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How To Handle Your Child’s Needs During A Stressful Move

Moving with children involves careful planning, especially when it comes to managing their cherished belongings. From toys and clothes to sentimental items, each holds significant emotional value in their world. Here’s a detailed guide to navigating the process of moving with children, ensuring a smooth transition for everyone involved.

Sorting and Decluttering

Before packing begins, sorting through your child’s possessions is crucial:
  • Keep, Donate, or Sell: Categorize items into what to keep, donate to charity, or sell. This process not only streamlines packing but also ensures only essential items are moved to the new home.
  • Involving Your Child: Depending on their age, involve them in the decision-making process. Empowering them to choose what to keep can ease anxiety about parting with belongings.

Packing Strategy

Adopt a systematic approach to packing their belongings:
  • Organize by Category: Pack similar items together, such as toys, clothes, books, and sentimental items. Label boxes clearly to indicate contents and destination rooms in the new home.
  • Child-Friendly Packing: Use sturdy, child-friendly boxes that are easy to carry and stack. Consider using colored labels or stickers to make packing and unpacking more engaging.

Temporary Storage Solutions

Consider storage options for items not immediately needed:
  • Renting a Storage Unit: If space is limited or the move is temporary, renting a storage unit is practical. Choose a unit size based on the volume of items, ensuring it meets your needs.
  • Climate-Controlled Units: For sensitive items like books or electronics, opt for climate-controlled storage to protect against temperature and humidity fluctuations.

Choosing a Storage Company

When selecting a storage company, consider the following:
  • Location: Choose a self storage facility conveniently located near your new home or current residence for easy access.
  • Security: Ensure the facility has adequate security measures such as surveillance cameras, gated access, and individual unit alarms.
  • Reviews and Reputation: Read reviews and ask for recommendations from friends or online communities to gauge the company’s reputation and reliability.

Picking the Right Size Storage Unit

Determine the appropriate unit size based on your needs:
  • Assess Your Belongings: Estimate the volume of items you plan to store. Use online calculators or ask the storage company for guidance.
  • Consider Future Needs: Anticipate any future storage needs and choose a unit size that accommodates potential growth.
  • Visit the Facility: If possible, visit the facility to see the units in person and visualize how your belongings will fit.

Managing Emotions

Moving can stir various emotions in children:
  • Open Communication: Discuss the move openly with your child, addressing any concerns they may have about leaving their current home or friends.
  • Maintain Routines: Stick to familiar routines as much as possible during the moving process to provide stability and comfort.

Settling into Your New Home

Focus on helping your child adjust to their new environment:
  • Unpack Essentials First: Prioritize unpacking your child’s essentials to create a sense of familiarity in the new home.
  • Explore Together: Take time to explore the neighborhood, parks, and local attractions with your child to help them feel more at ease.


Moving with children requires thoughtful planning and consideration of their belongings. By involving them in decisions, utilizing practical storage solutions, and addressing their emotional needs, you can ensure a smoother transition to your new home. Whether you’re downsizing, relocating long-distance, or moving temporarily, these strategies will help preserve a sense of stability and familiarity for your child amidst the changes.