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Telehealth Care: Managing Contagious Diseases in the Office

Contagious diseases present challenges for employers, given their legal liability for the employees infected in the workplace. At the same time, employers should not discriminate against individuals who are carriers of these diseases. This poses a huge responsibility for them to manage the diseases at the workplace.

Managing contagious diseases at the workplace is everyone’s responsibility, as these diseases spread fast with poor management. Telehealth offers easy management by reducing hospital visits to prevent contact and further spread.

Below are ways to manage contagious diseases in the workplace.

Personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene through hand washing will reduce the spread of contagious diseases as most pathogens spread through the hands. Therefore, you should wash your hands with soap and water for 15 seconds or more after toilet visits, before preparing foods, and after contacting equipment or clients to prevent spread.

Equally, you should avoid sharing personal items like razors or towels at the workplace. If you have broken skin, cover it with a waterproof dressing. Also, when handling an injured colleague, wear gloves to avoid contact with body fluids.


Seek Treatment

Technological advancements revolutionizing the medical industry allow you to easily seek treatment for a contagious disease via telehealth without risking your colleagues. Seeking medical attention remotely for other conditions will also prevent your exposure to infectious diseases.

Telehealth saves on costs and ensures minimum work disruptions, especially when working from home, given its flexibility in setting and attending medical appointments.

In addition to treatment, you can get immunized against the contagious disease to stay safe. You can ask your employer to avail the vaccine to save you from hospital visits.

Good Ventilation

Most contagious diseases are airborne and will spread fast in enclosed spaces. To manage these diseases, you should have air conditioners in your workplace or open windows for fresh air circulation.

Stay at Home

Given some workplaces’ open office structures, it is advisable to stay at home if you suspect you are sick to avoid putting others at risk of exposure.

Maintain a Clean Workplace

Regular cleaning of the workplace with disinfectants can help manage contagious diseases. Cleaning should be thorough, and drying should be proper, as pathogens thrive in moist environments.

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Take Advantage of Telehealth Care To Manage Contagious Diseases

With employees spending more hours at work than any other place, managing contagious diseases should be a priority through good personal hygiene, ventilation, and maintaining a clean workplace. Sick employees should contact healthcare providers for treatment and avoid coming to work while sick.