs from solar panels to switching to LED bulbs because they are more energy-efficient. You could also install smart sensors for lights, which will help with energy savings.

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

This is a very popular phrase known as the 3 R’s. With a population that grows every year, the world’s rate of overconsumption is rising, too. Billions of tons of garbage are produced worldwide, and the increase in population increases the amount of garbage.

Reduce, reuse and recycle are simple ways to build a greener future daily:

● Reduce: Avoid consumerism and buy only what is necessary.

● Reuse: Give a second chance to use goods and reuse things as much as possible.

● Recycle: If a good is no longer usable, recycle it.

Some ideas to follow the three R’s would be purchasing bags made from recycled plastic bottles that you can use to take your groceries home from the store. You can keep a pickle jar when you’re finished and use it to store something else or go to a bulk store where you can purchase your food without plastic.

By doing these things, there can be a decrease in emissions of greenhouse gasses and water pollutants. There is no doubt that the time for change is today so that mankind can leave a more habitable planet for the next generations. This is possible, but it will require effort on everyone’s part. Building a greener future is in our hands.