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Co-Parenting Tips for Single Mothers

If you’re divorced or no longer in a relationship with your child’s father, you may face some co-parenting challenges. This can be the case even if your relationship with the father is relatively amicable. Whether this is the case or there are tensions, there are certain steps you can take to make things smoother.


Working out a way to communicate effectively is important, even if you only ever talk to one another when there needs to be some kind of change of plan, such as saying that you’ll be late for a pickup. Some parents agree to use a certain method, such as texting, to reduce the likelihood of arguments. Try to avoid getting drawn into any conflicts and keep your conversations factual if this is an issue. Avoid the temptation to ask your kids to carry messages back and forth, even if you dislike communicating with your ex. Ideally, you and your ex might even be able to come to an agreement on certain ground rules, such as when bedtimes are. This can help you find peace and even simply get a better night’s sleep during the times that you are away from your children.

Consider College Costs

Although child custody agreements generally only address issues with children up to the age of 18, some parents may want to include additional provisions, such as what kind of contributions each of you will make toward the child’s college education. If this is not part of your formal custody agreement, you may still want to discuss it with the father. The two of you still might want to contribute to an education fund. If you are concerned about having enough money for tuition and other expenses and also about your child being saddled with bills, you might want to look into taking out low-rate Private Parent Loan to help them out with reducing their education debt after graduation so they’re in a better financial situation starting out in the real world.

Encourage a Relationship

In most cases, it’s a good idea to encourage your child’s relationship with the other parent and set aside your own emotions. This can be tough, and you may struggle with reminding yourself that differences in how you parent doesn’t mean that you can’t both be effective and loving with your kids. You should try to be positive about your child spending time with their father and try to get rid of negative energy even when you feel frustrated, such as if they are late or a no-show for an agreed upon visitation. Otherwise, you risk making your child feel anxious or as though they have to choose between the two of you. You might even push them away.

Take the Long View

One thing to keep in mind is that you and the other parent will probably be a part of one another’s lives for years, if not decades. You may have to see one another at events such as graduations and weddings, and when you do, the focus should be on supporting your kids and not on the tension between the two of you. Therefore, the sooner you are able to be in the same place amicably the better. However, even if it takes years, parents can move from a high conflict co-parenting relationship to one that is much more functional.



A parent has to face many challenges in raising their children. One of the significant challenges is making sure the child is on the right path regarding his studies. When your child starts coming home with mixed grades or scores that are below average, it is enough reason for concern. Having poorer marks means he does not understand what is taught in class. If a student doesn’t perform to his absolute abilities in middle and high schools, he will face difficulties getting into a good grad school. Therefore, as a parent, you must intervene and help your child achieve higher grades. Continue reading this article to learn more about how you can help your child score better marks during school tests.

Create A Routine

Studies show that children respond better to structures and routines. Therefore, a parent must help their child to formulate a system and stick to the same. A routine will instill a sense of discipline for the student, which will bear fruitful results. The routine should be flexible enough so that the child has enough space to be creative. If he follows this pattern for a few weeks, it will be easier for him to concentrate on his studies without distractions.

Set An Example

If you advise your child to study hard and at the same time watch TV for hours together, your child will refuse to take your advice. Children tend to follow their parents and copy the behavior of the grown-ups. Therefore, you must set up an example by picking up a book instead of watching TV. If the child sees you working instead of being lazy, he will also focus on his work.

Remove Distractions

These days, it is easier for kids to get distracted. Whenever they decide to study, a new announcement may pop up on their mobile screen. The notification forces them to check the social media and waste precious study time. Screen addiction is real, and the sooner the parents recognize the problem, the easier it will be to get rid of the same.

  • Digital Gadgets and devices are part of the online study system these days. Therefore, one cannot get rid of all the digital gadgets from the study space. A student must rely on a computer, speakers, wifi, and other tools to continue his blended learning format that incorporates online studies with a more traditional education format.
  • Install the applications on your child’s computer that help block specific sites and applications. For example, if your son spends too much time surfing on a particular gaming website, you can decide to block the same to help reduce his online gaming time. Parents need to step up and use the smart tools to reduce unnecessary distractions to help their child get better marks in the examination.

Hire A Tutor or Make Use Of Education Websites

At times, students require additional help to understand a subject better. Ideally, a parent should make time to help his son/daughter with their studies. But with the busy work schedule, many times, it is hard for a parent to monitor their child’s studies. Therefore, a private tutor might just be one solution to the problem.

For students who want to study by themselves, utilize websites that provide educational resources. One example is Revision Village for students struggling in IB Math.

Why Atrantil Is A Great Remedy For Abdominal Discomfort

Abdominal discomfort is a pain from the abdomen that could be caused by muscle strain, stress, overeating, wind, constipation, or something severe that needs emergency attention. With the countless number of medications available for abdominal discomfort, some people may have difficulty selecting the right drug for their discomfort. Atrantil is a wonder drug that can help you ease your pain.

