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Cross Joints 101: Everything You Need to Know


If you’re a cannabis enthusiast, you’ve likely heard of cross joints. These iconic, T-shaped creations have captured the imagination of smokers worldwide, offering a unique and memorable experience. But what exactly are cross joints, where did they come from, and how can you enjoy one yourself? Let’s dive into the world of cross joints and explore everything you need to know about these legendary smokes.

The Origin Story

While cross joints gained mainstream popularity through the 2008 stoner comedy “Pineapple Express,” featuring Seth Rogen and James Franco, their history predates the film. Contrary to popular belief, Rogen and his writing partner Evan Goldberg didn’t invent the cross joint. In fact, the concept has been around for decades.

The earliest known documentation of cross joints appears in “The Joint Rolling Handbook,” published in 1994. This underground guide featured various novelty joint designs, including what it called “The Crossroads” – the precursor to today’s cross joint. Rogen has admitted in interviews that he and his friends learned about cross joints from a similar book of novelty joint designs during their high school years in the late 1990s.

What Makes a Cross Joint Special?

A cross joint is essentially two joints in one, with a smaller joint intersecting a larger one to form a cross or “T” shape. This unique design allows for three burning points, creating what some describe as a “trifecta of joint smoking power.” The result is a more intense, shared smoking experience that’s perfect for parties or special occasions.

The appeal of cross joints goes beyond just their increased potency. They’re a conversation starter, a display of rolling skill, and a nod to cannabis culture.


For many enthusiasts, successfully crafting a cross joint is a rite of passage, demonstrating their dedication to the art of joint rolling.

The Challenges of Rolling a Cross Joint

Creating a cross joint is no easy feat. It requires patience, precision, and a fair bit of practice. The process involves rolling two separate joints – a larger one for the main body and a slimmer one for the cross – then carefully piercing the larger joint to thread the smaller one through. The intersection must be reinforced with additional paper to ensure it burns evenly and doesn’t fall apart.

Some of the challenges include:

1. Achieving the right thickness for both joints

2. Creating precise holes for airflow

3. Aligning the joints correctly

4. Sealing the intersection properly

5. Ensuring even burning across all three ends

For many smokers, these challenges are part of the appeal. Mastering the cross joint is a skill to be proud of, often shared and celebrated among friends.

The Evolution of Cross Joints

Since their rise to fame, cross joints have inspired cannabis enthusiasts to push the boundaries of joint design even further. Double cross joints, “palm tree” joints, and even elaborate “scorpion” joints have emerged, showcasing the creativity within the cannabis community.

However, the complexity of these designs can be intimidating for many smokers. That’s where innovation comes in.

How to Enjoy a Cross Joint

Whether you’re rolling your own or using a pre-formed cone, here are some tips for enjoying your cross joint:

1. Use high-quality, well-ground cannabis for even burning.

2. Pack the joint firmly but not too tight to ensure good airflow.

3. Light all three ends simultaneously for the full effect (you might need a friend’s help!).

4. Take it slow – cross joints can be more potent than standard joints.


5. Share the experience with friends – cross joints are perfect for social smoking.

The Future of Cross Joints

As cannabis legalization spreads and the industry evolves, we’re likely to see continued innovation in joint design and pre-roll products. The cross joint, once a symbol of counterculture and advanced rolling skills, is becoming more accessible thanks to pre rolled cross joints like the Smoke Temple Cross Cone.

Whether you’re a seasoned roller looking to show off your skills or a curious smoker wanting to try something new, cross joints offer a unique and memorable cannabis experience. They represent the creativity, community, and ritual that many love about cannabis culture.

So, the next time you’re looking to elevate your smoking session, consider trying a cross joint. Whether you roll it yourself or opt for the convenience of a pre-formed cone, you’ll be participating in a beloved tradition of cannabis enthusiasm. Happy smoking!