Grocery budget can vary from month to month and having a hold on it from the get-go is important especially if you have kids. If you take your kids to the supermarket then you know how easily they can be distracted by all the snacks. You don’t always say no to those cute faces and if you have a problem giving in to their snack demands every time you go shopping then you will know how easily the budget can get out of hands.

Here are the steps to follow if you are intent on staying on budget.
1. Plan
This not only helps with a substantial grocery shopping trip, but it also helps you to not worry about what you are going to cook each day. So, making a weekly meal plan and writing down what ingredients are needed – for all the breakfasts, lunches, snacks, and dinners – is a good way to keep track.
You can then check the ingredients that you already have in your kitchen and make a list of the things you don’t. This way you only buy exactly what is needed for the week.
2. Follow the list
Once you have a list of items you need to buy, you can use that list as a map in the store. Follow the list and only head for aisles you know have them. If you are a regular to one store then you most probably are familiar with the layout of the products. What this does is that it saves you time from going back and forth in the aisles and also stops you from passing the same offer more than once that can tempt you to spend extra money on something you do not need.
3. Distribute
If you have been a reader long then you know how much I love kids accompanying on tasks, it gives you extra bonding time with them plus they learn various skills. Grocery shopping is one such skill that will only help them. Knowing what to buy and from where is very important to run a tight ship in the kitchen.
If your children are young, it can sometimes be more of a problem than fun. You can give them tasks to do like holding the list and pointing you to the next item and ticking off the items you have already picked up. If they are older, you can send them off to grab an item or two from other aisles.
4. Follow the plan
What good is the plan if you don’t follow it. Following the weekly meal is essential for this type of coordination to work. Yes, you can make swap Monday and Thursday’s dish, and yes you can make changes when something comes up. Even when shopping, just because something is on sale, do not grab it if it isn’t in your plan. But, if it makes more sense than what you originally planned then instead of grabbing both, buy the new item and omit the old one.
5. Get the family involved
When you plan for the week, it becomes easier to incorporate your family’s demands in the meal plan. You can get them to choose a day or a meal that they would like to plan. This gives them a sense of involvement. If you can get them to shop with you or even cook with you the dish that they are planning, it becomes more fun than it originally was.