Atrantil is formulated as a nutraceutical that can relieve of constipation, abdominal discomfort, and symptoms of bloating. Over the years, many people who complained of such symptoms often do not have a drug that treats them as the source of their problem. Atrantil is unique because it concentrates on bacteria that stay in our gut.

The elimination of such bacteria in our gut makes it easier for the body to experience a healthy, sterile abdominal state. While most drugs require a prescription before you buy, Atrantil can be bought over the counter. The drug is not antibiotic or a probiotic.

What Ingredients are in Atrantil?

Atrantil is a popular nutraceutical formulated with natural botanical extracts like saponin, polyphenol, and an anti-spasmodic. The ingredients used in Atrantil are commonly found in our food supply.

We can define nutraceutical as any substance that we consider as part of our food that offers us health benefits. Nutraceuticals range from dietary supplements, isolated nutrients, and diets to herbal products, genetically engineered foods, and processed foods such as beverages, soups, and cereals.


How Does Atrantil Work?

People who suffer from symptoms of constipation, abdominal discomfort, or bloating need fast relief. Thanks to this, atrantil is great for IBS. The first thing that Atrantil does to such people is to stop the gas-producing bacteria found in their guts. The aim of Atrantil’s ingredients is to synergically soothes the troubled gut and eliminates the bad bacteria from our digestive system. The drug works in three steps to stop the source of our abdominal pain. 

Step 1

M. balsamea Willd extract or peppermint leaf soothes the small bowel. When the small bowel is calmed, it offers the other natural botanicals the opportunity to function effectively.

Step 2

Atrantil contains flavonoids extracted from Quebracho, which is a South American hardwood tree. Flavonoids starve the gut of hydrogen and make the environment unhealthy for the archaebacteria. When there is a lack of hydrogen, the cell walls of the bacteria weaken.

Step 3

The last ingredient in Atrantil is a natural antibacterial extracted from Conker Tree. The ingredient attaches itself to the reductase enzyme in the weakened cells of the archaebacteria. The result is the prevention of the production of methane.

Who Can Take Atrantil?

People who suffer from bloating after they consume their food may want to try Atrantil. How does the body suffer from bloating? When bacteria in the body’s small bowel consume carbohydrates in patient’s absorbed food, they produce methane. Methane in the small bowel ends up causing the stomach to bloat.

When you consume Atrantil, the three-step elimination process happens, which includes weakening the bacteria cell walls and starving them of hydrogen to produce methane. Hence, the bacteria cannot form bloats in your abdomen.

Maintenance Dose 

Many people want to know the dose they can take to calm their abdominal discomfort. You can take two capsules of Atrantil daily to maintain a healthy gut. In addition, the drug ensures that you experience a digestive balance. Atrantil contains polyphenols and antioxidants that help the body enjoy overall digestive wellness.

Digestive Health Benefit of Atrantil 

The gut harbors countless bacteria that can be bad or beneficial to the body. If the immunity is low, the bad bacteria take over the gut and cause problems like soreness of the throat and other painful problems. However, when we consume healthy diets rich in polyphenols, the bacteria are reduced. When we suffer from abdominal discomfort and take Atrantil, its polyphenols work to protect the gut.

We can tell you that Atrantil works to improve the overall digestive system wellness. However, if you have an underlying medical condition or other abdominal pain prescription, you should talk to your doctor. 

Atrantil can help people suffering from small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO). This condition happens when the body experiences the excessive presence of bacteria in its small intestine. You can suffer from bloating, constipation, or diarrhea when SIBO happens. However, taking Atrantil helps you bring your stomach to normalcy. 


What is the meaning of LGI? |

LGI is an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. It’s the term most people use to refer to a person who experiences sexual or romantic attraction towards others of their own gender identity – two women attracted to each other would be LGBIA (Lesbian-Gay).

LGI is an acronym for “Loving God In You”. It is a phrase that was popularized by the late Rev. Billy Graham. If you are looking for more information about this, you can visit his website at

LGI is an Abbreviation for the following terms:

Rank Abbreviation Meaning
*** LGI Pharmacy for Lower GI
*** LGI Common Medical Bowel Gastric And Intestine Low Gastrointestinal
** LGI Instructor of Lifeguards
* LGI Imaging using a Laser Gate

What does LGL stand for in texting, for example?

Little Girl Addict. Unclassified » Miscellaneous LGL stands for Lown–Ganong–Levine syndrome.

Second, what exactly is LTR in terms of dating? What Does LTR In Dating Mean? (Relationship that will last a lifetime) Actually, it’s fairly easy; it just signifies a long-term partnership. Those hoping for a long-term relationship aren’t looking for one-night encounters or hook-ups, but rather something steady and long-term.

So, what exactly does LGI imply on Facebook?

