Being a parent puts you in a unique position that empowers and drains you at the same time. In their intense, unwavering love for children, parents often lose sight of the importance of self-love. Single moms are not angry parents.
They are just hustling between the unmet needs of their kids and the lack of support that drains them emotionally and physically.
Irrespective of the reason for mothers choosing to be single moms (widowed, divorced, separated, or husband working in a different city or country), hands down, everybody knows solo parenting is very demanding and hectic.
“You don’t stop being human when you become parents. But parenthood does change you.” – Anonymous Single Mom.
To most people, single moms may not even appear like normal human beings. They may lose themselves a bit during their hectic lifestyle and managing everything on their own. They are constantly in survival mode.
The little humans in their life take up most of their time, focus, and energy. They lose sight of their own needs, wants, and desires as they become so tuned into their kids. Simple pleasures like eating peacefully or using the toilet without disturbance seem like a distant dream.
You can take some corrective steps to deal with these problems one step at a time. So, here’s the list of 7 things you can do as a single parent (mom or dad) to lessen your stress and rediscover the joy of parenting.
1. Mental and Physical Rest
You can’t do justice to your role 100 % of the time. No one can. So, give yourself a break sometime and learn to relax. Early to bed and early to rise is the best way to keep your body energized throughout the day.
Nourishing your body with the right fuel is also important. A bag of potato chips may be easily accessible in your pantry and may work for the time being. However, you need to eat real food to effectively play the role of a single parent.
Your mind also needs rest as much as your body. When stress level peaks, it can be challenging to know where to begin. Every hour, take a 3-minute break to breathe and calm your nerves. You can also set the alarm till it becomes a daily habit.
2. Daily Routine
Good daily routine leads to good habits. Moreover, daily routine or ritual helps you run things smoothly and defines how you plan your time as a family. Routines make it clear to everyone in the family who is responsible for what, when, and how frequently.

Routines also convey to your children the family’s value system and make them more organized and disciplined.
3. Social Connections
Single moms always feel lonely. They spend a lot of time with their children and have zero or very few meaningful interactions with adults. As a fully functional adult, you need all kinds of social connections—someone to share feelings with, someone to hang out with, or a listening partner.
Social connections help you keep sane. You can also connect with an online community for single parents. There are several online communities and dating sites for single parents where you can connect with like-minded single parents.
4. Build a Support System
There is no shame in seeking help. You must have heard the phrase, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Similarly, it takes a village to assist a single mom in raising their children regardless of age.
You may be conditioned to believe that you must bear the load alone, but it’s not possible in real life. Don’t hesitate to seek help from friends and family. Delegate your tasks and share assistance from fellow single moms.
5. Intimacy
After enduring a traumatic divorce or losing your husband, dating again or receiving any attention from the opposite sex might result in overwhelming emotions. However, as a human, you need attention, intimacy, and a fun time with a man.

It’s on you to decide whether you are looking for something serious or casual. The real world may not be too kind to single moms, but you can always go online and find dates.
There are many single mom dating sites where you can find men who are interested in dating single moms.
6. Stop Feeling Guilty All the Time
Single moms carry a heap of guilt for not being enough. You are doing fine as a mom and need a tribe that tells you exactly that. Somedays, surviving and not thriving as a single parent is okay.
7. Practice Gratitude
Even though there are good and bad days as a single parent, there are still many things for which you should be thankful.
Before you go to sleep every night, go over your day and pick out at least three of the special and important events. There is always something good in your day, but occasionally you fail to notice it.
Bottom Line
The responsibilities of single parenting can be stressful, but with little preparation, assistance, and efficient stress reduction techniques, you can make sure you have everything you need to succeed.
Although being a single parent might be challenging, you can manage stress and prevent burnout using the correct tools and techniques.