Visiting a salon is more than just having your hair cut, styled, or dyed. It’s an opportunity to chat with others and verify what is going on in the world of hair fashion. You can also get honest and independent opinions regarding which styles may suit you.
However, it can be expensive to visit a salon, which is why you need to know how to keep your hair healthy without visiting the salon.
Wash Less
If you naturally have oily hair, you will need to wash it daily. But, most other hair types will benefit from washing it less. So every other day should suffice. This will help to prevent you from cleaning the natural oils off your scalp. These oils coat and protect your hair from damage. Washing them away makes it more likely you’ll get damaged hair.
The Right Products
Of course, when washing your hair, you need to use the right products to keep it healthy. That means choosing a shampoo designed for your hair type and using natural ingredients. Chemicals in cheaper shampoos are likely to damage your hair, potentially leading to other issues.
Alongside choosing the correct washing products, you should think about your styling. Heat dries out hair, making it dehydrated, brittle, and more inclined to split ends. However, you probably rely on your heat styling tools to get the right look every day.

That’s why you should switch to GHD hair products. These have adjustable heat settings, allowing you to reduce the heat your hair is exposed to. They are also specially designed to look after your hair, helping it to stay healthy.
Deep Condition
It’s a good idea to deep condition your hair at least once a week, perhaps twice. This means putting on a premium conditioner and leaving it for 20-30 minutes before rinsing it. You’ll find it boosts your hair’s hydration, making it look and feel much healthier.
Choose The Right Pillowcases
If you have a cotton pillowcase, it’s time to replace it with a silk one. Cotton attracts moisture, drying your hair out while you sleep. This is one of the main reasons you wake up with tangled hair.
However, silk pillowcases don’t have this effect, making them a better choice. The fact that they feel great is a bonus.

Look At Your Diet
The phrase ‘you are what you eat was originally used in 1826, but the premise remains sound today. You can’t expect to be healthy or have healthy hair unless you eat the proper nutrients.
Your hair is mainly water and protein. So you need to stay hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses of water daily and eat a balanced diet with plenty of protein. You’ll be surprised at how much difference it makes to your health and the health of your hair.
Don’t forget that the sun can damage your hair, wear a hat when out during the hottest part of the day.