Lots of counter space means lots of room for | Facebook. LGI Homes – Lots of counter space means lots of opportunity for

What is the meaning of LGI?


LGI Large Group Instruction Academic & Science » Universities Give it a score of:
LGI Let’s Get It Online » Discussion Give it a score of:
LGI Individually detonated grenade Differential » Unclassified Give it a score of:
LGI Institutions of Local Government Governmental Give it a score of:
LGI Miscellaneous » Liquid Gas Injection Unclassified Give it a score of:

Answers to Related Questions

What exactly is NGL slang?

“Not Gonna Lie” is the Acronym for “Not Gonna Lie.”

What exactly is IGI stand for?

I understand.

In texting, what does LDL stand for?

Lover who is apart from you

What does VGL signify in terms of sexuality?

very attractive

In a relationship, what does BB stand for?

Basketball and bye-bye are two words that it is sometimes used as an abbreviation for. Bb, on the other hand, is more generally used as a loving name for lovers, partners, friends, and even pets. ILY bb gurl, i.e., I love you, baby girl, may make Bb even cuter when combined with other online Acronyms or slang.

What does LTR imply in terms of sexuality?

Relationship that will last a lifetime

In texting, what is ITR stand for?

Meaning. ITR stands for “In the Red” (record label) Itchy Tasty Records (ITR) (record label; Los Angeles, CA)

On OkCupid, what does DTF stand for?

OkCupid, an online dating service, is attempting to reclaim the term, which stands for “Down To Fuck.” DTF may also stand for “Down To Furiously Make Out,” “Down To Floss Together,” or “Down To Focus On My Chakras,” according to the adverts, which are accompanied by vividly colored, bizarre photographs.

What does the slang term str mean?

Relationships of a Limited Duration

On Tinder, what does FWB stand for?

Friends with advantages

What does the hashtag #LRT stand for?


Acronym Definition
LRT Light-Rail Transit (LRT) is a kind of public transportation that uses
LRT Limburg Racing Team is a racing team based in Limburg (Netherlands)
LRT Test of Likelihood Ratio
LRT LRT (Light Rapid Transit) is a kind of

What exactly does DTE stand for?

To the Point

How do I know if my tea set is antique? |

With the rise in popularity of antique furniture and tea sets, there are many questions about how to know if a particular item is an heirloom. The answer lies in research into the history of that piece, which can help determine authenticity or rarity. Finding out when your tea set was made will also give you some context around its value as well.

The “how to tell if a teacup is worth money” is the question of whether or not you have an antique tea set. The best way to tell if your tea set is worth money, is by checking its value online. Read more in detail here: how to tell if a tea set is worth money.

Examine the inscription on the tea set’s bottom. If the tea set has handwritten markings, it was manufactured before stamping became popular in the 1800s. The tea set was created after 1850 if it contains a stamped logo, text, and/or numerals that are not blue. After 1862, any tea set with a brand or trademark is considered vintage.

Similarly, how can I know whether my teapot is vintage? ?

Try touching it with a magnet to see whether it sticks; if it doesn’t, it’s probably silver. Examine the holes that go to the spout on the inside of the pot. It’s possible that older ones only have three holes or that the holes aren’t completely rounded. On the bottom of the teapot, look for any names, trademarks, or other markings or numbers.

Second, how much do antique teapots go for? Teacups may be found for as low as $3 to as much as $25 at charity shops, and teapots can be found for around $10, while a cunning store owner may place sticker prices as high as $50.

How can I know whether my tea set is true silver, for example?

If the fabric has a black tarnish mark on it, the object is most likely actual silver. Silverplate will also leave a mark on a cloth. You should also use a magnet to check for the presence of a silverplated base metal below. Get to know the appearance of genuine sterling silver jewelry.

Is ancient sterling silver worth anything?

Sterling silver is valued because it can be refined, retaining the present silver price, and because flatware and other items often keep their resale value and appeal. Antique silver is valuable as an antique, sometimes significantly more so than the silver content would suggest.

Answers to Related Questions

How can you determine the age of an antique teapot?

To determine the age of an antique teapot, you must first evaluate its condition. Here’s how to date ancient teapots using this method.

  1. Check for symptoms of wear and tear in the first step.
  2. Step 2: Look for any indications.
  3. Step 3: Examine the teapot’s form.

What do the numerals on the bottoms of teacups indicate?

Look at the numerals on the tea set’s bottom. The manufacturer’s code, a pattern number, or its registration number are all represented by numbers. If the number is the registration number, it will be preceded by “rd.”

What is the value of a silver tea set?

The worth of an item may vary greatly depending on its age, creator, and contents. A sterling set may cost up to $1,000, while a silver-plated set will cost considerably less—though the workmanship will make a difference. Services that do not provide a tray are less valued, while those that do include extra pieces are obviously more desired.

How can you know whether a Yixing teapot is authentic?

