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Beating Mommy Burnout: Relaxation is Key

mom's burnout

Being a mom is one of the most blissful, satisfying, and rewarding yet demanding roles for any woman. The constant need to juggle childcare, household chores, and a full- or part-time job leaves little time for proper rest and relaxation. Additionally, burnout often arises when a mom is unable to spend time on herself or engage in her hobbies. This can eventually lead to physical and psychological exhaustion. When things escalate, it’s called burnout and requires immediate solutions so moms can quickly get back on track.

The following lines will offer practical relaxation tips and self-care strategies to help mothers prevent or overcome burnout.

Know That What You Are Feeling Is Real and Valid

To know how to address your exhaustion or burnout, you must first understand what you are dealing with.

Exhaustion, which is widely defined as temporary mental, physical, and emotional tiredness, can be usually relieved by squeezing in more sleep time or changing your routine for a while.

Burnout, defined as a state of chronic stress that causes exhaustion on all fronts, frequently accompanied by a sense of ineffectiveness and feelings of detachment, requires more complex solutions.

Assess your exact state of mind, thoughts, and feelings. If you are experiencing a state of complete exhaustion with random anger, sadness, apathy, or crying episodes, where even the smallest and apparently most insignificant tasks seem impossible to complete, and where being irritable at anything and everything is the new norm, you are likely looking at burnout.

Know You’re Not a Bad Parent

Motherhood is known to be draining, especially during the early years when sleepless nights and nonstop caregiving become your new reality. However, feeling burnt out does not make you a bad parent. It is simply an indicator that you need to prioritize your well-being for a while. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup.


Burnout is a valid feeling that deserves attention and is experienced by millions of mothers every day. The World Health Organization recently recognized occupational burnout, and mothers know parenting is the toughest job of all, with the highest level of burnout.

Your mental health directly impacts your child’s well-being and your family’s happiness. Therefore, brushing off your struggles and failing to prioritize self-care is not the way to go.

Small Steps for Big Changes

To fight off mommy burnout, introduce some relaxation techniques into your busy schedule. Before arguing and saying that you simply do not have the time to do anything relaxing, it is essential to adjust your expectations regarding what “relaxation” should look like for you.

Simplicity is key here.

You don’t need to schedule a whole day at the Thai spa, but you can take a 30-minute relaxing bubble bath with lemon grass from Thailand.

You don’t need to figure out how to leave the house for a two-hour yoga class or plan a trip to Vegas, but you should have no problem practicing deep breathing 10 minutes a day or logging in to your favorite online casino for 30 minutes a day.

How about reading your favorite novel, listening to a fun podcast, enjoying 20 minutes of uninterrupted scrolling, playing your favorite slot games in an online casino, or sitting down with a hot drink before going to bed after the kids are tucked in? A Thai Casino Center Team expert, drawing on their extensive experience in the casino industry and gambling psychology, emphasizes the effectiveness of positive distraction: “Positive distraction is essential for those experiencing burnout or stress. Engaging in activities like playing online casino games in a fun mode can significantly alleviate stress and provide much-needed relief.”


It is important for you, as a mom, to allow yourself to be flexible and know to practice relaxation and self-care in small moments throughout your day.

Let Your Hair Down

Don’t be afraid to let the house get messier than usual. Allow your older child more screen time. Cook simpler meals and pick more relaxed outfits. Most importantly, don’t worry about shattering the expectations of those around you — you don’t owe anyone an explanation during this phase of your life as a parent. Whatever helps you maintain your sanity and enjoy more time for yourself, embrace it wholeheartedly.

Communicate Your Needs to Others

In summary, it’s crucial to recognize and accept your emotional state rather than keeping it inside. Don’t hesitate to share your feelings with others. Seek support from your spouse, life partner, parents, siblings, and friends. Your loved ones need to know that their help is essential and understand how they can support you. Clearly communicate your feelings and burnout experience, and ensure they understand what you need from them. Maintain your hobbies and allow yourself time for activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Whether it’s an occasional three-hour break spent napping, walking, getting a manicure, playing bingo or online casino games in fun mode, or getting a massage, you’ll notice a significant difference. Use these self-care tips to prevent or eliminate mommy burnout and reignite the joy of motherhood. It won’t happen overnight, but you’ve got this!