Many people think that after children are born, everything may be put to rest permanently. But how about the thousands of people who, even though their kids have just passed their first birthday, traverse the globe with them without any trouble? Simply realize that taking a vacation is possible even with a baby and that it won’t be a nightmare. It will be important to carefully consider each issue, reserve a hotel in advance, purchase tickets, and learn every aspect of the settlement. But picking a nation is the most crucial step. Some locations appear to have been designed specifically for families, while not all locations are suitable for family tourism. Read on to discover which ones.
Suddenly, Denmark takes the lead. That’s because this country in Europe that has a great standard of living also provides tourists with the same comfort level. Furthermore, Denmark—specifically Copenhagen – is a wonderful utopia for kids. Little gingerbread cottages, winding lanes and cobblestone squares, mermaid and elf monuments, street vendors selling waffles, vanilla pipes, and pies, and several waterways used by houseboats and yachts. Just picture this scenario from a child’s perspective. The fact that tickets to Copenhagen are inexpensive and that the majority of the city’s hotels offer all the amenities needed for families traveling with children makes parents happy.
In the country where Hans Christian Andersen was born, a wonderful spirit still prevails. The National Gallery even has a sizable Children’s Museum where you may spend hours exploring with kids of all ages. The intriguing truth is that in Copenhagen, there are playgrounds with the greatest level of safety that are unique from one another and have an original design in practically every courtyard and park. It is worthwhile to take a kid to the Andersen Museum, stroll along Malysh and Carlson’s tourist route on the roofs, and check out the former Tivoli amusement park.
The United Arab Emirates, unlike other exotic countries, has convenient flights, clean beaches with fine sand and convenient entrances to the water, a high level of medicine and service, as well as a variety of parks, swimming pools, and entertainment for children – all this has made the coast in recent years The Persian Gulf is a popular destination for family vacations.

The UAE has a year-round beach season, but small children can hardly endure the local summer, and in winter, the sea can be cool for them. The best time for a holiday with a child in the Emirates is a period of moderate heat from October to April. To move around the country and the city, it is more convenient to rent a car. It is easy to rent a car in the UAE. Moreover, the prices here are so affordable that you can easily even rent a Ferrari in Dubai. Hiring luxury cars will allow you to diversify both your driving experience and your leisure time because where, if not in Dubai, you can rent cars to ride on the excellent roads of the Middle Eastern metropolis.
Turkey has been considered one of the most comfortable resorts for traveling with the whole family for many years. Turkey is a ready-made solution for parents. You don’t need a visa to travel to this country. And the “All Inclusive” system takes on the burden of organizational problems and saves money. A developed network of children’s entertainment – from animation to interest clubs – is a real helper for moms and dads. Here you can enjoy all the delights of Turkish hospitality at a very pleasant price. The most expensive months for a holiday in Turkey are July and August. This is the peak of the season when tourists from all over the world come to the country. The choice is huge: fabulous Istanbul or Alanya, and if you want to forget about everything, then Fethiye or ride in a hot air balloon over Cappadocia.

It is a beautiful country with a hilly green landscape, a mild climate, and affordable prices. Most often, couples stay in comfortable hotels in Poreč, Istria, and Dalmatia or rent an apartment/house. The beaches are mostly rocky or pebbly, sandy – on the islands. From entertainment – excursions with visits to architectural monuments and natural attractions, a water park in Istria, boat trips, and amusement parks. The high season is from late May to early October. The Adriatic Sea warms up by the end of June, so the best time for families with children in June, September, and early October.
Greece is the golden mean in everything. Here you can find pleasant, almost homely hotels, where, on the one hand, all the charms of hotel life await you, with breakfast and daily room cleaning, and on the other hand, you will still feel like visiting good friends. Significant for the whole world’s culture, sights that are adjacent to beautiful beaches for every taste and color. On the Greek islands, accommodation options are common when a hotel room instead of a veranda has its own small pool. Then you can sit in the water all day, literally without leaving your home.
All this is complemented by unpretentious boat trips on all kinds of boats and boats along the most picturesque bays and classic beach activities that are available even to the smallest.
Greek cuisine is famous all over the world for a reason. But nowhere do they cook it like in their native Greece. Dinner, even in the simplest national restaurant, will give a lot of gastronomic pleasure to both big and small. Greece is suitable for children of all ages. Rest assured: Greece has everything.