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Gambling addiction Japan: How to recognize symptoms and treat

Online gambling addiction is not just a problem affecting Japan. Many people in the world are increasingly struggling with the consequences of problem gambling. Addicts either do not want or are not sufficiently informed about the possibilities of treatment. Sometimes they simply do not have the support of friends, family, spouses, colleagues, or other close people. That is why we want to deal more extensively with the issue of gambling addiction in Japan.

What is gambling addiction and which are the main consequences?

Pathological gambling, i.e. gambling addiction, represents the impossibility of controlling the impulse for placing bets. Compulsive gambling or disorder related to online casino services can have many negative consequences both for the addicts themselves and those around them. First, an addict has no control over spending money, which can lead to financial disaster. A person with pathological gambling problems is very often inclined to borrow money from others to continue financing further casino activities.

In addition to the consequences for the bank account, compulsive placing bets can damage mental and physical health. Psychological consequences are anxiety, depression, the feeling of helplessness, and others. Some of the consequences for physical health are migraines, intestinal disorders, etc. To emphasize how significant the consequences of casino gambling addiction are, we must note that certain categories of addicts are also prone to suicide. That is why a timely reaction is very important.

Myths and facts related to gambling disorder

Now we’re going to introduce you to some of the gambling addiction facts that refute some of the famous myths.

Myth: People with gambling disorders are easy to spot.

Fact: Pathological gambling is a “hidden addiction”, and people who have these problems deliberately hide them. The symptoms of gambling addiction are not easy to recognize, which is not the case with recognizing drug or alcohol disorders.

Myth: To be considered an addict, a person must place bets every day.

Fact: A person does not have to participate in gambling activities every day to develop an addiction. Frequency is not as significant as bad impact and consequences. If someone’s spending in a casino causes financial, psychological, health, or other difficulties then he/she is considered a problem gambler.

Myth: Japanese problem gamblers are included in all casino services.

Fact: Most problem gamblers have a favorite casino game that makes them addicted. In addition, some are involved in secondary casino activities that are not so problematic for them. For example, a player can be addicted to roulette, but occasionally play poker that does not cause excessive spending.

Myth: Financial problems are the main reason why someone’s love, family, or other relationships are destroyed.

Fact: If the addict supports the family, uncontrolled spending will certainly play a huge role in damaging the relationship. However, mistrust and constant lying is the main reason for the breakdown of relationships with family, friends, or spouses.

Mayor signs of gambling addiction 

There are several signs and symptoms of online gambling disorder. If the addict’s environment recognizes them in time, treatment could very quickly lead to positive results. Main signs of gambling addiction may include:

  1. Preoccupation and constant thinking and planning of future casino activities
  2. A person tends to increase the amount of money they enter into bets
  3. Increasing the investment of money leads to feelings of excitement and satisfaction
  4. Chasing what was previously lost – constant investment to reduce previously incurred costs
  5. Inability to control spending, reduce or stop gambling
  6. Irritability, discomfort, or nervousness when a person tries to resist the urge to place a bet
  7. A person resorts to gambling when she/he feels dissatisfied, depressed, and anxious
  8. Covering up gambling and lying to family, friends, work colleagues, and others
  9. Making loans that the person knows will not be able to be repaid

Treatments that have proven to be successful

There are several treatments for gambling addiction help that have proven successful so far. The first treatment is psychotherapy. As the main therapy with the greatest success, we will emphasize behavioral therapy. Behavioral therapy affects the addict’s skills to reduce the urge to gamble. Another type of this therapy is cognitive-behavioral therapy. It implies the identification of negative beliefs and their replacement with positive ones. Family therapy stands out as another successful therapy for helping problem casino participants.

Self-help groups are also a way for gamblers in Japan to deal with their disorder by talking to others. The experiences of others can help a person understand problems and decide to deal with them. A healthcare professional can refer an addict to self-help groups, such as Gamblers Anonymous and others. Finally, we will mention medicines that cannot be taken without a prescription. Medications include antidepressants and mood stabilizers that can help treat disorders associated with problem gambling, like depression or anxiety. Before taking any drug, a person should consult a doctor or psychologist.

Gambling addiction help and recovery

If a person undergoes some type of treatment, it is necessary to persevere in it. Patience is the key to success in solving addiction problems as well as other life difficulties. Therefore, it is not only significant to react promptly but also to persevere in preventing the addict from recidivism. But what to do with those who simply do not want help and recovery? Is it possible to persuade a person to recover? The answer is no.

According to statistics, it is estimated that more than 80% of people suffering from online gambling addiction simply do not want to undergo any kind of treatment. They don’t ask for help, no matter how difficult their problem is. However, there is another side of the coin. These are the people who underwent treatment, but it turned out to be unsuccessful. Gambling addiction recovery statistics reveal that 70% of addicts eventually return to gambling activities after receiving help.

Tips for family, spouses, and friends

Friends, family, colleagues, and others close to the person with problematic behavior play a big role to resolving casino gambling addiction problems. So, we have prepared some tips for them:

  • Realize that the treatment can take a long time and be patient until the first results appear. Do not give up after the first unsuccessful attempt.
  • Do not avoid conversations and include all family members and other close people in solving the problem. If necessary, children should be included in family therapy.
  • When discussing gambling problems, try to remain calm and without aggressive and angry performances.
  • Feel free to seek the help of a psychologist for professional advice or to include the addict in a self-help group where he can share experiences with others who have similar problems.
  • Set boundaries regarding family finances. Do not allow the addict to use money freely and always have it at his disposal.Â