Headphones are an essential part of your work-from-home kit. Whether you want to attend a meeting or just listen to music while you work, headphones are a must-have item that can transform your overall remote work experience.
As per Market Research Future, the earphone and headphone market is expected to reach a market size of 62.24 billion USD by 2030. With the increasing popularity of compact audio devices, the compound growth rate of the product is projected to be 11.20 percent.
However, shopping for headphones in the store can be overwhelming because there are so many options. So we’ve put together this guide on how to choose the best headphones for your needs so you have a better idea of what’s out there before you buy anything.
Wired vs. Wireless
The first big difference between wired and wireless headphones is the battery, which is built into the former. Therefore, these headphones require charging and can only be connected to one device at a time. Wired options are also available in different styles, including over-ear models. But they are typically more expensive than their wireless counterparts due to the lack of added components (i.e., the battery).
Wireless headphones come in all shapes and sizes, from earbuds to over-ear models. They often have a transmitter that can be plugged into an audio source like your phone or tablet, though some do not need one if they connect directly to another device via Bluetooth technology.
The COVID-19 pandemic gave the wireless headphone industry a boon with work-from-home conditions necessary all across. However, many shared a strong concern about the technology and have begged the question- are wireless headphones safe?

But still, its global market size grew up to be at 42.7 billion USD in 2021 and is expected to grow more than the industry average at 14.4 percent CAGR from 2022 to 2031.
Noise-canceling headphones are the most popular among people who need headphones for traveling or working. They work by using tiny microphones on the inside of your ear cups to pick up ambient sound and then produce an opposite frequency that cancels out that sound.
By reducing unwanted noise, these headphones can help you hear what you want to hear more clearly, whether it’s music or helping you focus on work.
Open-Back vs. Closed-Back
Second, you will have to decide between open-back and closed-back headphones.
Open-Back Headphones
- Open-back headphones are more open to the environment because they don’t isolate you from everything else going on around you. This is good if you’re recording or mixing music because it allows more room for air to flow through the earcups, which means your music will sound better. It also makes them ideal for listening in loud environments (e.g., airplanes) where closed-back headphones would be too uncomfortable and noisy.
Closed-Back Headphones
- Closed-back models provide solid isolation from surrounding noise, which makes them a better choice for listening in quieter places where you want privacy (or when traveling). Even though they do a good job of blocking out external sounds, their tight seal can cause discomfort after long periods of wear. However, this isn’t always a problem depending on how sensitive your ears are.
In-Ear Monitors (IEMs)
The market value of IEMs was approximately 7.4 percent of the global headphone market in 2021. The growth in the music industry led to its compounded annual growth rate of 6.3 percent from 2015-21. In-ear monitors (IEMs) are the best choice for working out or traveling. They’re also great for noise isolation, so if you need to block out distractions while writing, reading, or studying, IEMs will do the job.
For some people, IEMs can be uncomfortable, especially if you have large ears. If you want to give them a try but are worried about discomfort, look for models with memory foam tips and silicone ear tips that come in different sizes and shapes. In addition, some companies offer trial packs of replacement tips so you can find your perfect fit before buying the headphones themselves.
Noise Isolation
Noise isolation is a term that refers to how well a pair of headphones blocks out the noise around you. If your headphones are effective at blocking out external sounds, then you’ll have an easier time enjoying your music or podcasts without being distracted by things going on in the world around you.

One good way to measure this kind of performance is with a decibel meter app on your phone. Just turn it up loud enough so that the sound reaches approximately 85 decibels (it should feel loud but not painful), and place it next to each earbud while still listening at full volume.
The more isolated each earbud appears on the graph, the better its noise-isolation capabilities are likely to be.
Frequency Response & Sensitivity
Frequency response refers to the range of frequencies a headphone is capable of reproducing. The lower the frequency response, the lower your bass will be. If you’re looking for more bass, you’ll want to look for headphones with a frequency response range of 5Hz – 30kHz or more.
Sensitivity refers to how loud 1 mW at 1 kHz actually sounds through your headphones at maximum volume. The higher this number is, the louder your music will be given an equal amount of power input (1 mW).
The driver is the part of the headphone that produces sound, and it’s generally made of paper, plastic, or metal. As a result, drivers have a huge impact on how the headphones sound. For example, some drivers are dynamic (they use magnets), while others are planar magnetic or electrostatic (they don’t).
The best drivers are usually dynamic because they are usually more efficient than other types of drivers and produce a better bass response. However, planar magnetic and electrostatic designs can be more accurate than dynamic ones because they eliminate distortion caused by small vibrations in the housing, which would otherwise interfere with the music you’re listening to.
Impedance is the resistance of an audio device to a current. It’s measured in ohms and is an important consideration when choosing a headphone, as it tells you how much power your device needs to drive the headphones.
A higher impedance will require more power than a lower impedance, which might mean that you’ll need to purchase an amp or use an external source of power, such as your phone or laptop. The most common impedance ranges are 32 ohms (and below), 40-80 ohms, and 100-300 ohms (or higher).
It should be clear by now that choosing the right headphone is a lot more complicated than simply going for the most expensive pair. At the end of the day, you need to consider your own personal needs before making any kind of purchase.
We hope this article has helped you understand what factors are most important when buying headphones and how they can affect your listening experience.