Put the Teapot to the Test

If you notice water droplets, the clay has most likely been chemically changed, indicating that it is a fake. Another option is to immerse your teapot in hot water. There are no dyes or colors added to Zisha clay. If the water in the teapot remains clear, it is a genuine Yixing teapot.

Is it true that actual silver sticks to a magnet?

Silver has no magnetic properties. It should be difficult for a powerful, rare-earth magnet called a Neodymium magnet to attach to a silver coin or bar. Keep in mind, though, that just because the magnet doesn’t attach doesn’t imply it’s not silver.

What is the value of silver scrap?

Scrap Silver Prices in the United Kingdom

Purity pound per gram pound sterling per Troy ounce
Silver 500 (50 percent) £0.18 £5.60
80 percent silver (800) £0.30 £9.33
Silver 925 (Sterling) £0.34 £10.58
Silver 999 (Pure) £0.37 £11.51

What are the marks on genuine silver?

The word “sterling” or a figure that specifies the purity of the silver, such as “92.5” or “925,” may be imprinted on sterling silver marks. The number merely denotes that the silver is 92.5 percent pure, indicating that it is sterling.

What is the value of a pure silver spoon?

The cost of a sterling silver souvenir spoon ranges from $5 to $2500. THE LARGE MAJORITY OF SPOONS ARE UNDER $60, and a significant number are under $30. Many of the spoons shown on this website would sell for less than $60.

How do you use vinegar to test silver?

Don’t worry, vinegar will take care of the discoloration. A. To test, create a tiny scratch on the object in an inconspicuous location and apply a drop of regular white vinegar to the scratch. If it becomes green or any other color, you’re dealing with a plated metal rather than the real kind.

What is the worth of sterling silver to you?

To figure out how much your piece is worth, multiply the total ounces of silver by the current spot price of silver. This value may generally be found on financial data websites or via precious metals merchants. Silver is now valued at $16.56 per ounce as of this writing.

How do you determine the value of antiques?


  1. Find out more about your product.
  2. Look for vintage businesses in your neighborhood.
  3. Check out auction sites on the internet.
  4. Look up pricing guidelines on the internet.
  5. Determine the kind of value you wish to discover throughout your evaluation.
  6. Don’t make any changes to your item until you’ve had it appraised.

What is the current silver price?

Today’s Silver Prices

Price of Silver on the Spot Change on the Spot
Price of Silver per Ounce $18.17 zero percent
Price per gram of silver $0.58.58 zero percent
Price of Silver per Kilo $584.18 zero percent

THC Content Of Illicit Market Cannabis In Europe At An All-Time High

An estimated EUR 4.1bn was spent in Europe in 2013 on cannabis products bought on the black market, with the vast majority of that total – some EUR 3.8bn – being spent on cannabis resin, the latest figures from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) suggest.

The Cannabist is a website focused on cannabis news and culture. They are the authority on marijuana news and research, providing current and reliable information to cannabis consumers, investors, policymakers, and industry insiders. The Cannabist is also a founding member of the International Cannabis Retail and Brand Awards.

As the legalisation of cannabis becomes more the more popular, a new study has found that the average THC content of cannabis in the European market has risen to its highest levels ever. The Dutch study, published in the Journal of Forensic Sciences, found that cannabis was in fact the most potent it had ever been, with one sample in the study testing at as much as 17% THC.. Read more about tetrahydrocannabinol and let us know what you think.Cannabis resin sold in Europe is more potent than ever, European officials warn.

The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) reports that the THC content of cannabis resin now averages between 20 and 28 percent, almost twice that of cannabis flower. However, the THC content of cannabis flowers remains as high as before.

Cannabis products with a high THC content are now available in Europe, as well as new forms with added synthetic cannabinoids sold on the illegal market. They exist alongside a range of products that contain cannabis extracts but have a low HCT content and are commercially available.

This data is included in EMCDDA’s European Medicines Report 2021, which expresses concern about the increasing number of reports of cannabis contaminated with artificial cannabinoids.

The cause of this trend is unknown, but may be due to both the shortage of cannabis associated with the pandemic and, in some countries, the availability of low-THC cannabis products that are difficult to distinguish from cannabis sold on the drug market, the report said.

New illegal distribution channels

The EMCDDA has been monitoring the drugs situation in Europe for more than 25 years. The annual report on trends and developments is based on information provided by the EU Member States, Turkey and Norway, and provides a high-level overview of the drugs issue in Europe, covering all aspects from supply to use, public health issues and drugs policy and control. However, the UK is not included in the analysis of the 2021 report because it left the EU on 1 January. February last year.

The report shows that coronavirus-related travel restrictions and border closures have not curbed the activities of smugglers worldwide. Illegal producers and suppliers quickly adapted to the pandemic controls by moving their operations to the Internet and finding new supply and distribution channels.

