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6 Creative Ideas to Raise Money for Charity

The idea of charity fundraising is one of the most well-known and well-respected practices of the general human population to date. We’ve all attended that fun run for charity or bought a pancake or cookie from someone raising funds for their organization. It’s part and parcel of organizational growth, as well as societal growth.

Charities need funds to do the work that they do of improving some aspect of human, animal, or environmental life, and people love supporting causes like this and are often excited to be involved. Something within us leaps at the idea of making a difference in another’s life, and charities provide many opportunities like this.

If you’re itching to contribute to a local charity, or you’re already part of one and want to know what you can do to help, below is a list of six ideas you can implement on the best, most creative ways to raise funds for your organization. Let them feel the passion within you to make a difference!

Optimize Social Media and Get Influencers on Board

One of the best ways in this day and age to get your fundraiser out to the public is through social media. Everything is done online today, so leveraging your charity or organization on social media can expose many people to your cause and hopefully spur some of them to donate to your fundraiser. Social media is also a great tool for people who want to partner with your campaign to share it with their personal audiences and spread the digital word. Everybody loves attaching themselves to charitable organizations and campaigns because it makes them look good, especially influential people on social media. That’s not to say that’s the only reason social media influencers help fundraise for charity – they’re also really kind-hearted! When done right, social media can change the game in the best way for your fundraising efforts.

Create a Story-Driven Short Film

Few things capture people’s hearts and minds quite like films. They have the unique ability to speak to parts of the human fabric that nothing else can and can connect with viewers in ways that other creative mediums just can’t. This is why creating a short film based on your charity or organization’s vision for the world is a great fundraising idea, because people want to give towards things that they believe in and things that move them to action.

Through a short, story-driven film, you can bring people along on the journey of your charity and present them with a moving experience of what their help can mean.

Host a Charity Stream on Twitch

Before you dismiss this option as irrelevant, it’s worth noting that Twitch streamers have raised millions for charities over the years! The idea is pretty straightforward: a Twitch streamer with some followers plans a marathon gaming stream to raise funds for your charity. Users who tune in to the stream will have the option to donate money towards the cause while they watch the streamer play a really cool game. It’s basically a telethon but with gaming!

Take People on a Virtual Tour of Your Charity

This is a surefire way to stir up any potential donors to your cause. Similar to a short film, a virtual tour can give people a real insight into what’s really happening and what the need is within your organization or charity. There’s an opportunity to show current donors what their donations have been able to provide for the charity, as well as to show potential donors what their donations could provide. This is a really fun and creative way of showing people what you’re really working with, and it can also be interactive, which will garner a lot of interest.

Partner with a Local Eatery

Approaching a local restaurant or eatery to partner with your fundraising effort may well be the break your campaign needs. When the right partnership is forged with willingness from an owner or manager, this way of fundraising can be very fruitful for your charity. It might be as simple as splitting the profits on a specific meal or item on the menu or creating a campaign specifically for the restaurant and its patrons to participate in through discounts, advertising, or even new limited-time-only items dedicated to the cause.

Utilize Crowdfunding

The final way to creatively fundraise for your charity or organization is to get in on the hype and start a crowdfunding campaign. This is a specific online campaign through a third-party site like GoFundMe or Kickstarter that allows people all over the world to give money towards a charity or cause of their choice. Although this is quite a popular way of fundraising, it can be done very creatively and uniquely to help your campaign stand out and entice people to donate.