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How to Make Fermented Spider Eye – A Step-by-Step Guide

how to make fermented spider eyeHey there! Ever wondered how to make fermented spider eye? Well, you’re in luck because I’m here to spill the beans – or should I say, the spider eyes! In this article, I’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of creating this intriguing and mysterious potion ingredient.

What is a Fermented Spider Eye?

Definition and Purpose

A fermented spider eye is a unique ingredient used in the art of potion making. As an experienced potion brewer, I’ll guide you through the process of creating this intriguing and mysterious ingredient.

The purpose of a fermented spider eye is to add various transformative properties to a potion. When combined with other ingredients, it can alter the effects of a potion or grant it entirely new properties. The fermentation process brings out the magical essence of the spider eye, making it an essential component in the creation of advanced potions.

Ingredients needed for making Fermented Spider Eye

Spider Eye

To make fermented spider eye, the first ingredient you’ll need is a Spider eye. Spider eyes can be obtained by defeating spiders, cave spiders, or witches. They have a chance to drop a spider eye upon defeat. These menacing eyes are an essential component in potion making and serve as the base for creating fermented spider eye.


Another crucial ingredient in the process of making fermented spider eye is Sugar. Sugar can be easily crafted by combining sugar cane in a crafting table. Once you have the sugar, it can be used to sweeten and balance the flavors of the potion, adding a touch of sweetness to the final product.

Brown Mushroom

The final ingredient required for creating fermented spider eye is a Brown mushroom. These mushrooms can typically be found in dark, damp environments such as caves or mushroom biomes. Brown mushrooms can be easily recognized by their unique shape and color. They play a vital role in adding the distinct earthy flavor to the potion.

And that’s it! With these three ingredients, spider eyes, sugar, and brown mushrooms, you have everything you need to successfully make fermented spider eyes. Each of these ingredients contributes its unique properties to the potion, creating a transformative ingredient that enhances the effects of various potions.

How to Make Fermented Spider Eye

Step 1: Obtaining spider eyes

To begin the process of making fermented spider eye, I first need to obtain spider eyes. These can be obtained by defeating spiders. Whether I come across a spider while exploring the dark corners of a cave or encounter one during a nighttime encounter, spiders can drop spider eyes upon defeat. I need to make sure I have enough spider eyes to use in the potion-making process.

Step 2: Obtaining sugar

The next ingredient I need to gather is sugar. Sugar is a common ingredient found in most kitchens, and if I have a sugar cane farm, I can harvest sugar cane to obtain sugar. Another option is to visit a village and check the chests in the houses, as they sometimes contain sugar. However, if I cannot find sugar through these means, I can also craft it using sugar cane.

Step 3: Obtaining brown mushrooms

The third ingredient I require to make fermented spider eye is a brown mushroom. These can be found in the dark and damp areas of forests, swamps, or mushroom biomes. I need to keep a lookout for brown mushrooms and gather enough of them to use in the crafting process.

Step 4: Crafting the fermented spider eye

Once I have gathered all the necessary ingredients, I can proceed to craft the fermented spider eye. I simply need to place one brown mushroom, one sugar, and one spider eye in the crafting grid. I must ensure that I place them in the correct pattern, which is one brown mushroom in the top row, sugar in the middle row, and spider eye in the bottom row. After arranging the ingredients correctly, I will see the fermented spider eye appear in the result slot of the crafting grid.

Step 5: Using the fermented spider eye

Now that I have successfully made a fermented spider eye, I can incorporate it into various potions to achieve transformative effects. When brewing potions, I can add the fermented spider eye as an ingredient in the brewing stand along with other potion ingredients. This will alter the properties of the potion and introduce new effects. I can experiment with different combinations to create powerful and diverse potions.