The 60-page document states: Efforts to maintain social distance may have hurt the retail drug trade, but they seem to have led to a wider adoption of new technologies to facilitate drug distribution, which may have accelerated the trend in recent years toward an increasingly digital marketplace.

The report notes that in 2020, cannabis cultivation and the production of synthetic drugs in the European Union have remained at pre-pandemic levels, with ever larger quantities of drugs being transported by sea to avoid the closure of land borders, which – along with heroin – has led to large seizures at European ports.

COVID-19 and consumption

Cannabis herb and cannabis resin accounted for the majority of reported drug seizures in the EU in 2019, at 37% and 36% respectively. In comparison, cocaine accounted for 11%, amphetamines 5%, other substances 4%, heroin and MDMA 3% and cannabis plants 1%.

The report notes a trend toward local cannabis production, in part due to anti-establishment measures.

Based on data from 26 countries that conducted the survey between 2015 and 2020, it is estimated that cannabis use last year averaged 15.4 percent among EU citizens aged 15 to 34, ranging from 3.4 percent in Hungary to 21.8 percent in France.

When only young people aged 15 to 24 were considered, the prevalence of cannabis use was higher: 19.2% (9.1 million) had used in the past year and 10.3% (4.9 million) in the past month.

However, cannabis use among 15- to 16-year-olds has declined, the report said. Among the 24 EU Member States participating in the 2019 European School Survey on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD), the prevalence of cannabis use among 15- and 16-year-old school students ranged from 7% to 23%, with a weighted average of 17.3%. This is down from a peak of 20.4% in 2011.

In 2019, EU Member States reported 326,000 cannabis resin seizures, or 465 tonnes, and 313,000 cannabis herb seizures, or 148 tonnes. Turkey also reported 6,200 seizures of 28 tons of cannabis resin and 64,000 seizures of 63 tons of cannabis herb.

New findings relating to psychoactive substances

The EMCDDA report also shows that traffickers and manufacturers are not just selling the traditional basic drugs – cannabis, cocaine and heroin. Approximately 400 new psychoactive drugs were discovered on the market in 2019.

New powerful synthetic cannabinoids and synthetic opioids continue to emerge and pose a threat to health and society, the report said.

Reports of cannabis adulterated with new synthetic cannabinoids such as MDMB-4in-PINACA being sold to unsuspecting users point to the new and potentially increasing risks of unintended use of these potent substances.

New dosage forms of synthetic cannabinoids, including e-liquids and impregnated cigarette papers, are increasingly appearing on the drug market.

Worryingly, they are more common among 15- and 16-year-olds.

For personal research and advice and sponsorship opportunities, please contact: last time we released data on the illicit cannabis market we found that the THC content of cannabis sold in Europe had risen significantly, breaking all previous records. Today, we are releasing the latest data on the illicit cannabis market, and the story hasn’t changed much – the THC content of cannabis sold in Europe has reached an all-time high.. Read more about cannabidiol and let us know what you think.

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Patients hopeful for France’s medical cannabis experiment

Each of these stories are about people who are suffering from serious pain, yet their doctors have not prescribed adequate painkillers (or they have, but the pills they prescribe are too addictive). The healthcare system is complex, and there is no one-size-fits-all treatment. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t hope.

When you’re living with multiple sclerosis, it’s hard to believe that you’re not in constant pain, but for one French woman, all she had to do was move to the south of France. Last year, she moved from Paris to Marseille and started using medical cannabis to treat her symptoms. After a few months of using cannabis, she experienced a dramatic change. Her pain was less severe, and she could even go for a long walk without feeling exhausted. Her husband was even happier because he no longer had to play the role of the family caregiver.

Three months after the experiment began, doctors are gradually enrolling patients in the first experiment with medical cannabis in France. Many people want access to a drug to treat a range of conditions, including chronic pain, but participating in the trial is expensive and the chances of success are low for most. Patients are only too happy to have these products. They know these drugs are available in other countries, and some of them have gone abroad to get them, says Didier Buchassira, a neurologist. He is a pain specialist at one of France’s largest pain centers, the Ambroise Paré Hospital in Boulogne, west of Paris, and is involved in an experiment to test the prescription and distribution of medical cannabis in France. Although regulations are changing and CBD, one of the components of cannabis, is increasingly available in France, THC, the main psychoactive component of the plant, remains illegal and the use of marijuana is a criminal offence.

