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4 Useful Tips To Help Maintain and Improve Office Pantry Cleanliness

Do you want to create the ultimate workspace for all of your employees? Or are they currently looking for a strategy that can help improve their productivity?

Well, you do not have to think about making grandeur gestures that make your company have to spend a lot of the budget. Doing this simple thing can also help you to achieve those goals. One of the essential things that a company should provide their employees is a clean pantry. It will be great if you can have it stock up with some healthy and ready-to-eat food, so your employee can easily have the supplies for their energy booster. Having home appliances such as microwaves, coffee makers, and refrigerators is also a vital necessity that can add value to the company.

Paying attention to the office pantry means that the company is providing much-needed care and is looking out for the well-being of its staff. The company can benefit from many things by giving a full-stock pantry for their staff. Remember that your employee is the drivewheel of your company’s success. Maintaining their productivity and level of stress, as well as trying to retain them –can be achieved through having a clean and full-stock pantry.

Applying The Standards Of Hygiene Rules

The office pantry is one of the places prone to get dirty and become the nest of dirt and bacteria. Lack of hygiene in the office pantry can harm employee health. You are making them more susceptible to diarrhea, food poisoning, sore throat, and many other illnesses. To prevent this, companies must apply strict hygiene standards which state that everyone who uses the company’s pantry is obliged to comply with the rules.

Always create specific rules, for example, the obligation to wash every utensil that has been used for cooking, never let any utensils neglected in the kitchen sink, and always put the trash where it belongs. Printed these hygiene rules and put them in the most visible area in the pantry –to make sure that everyone who comes to the pantry can see them by themselves. 

Here Are Some Useful Tips That You Can Implement in Your Company to Improve The Pantry’s Cleanliness

Managing The Hyginity Of The Pantry

To have a clean and healthy pantry in the office, it is better if you hire an office lady service that can help to make sure that the pantry is clean and spotless all the time. Though you already have cleaning rules that have to be followed by all of the employees –it does not mean that your pantry can be free of dirt. From time to time, the pantry also needs proper cleaning. 

Proper cleaning means that it consists of wiping every nook and cranny in the pantry, emptying the trash can, and dusting and mopping the pantry floor. This is something that needs to be done to make sure that there are no splashes of oil, dust, or food residue that stick to the pantry surfaces. Having one individual who is hired for the purpose of maintaining the cleanliness of your office (including the pantry), is important.

Kitchen Equipment Check and Update

The person in charge of the company’s kitchen has the obligation to check if there is any kitchen equipment such as stoves, drains, ovens, or anything –that is no longer suitable for use or in need of repair. When they find out about this problem they need to report this immediately, to ensure that proper maintenance can be carried out.

We don’t want the equipment to be broken even more, and thus need extensive repair. On top of that, if any kitchen equipment or appliances in the pantry is broken –it can affect almost everyone at the office. Thus, making sure that all equipment is ready to use is very important.

Managing Food and Beverage Stock

These consist of two things, first managing the food and beverage that the company provides to the employee. Always make sure when a product is about to run out, the person who has the responsibility to manage the office pantry –can refill it.

All employees have the right to store their own food and beverages in the kitchen. But remind them that they also have to manage their own food. Remind them to always put their name on the container, to avoid any mistakes of people taking food that is not their own.

A clean and healthy pantry is an important factor to have a productive workspace. Thus maintaining it becomes very important. But remember, keeping the pantry clean is not only the responsibility of the company management or the person who was hired for the purpose of cleaning the office. It is also the responsibility of all employees who use the pantry. Follow these instructions above to maintain and improve the cleanliness of your office pantry.