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How To Help Your Kids Cope with a Car Accident

Image3In 2021, 1,184 children died in car accidents, with a further 162,298 injured. A car accident can be a scary and traumatic event for children. As a parent, you play a critical role in helping your child process their emotions and recover. Here are some tips on how to help your kids cope with a car accident.

Provide Reassurance

After a car accident, your child may feel shocked, confused, or unsafe. 34% of children show signs of PTSD following an accidental injury. Reassure them that they are okay and now out of harm’s way. Emphasize that you are there for them and will keep them safe. Remind them that accidents are rare and you’ll be more careful. If injured, assure them the doctors will help them feel better soon. Your calm presence brings comfort.

Seek Professional Help from a Car Accident Attorney and a Counselor

If your child exhibits severe anxiety, depression, or uncontrollable emotions or their suffering shows no improvement over time, consult a licensed mental health professional.


A child psychologist can assess if post-traumatic stress disorder is present and provide appropriate counseling and treatment. Getting professional support ensures your child copes in a healthy way. Talk to local car accident attorneys if your child is suffering and you want to claim compensation.

Allow Them To Express Their Feelings

Your child may experience a wide range of difficult emotions – fear, anxiety, sadness, anger, guilt, or sleep troubles. One study found that the depression rate in children aged 3-17 was as high as 4%. Encourage them to express how they feel through talking, writing, drawing, or playing. Don’t minimize or criticize their feelings. Listen attentively and validate what they share. Crying is normal – offer hugs if they need one. Give them space if they prefer quiet time alone.

Explain What Happened

Use simple, age-appropriate language to explain the accident and any injuries in a factual way. Clear information reduces confusion and anxiety. Avoid graphic details that may be traumatic. Answer their questions honestly. If you don’t know something, say you’ll find out. Knowing what happened gives kids a sense of control.

Monitor Their Emotional Response

Keep an eye out for any worrying emotional signs in the weeks following the accident. Changes in behavior like acting out, excess clinginess, trouble sleeping, or loss of interest in activities may indicate trauma or depression.


Consult a counselor if symptoms persist or worsen. Getting help early improves recovery. In Alabama, 46% of children don’t get enough sleep.

Maintain Routines and Stability

Try to keep your child’s life as normal as possible after the disruption of an accident. Maintaining routines like bedtime, meals, and extracurricular activities helps regain a sense of safety and normalcy. Limit access to media coverage of the accident. Gradually resume regular activities when ready. Consistency provides comfort.

Offer Extra Support

After a car accident, children need a little extra love and care. Be patient and allow more time for rest. Provide comfort through their favorite foods, activities, stuffed animals, or blankets. Offer soothing touches like hugs or back rubs. Tuck them in at night and reassure them you’re close by. Extra parental affection eases distress.

With patience and caring, you can guide your child through the complex emotions that surface after an accident. Keep communication open and provide whatever they need to feel safe and recover. Your love and support will help them heal, regain confidence, and continue being a happy kid.