Difficult selection

Many patients ask for cannabis. They are looking forward to it, Buhassira said. But sadly few will attend. The two-year experiment will involve 3,000 people, 700 of whom suffer from chronic pain. Only three or four of Mr. Buchassir’s patients will be involved in this project, which means he had to make some tough decisions. Listen to a report on one of the first participants in the cannabis experiment, Buchassir, on the Spotlight on France podcast: Focus on France, episode 56 © RFI To participate in the trial, patients must have severe neuropathic pain that does not respond to other medications. Many neurological diseases are accompanied by very severe neuropathic pain, Buchassira says. Even opioids don’t work well for these patients. So we use antidepressants or anticonvulsants, which usually have nothing to do with pain. Several dozen of his patients can participate in the experiment, but the requirements are so high that few will actually sign up. If you participate in this experiment, you are not allowed to drive, so that is the disqualifying criterion, he said, adding that participating in the experiment is not easy, with monthly meetings and a lot of paperwork. When we explain all the restrictions, many of them refuse because it is too complicated.

Persistent pain

Johanna Seneco volunteered. Buchassira asked him to leave his home in Amiens to go to school. She enters the office with her husband walking with a cane. I feel like I’m on fire, I’m burned from head to toe, all the time, she says, her face pulled tight behind a surgical mask. Seneco has been going to Buhassira for pain management since 2015, after a botched knee surgery the year before severed her nerves and left her with severe pain in her leg, which then spread throughout her body, causing a condition called complex regional pain syndrome. She suffers constantly and severely, 24 hours a day. She can’t move or work on her own. She has had to quit her job as a high school assistant and spends most of her days in bed with her head propped up on pillows. I lost everything, she said, her eyes bloodshot. The hardest part is the impact it had on my daughter. She is now 18 years old, but has not had a mother for the last seven years. The accountant has Seneco fill out forms and questionnaires about pain symptoms and state of mind. She will need to fill them out at her monthly doctor’s appointments during the two years of the experiment. It’s a job she doesn’t mind, as long as it gives her access to something that can ease her pain. She tried many medications, as well as treatments like hypnosis and acupuncture, but nothing helped. Some made the pain worse.


Unlike many chronic pain sufferers, Seneco never tried cannabis. The doctors advised me to smoke a joint, she says. But I never dared because I was afraid of what else might be in there. Many of Bukassir’s other patients are not so indecisive. We talk to them openly and ask them if they smoke or have tried other forms of drugs, he says. It’s important for us to know. While cannabis is beneficial, Buhassira does not advise against its use, but warns of the risks of using unregulated products. The problem is that there is no control over these products, whether they are bought online or on the street, he says.

Tests and errors

After half an hour of paperwork, Buhassira finally hands Seneco what she came for: a recipe for sublingual cannabis oil drops containing equal amounts of CBD and THC. The prescription takes up a whole page because she has to start with a small amount and increase it every few days until she feels less pain or a negative effect. They will increase very gradually, depending on the effect, Buchassira explains. There is no fixed dose. We adapt to each patient. Seneco goes to the pharmacy in the basement of the hospital, prescription in hand, where the pharmacist checks the prescription for half an hour.

Pharmacists play a key role

This is not a drug trial, but a test of the logistics of prescribing and dispensing cannabis, and GPs and pharmacists are trained to do so. I was interested because I’m interested in everything to do with pain, explains a pharmacist from the southwest who has undergone training but didn’t want to make himself known because cannabis remains a sensitive subject in France. I want to promote effective pain management. The one-day online course focused on dosage. This was done so we could be sure of what was on the prescription, she says, although she hasn’t put it into practice yet because few of the patients in the experiment were slowed down by the drug Covid. It’s the pharmacist’s job to give the right medicine, with the right dosage and the right information to support them, she says. It’s about supporting people.

Towards legalisation

This experience is quite unique for a medicine in France, says Nicolas Autier, physician and pharmacologist, chairman of the scientific committee for medicinal cannabis. Such an experiment is necessary because of the legal status of cannabis, which still has strong opponents within the government, although a growing majority of French people support its legalization. The experiment is a step in the right direction. It will probably be hard to say no in the end, Avtier says. Once you start an experiment, you usually need time to organize the rest, and rarely to tear it down afterwards.

High Expectations

Seneco leaves the hospital pharmacy with a paper bag containing a small bottle of cannabis oil produced by the Israeli company Panaxia. That’s enough for a month, until she goes to her next doctor’s appointment to get a new prescription. She is eager to go home and begin her treatment. I seek relief because I have no life left, she says. I don’t expect to get zero pain. But if I can cut it in half, that would be great. It’s not a quick fix, says Buchassira, who warns patients that cannabis may not work. It usually gives partial relief. Authier says cannabis won’t work for most patients in the experiment, and it’s unclear for whom it will work: At this stage, it is not possible to tell from international studies which profile of patients is most likely to respond to these drugs. But some people will respond well, with a marked improvement in their quality of life. That’s something. We’re going to do our job as doctors, he says.

NFL Pledges to Fund $1 Million for Medical Marijuana Research

Cannabis is the most commonly used illegal drug in America. It is estimated that around 20 million Americans (28% of the adult population) have used the drug at least once in their lifetimes. It is also estimated that around 1 million Americans are using it at any given time. Many believe that the NFL should be helping fund medical marijuana research.

