Anyone who’s ever tried to go smoke free will know how tricky it can be mentally. It can take people multiple attempts to successfully quit, with people often giving in to how difficult the whole thing feels.
The physically addictive power of nicotine, combined with the powerful psychological habit of smoking, can make it very tricky to quit, but those who are attempting to quit should never underestimate the power of positive thinking.
What is Positive Thinking?
Positive thinking is a mindset that involves focusing on positive outcomes and possibilities, rather than dwelling on potentially negative thoughts and obstacles. When applied to quitting smoking, positive thinking can help to radically shift your mindset, from one of sacrifice and deprivation to a genuine sense of empowerment and choice.
How to Implement Positive Thinking
Positive thinking can be applied to quitting smoking by simply changing the internal dialogue around smoking.

Rather than identifying with smoking as a necessary habit, positive thinking can reframe smoking as a choice that can be controlled – after all, that’s what it truly is. By recognizing the power of choice, individuals can begin to feel more in control of their smoking habits and feel empowered to give up.
Visualising Success
Another way in which positive thinking can help is by attempting to visualise success. A visualisation might consist of imagining yourself as a non-smoker, and picturing the positive outcomes that will result. Visualising success can help build confidence, allowing you to create a positive attitude toward the overall quitting process. By focusing on the beneficial outcomes of quitting, such as improved health, increased energy, and a genuine sense of accomplishment, you’ll feel more empowered to continue with the process.
Stress Management
Positive thinking can also help individuals manage the stress and withdrawal symptoms that often accompany quitting smoking. By focusing on positive thoughts, you can reduce stress, and cope much better with withdrawal symptoms.
Rather than sitting with the discomfort of withdrawal, positive thinking (when combined with other coping tools, such as vaping) can shift the focus to the progress being made, allowing you to reframe your current situation.
Affirmations are another popular positive thinking tool. They consist of positive statements that are repeated regularly in order to reinforce positive internal thoughts and beliefs. When applied to quitting smoking, affirmations can help you to stay focused on the overall goals.
Examples of affirmations for quitting smoking could typically include “I am in control of my choices,” “I am capable of quitting smoking,” or “I am committed to my health.” Saying these at least once a day can have a significant positive impact.

The power of positive thinking is definitely not something to overlook, and it can be a valuable tool when it comes to quitting smoking. By reframing smoking as a choice, visualizing success, using affirmations, and creating a more generally supportive environment, you can ensure that you stay empowered throughout the quitting process. With a positive attitude and a commitment to your health and well-being, you can massively increase your odds of successfully quitting smoking and reap the numerous benefits of a smoke-free life.