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Six Steps to Creating a More Energy-Efficient Home


Climate change and its effects are getting more and more people worried. High fuel bills, lower air quality, and negative health effects keep homeowners on their toes. If you are thinking of doing your part in making a cleaner and greener environment, you can start with making your home more energy efficient.

If you need help figuring out where to start, here are six tips you’ll find handy.

Get better doors and windows

A huge chunk of residential cooling and heating energy use can be attributed to your windows. For an energy-efficient home, starting with these areas of your home makes the most sense.

Now, before you actually get a replacement, you need to assess the condition of your existing doors and windows first. Check for air leaks and add caulk and weatherstrip.

If you think they’re still in good condition, you can consider getting solar control films. You can also install awnings and overhands for exterior shading.

If you want to get new windows, you need to think about the features. You’ll need to consider not just the frame types but also the operation types, gazing types, and gas fills and spacers.

Hiring a professional installer can help you determine the best windows to get for your home. Plus, it eliminates the unnecessary costs that come with doing it using a trial-and-error method.

Optimize heating and cooling systems

To optimize your system’s energy efficiency, you must know the right sizing based on your home’s unique heating and cooling needs.

If you get an oversized or an undersized system for your home, you’ll just end up wasting energy. This means unnecessary fees and reduced efficiency.

Performing regular maintenance and cleaning helps too. Consider replacing your air filters, calibrating your thermostats, and assessing your unit’s refrigerant levels.

In case the unit you own has been with you for several years already, you should get a newer and more energy-efficient model. Choose one with advanced features like improved insulation and adjustable speed motors.

Incorporate renewable energy sources

You might have heard of renewable energy sources getting called as clean energy. It makes sense since they don’t emit greenhouse gases when producing energy. Examples of these sources include water, biomass, and the sun.

Solar power is one of the best renewable energy sources for your home. You can install solar photovoltaic panels on your roof to generate electricity to power your home.

These panels use the sun’s rays and turn them into electricity which you can use to turn on your appliances, light up your living spaces, and warm your home.

Another option is wind energy. You can get wind turbines, such as those in wind farms, to generate electricity.


Contrary to what most people think, you don’t need to get the biggest wind turbines to power your home. There are smaller wind turbines that are designed specifically for homes.

Biomass systems are cool options, too. These systems involve burning organic materials like logs, wood pellets, and chips to provide heating. Compared with burning fossil fuels, they produce less carbon emissions. To further enhance your renewable energy efforts, consider exploring energy suppliers through Utility Bidder.

Practice energy-saving habits

Believe it or not, there are things you can do on your own to make your home more energy-efficient. And most of the time, these things don’t require extra fees.

For one, make it a habit to switch off lights when you’re not using them. You can do the same for the appliances you have at home. Don’t just leave them on standby mode since they’ll consume electricity if you leave them that way.

If you’re still using your old bulbs at home, make the switch and get LED bulbs instead. They consume less power, and they can definitely last longer.

Shutting doors and closing curtains when you’re not using them help, too. How?

During the cooler months, you can use your blinds and curtains to seal your windows properly. In the warmer months, keep them closed to keep your home cool during the day.

Improve home insulation

Experts suggest that heat can escape through your roof faster than in other parts of your home. This is one good reason to get ceiling insulation.

If your home has no ceiling, you can get bulk insulation instead. It works well in enhancing your roof insulation as well as boosting heat gain in your house.

Aside from ceiling insulation, it’s also a good idea to invest in underfloor insulation. It helps keep your home cool, particularly during the warmer months.

Next is getting solid wood insulation. You can get them for your internal walls to minimize heat loss. For example, you can get a foam board or spray to use around wall cavities, so your home won’t lose a lot of heat.

Observe water conservation measures

Energy efficiency and water conservation go hand in hand. Observing them in our daily activities can help make a greener future with a lower carbon footprint.


By implementing strategies to conserve water, you can preserve the existing water resources for the next generations. It helps ensure the availability and the quality of the water supply.


In terms of energy savings, conserving water means lower energy demand associated with the processes involved in producing and treating water.

Take note that you don’t have to own large companies that are dependent on water for processes to observe water conservation measures. Even as a simple homeowner, conserving water can benefit you.

For one, you’ll have lower bills. And when you have cheaper bills to pay, you’ll have enough funds to invest in renewable energy sources.


There are so many ways to make your home more energy efficient. If you have the means, you can get better home insulation and heating and cooling systems. Get newer models since they will likely come with better and more modern features.

If your budget is tight, no worries. You can make small changes in your daily life that contribute largely to making an energy-efficient home. The list includes keeping your curtains down when not in use and switching off or removing the plugs of unused appliances. Observing water conservation methods helps as well.