There is nothing new in the NFL declaring to fund medical marijuana research. However, this is the first time the NFL has made it known that they’ll do so. The challenge for the NFL and other sports leagues is to ensure that the work they do is as rigorous and unbiased as possible, and that pot isn’t just used as a pain-killer or a placebo to help players through rehabilitation.

420 Intel is the world’s leading source of cannabis information. Get the latest news on cannabis legalization, policy and technology, and the evolution of medical and recreational marijuana. Our goal is to bring you the most important cannabis news every day of the week.

At 420 Intel, we know that effective coverage of the marijuana industry is an ongoing process. Every day there is news about the legalization of cannabis, technological developments and the medical benefits of marijuana use. Each new development has the potential to impact the marijuana industry regionally, nationally and internationally. 420 Intel is a marijuana industry news portal that keeps you up to date on these events and how they affect the world around you.

Since the marijuana industry is constantly changing, you need an information channel that will keep you up to date with the latest information. At 420 Intel, we cover marijuana legalization news from around the world, provide reliable information to cannabis business owners, explain technological developments affecting the marijuana industry, report on marijuana gatherings around the world, and everything else.

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Legal New York Pot Means New Police Strategy

New York City is one of more than 100 U.S. cities and towns that have legal marijuana. NYPD announced on Wednesday, Nov. 27, that it will be rolling out a new approach to fighting the new drug. The department said it’s launching a campaign to educate the public about the new laws and crack down on those who aren’t complying with them. As the department’s new top lawyer, Zachary Carter, explained, “We will no longer tolerate people flouting the law, and will not hesitate to arrest them.”

The state’s 1.4 million pot smokers were caught in the middle of a new police strategy recently announced by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo as he seeks ways to combat the state’s marijuana legalization law. The strategy included reducing the number of people charged with crimes related to marijuana possession, amending laws to give police guidance on how they can enforce marijuana laws and speeding up the process for issuing permits for marijuana shops.

Since New York legalized medical marijuana in 2014, the police have had to adjust their strategies to prevent stoners from breaking the law. Instead of using the old “stop and frisk” tactic, the new strategy is to stop and ask questions.

The NYPD may soon lose its right to control cannabis.

Axel Bernabe, an adviser to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s attorney general, told Prohibition Partners last week that he would recommend alternatives, such as employing social workers in coordination with the state’s nascent Cannabis Control Board, which will soon develop a framework for legalizing recreational marijuana. New York State recently voted to allow recreational use, and the board will decide on the details soon.

The interaction between law enforcement and drug-related people is an important part of the law, Bernabe said of the new state legislation, under which recreational drug sales are expected to take place in about a year. Bernabe thinks it’s a good idea to bring in social workers from other states to enforce the rules for legal and licensed cannabis businesses. He also asked who would address cannabis-related street crime, such as the sale of unlicensed marijuana on the black market.

Who deals with people on the street or people selling illegally? Bernabe said. Do we want the police to investigate this? Is this a new form of law enforcement?

New York’s reform dilemma is playing out across the United States, where local governments are beginning to consider criminal justice systems that disproportionately incarcerate black men for marijuana possession. These political decisions can determine the extent to which minorities, such as. B. Schwarze, work with the police.

Efforts to reform the way law enforcement deals with cannabis must also be balanced with the way it combats the illicit market, which often still involves criminal groups, and the sale of other drugs such as cocaine or heroin.

Cannabis use by minors is another issue that policymakers need to address. The fines are designed to discourage people under 21 from using marijuana. But Bernabe asks: Who is going to collect this fine?

According to the New York Police Department, the new marijuana laws have led to a drastic change in the enforcement of marijuana offenses. The spokesperson explained the main changes in the bill, but did not specifically comment on the idea of other agencies controlling cannabis. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency declined to comment.

Bernabe’s panelists included Emily Galvin Almanza, founder of Partners for Justice, an advocacy group that helps low-income people find their way through the justice system. She said the question now is whether to deploy social workers, mental health workers or community members trained in de-escalating confrontations.

According to Bernabe, some states use former law enforcement officers to monitor licensed cannabis operations, but experts increasingly agree that this is not the best solution.

They discovered it was best to call on human services, mental health professionals and former social workers. I thought it was a brilliant idea. This is something we will look at and recommend to the City Council, he said.

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2 Marijuana Stocks To Watch The Second Half Of June 2021

Cannabis stocks tanked last year, and are down even more so this year. However, there are a few companies that have been able to buck the trend. CannPal, an online platform helping doctors and patients order marijuana for clinical purposes, Inc., a cannabis company focused on developing new products for blockchain technology, and Hempcoin, a cryptocurrency focused on the medical industry, are three stocks to keep an eye on in the second half of June.

Since the first recreational marijuana sales in Colorado in 2014, marijuana stocks have proved to be the best growth story in the entire US cannabis industry. Based on the recent recommendations from stock analysts and the recent investor activity, there are two marijuana stocks to watch in the second half of June 2021.

Marijuana stocks are a hot commodity for investors, as the legal industry continues to explode in the US and Canada. The industry is worth $7 billion, and the number of cannabis companies is increasing by the day. In fact, there are 573 marijuana companies already in the US, with a whopping 200 of them in Canada alone. Among the most exciting companies to watch is Cronos Group Inc. (CRON), a global leader in the cannabis space, which recently announced it was involved in a multi-million-dollar deal with Canadian cannabis grower and producer Canopy Growth Corporation (CGC). This deal is a big step in the right direction for Cronos as it prepares for a potential listing on the Toronto Stock Exchange.. Read more about cbd penny stocks to watch and let us know what you think.The 2 best marijuana stocks to put on your list for June 2021

The current market for marijuana stocks has begun to improve over the past month. Cannabis stocks were trading lower in early May. However, as the second week of trading approached, marijuana stocks began to show signs of volatility.

In this case, there has been more action in the market at this point since mid-February. After 2. Marijuana stock prices began to fluctuate rapidly in the first week of May, and marijuana stocks struggled to maintain trading momentum in the second half of May.

Still, the sector began to show more consistency in the market’s rise last week and in the first half of May. This increase in business activity continued into the following month and the sector as a whole now appears to be in better shape.

June started out much better for marijuana stocks. Many companies report results and expand through mergers and acquisitions. These factors alone have played a role in the growth of the industry. Analysts think there will be an even bigger jump at some point.

Some think it could happen as early as this month. However, given the unpredictability of the market, it is difficult to be precise. While the industry continues to rise, there is still time to find the best marijuana stocks to buy. Although investors treat the sector with some caution, they continue to include cannabis stocks in their portfolios.

It is now a case of wait and see, as most investors are waiting for a big enough rally to take their profits. Additionally, it looks favorable for the cannabis industry, with the possibility of improved cannabis laws and more states moving towards legal status. Here are two marijuana stocks to keep an eye on for the rest of the month.

Marijuana stocks to keep an eye on this month

  1. Sundial Growers Inc. (NASDAQ:SNDL)
  2. Greenlane Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:GNLN)

Sundial Growers Inc.

Since the 2nd. During the week of May, Sundial Growers Inc. made further progress in the market. SNDL’s share price rose between 13 and 27. May was up 23%. Meanwhile, some investors who bought shares in early May have been able to make significant gains. It also showed upside potential for future trading. From the end of May to the 3rd. In June, the share price of SNLD increased by 32%.

This rebound in recent trading shows that even though SNDL shares began with a decline, they are capable of bouncing back. Last month, the company announced its financial and operating results for the first quarter of 2021. During this period, the Company’s gross cannabis sales reached $11.7 million, down 30% from the previous quarter. In addition, for the first time in Sundial’s history, the Company achieved a positive adjusted EBIDTA of $3.3 million. This compares to an adjusted EBIDTA loss of $5.6 million in the previous quarter.

Words from

We are pleased to announce Sundial’s first quarter of positive operating and adjusted EBITDA results, said Zach George, Sundial’s Chief Executive Officer. This result reflects our continued efforts to build a platform focused on attractive capital allocation opportunities while focusing on continuous improvement of our agricultural practices in an immature and rapidly evolving industry.

The continued decline in the price of cannabis flowers in Canada prompted Sundial to liquidate some inventory in the first quarter and we are now limiting the supply of discounted products in markets where we believe the economics are not attractive and sustainable. We have no intention of increasing production volumes without ensuring profitability or maintaining market share at all costs. We have made progress in improving harvest results and continue to focus on best practices to achieve high potency, yield and terpene results, but our work is far from done.

Greenlane Holdings, Inc.

Greenlane Holdings, Inc. has received a lot of attention in recent months. This is largely due to the merger with cannabis company KushCo Holdings Inc. Last month, Greenlane announced that it had met a key legal condition for the proposed merger.

The move comes at a time when other major cannabis companies are doing the same. Let’s hope it will eventually produce the results both sides have been waiting for. A look at recent trading shows that GNLN shares have not received any upward momentum recently. For most of May and June, LNG traded continuously lower.

Nevertheless, the GNLN share experienced a moment of bullishness at the end of May and during the first week of June. From 21 years of age. From May to 9. In June, GNLN shares rose 20%. Eventually, the company began to decline again and has shown no signs of an upward trend to date. As the best half of the industry continues to grow, we expect some of that commercial momentum to reach LNG supply.In an effort to provide a safe alternative to the current drug culture that is sweeping the nation, we have compiled a list of companies that focus on the production of medical marijuana. Just as these companies are on the cusp of changing how we look at the world, we will be providing the latest updates on their progress throughout the second half of June 2021.. Read more about mjna penny stock and let us know what you think.

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