Vaginal health is so important for women. The vagina can be both highly complex and simultaneously simple. However, there are many vaginal issues that are fairly common, and it’s important for women to understand this so that they don’t feel isolated or abnormal in their struggles. The majority of women experience vaginal issues at some point in their lives, and some of those issues are more common than others. Here are three of the most common complication women experience:

Yeast Infections
Yeast infections are common among women. In fact, roughly 75% of women are likely to have a yeast infection at least once in their lifetime. Half of them are likely to have two or more. This infection is caused by an overgrowth of fungus that naturally live in the vagina and other areas of the body. When a woman’s healthy bacteria is imbalanced, it can lead to a yeast infection. One of the main reasons yeast infections are so common is because they thrive in moist environments.
A weakened immune system, poor eating habits (consuming too much sugar), uncontrolled diabetes, and antibiotics (which can kill good bacteria) can all contribute to yeast infections. Simple lifestyle habits, like remaining in wet bathing suits too long after a dip in the pool, can also lead to an infection. Fortunately, simple infections can be quickly treated with OTC medications like Monistat.

“While you can certainly get rid of a yeast infection by picking up a treatment at your local supermarket, it’s important to understand that there are levels of yeast infections, more complicated infections do require a visit to the doctor,” explains South Valley Women’s Health Care in Utah. “If you continuously have yeast infections or have other STDs, you may require a longer prescription.”
The good news is that there are over-the-counter treatments for yeast infection that are readily available for everyone. One example is boric acid vaginal suppositories, which you can buy without a prescription. However, it’s always best to consult your doctor before using new treatments to make sure they are safe for you or they don’t clash with any maintenance medicine.
Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a parasite that’s carried along in sexual fluids. Many people never learn that they have trichomoniasis, as only about 30% of people who have it ever notice any symptoms. However, when there are symptoms, they typically include itchy, frequent urination, a fishy discharge, and pain during intercourse and urination.

Although this sexually transmitted disease is common, its complications can be further compounded for people with an active sex life. Not only can it easily be spread to other men and women, but it also puts you at a bigger risk for contracting bigger diseases like HIV. Women with trichomoniasis are also more likely to have preterm births and low-weight births.
Fortunately, nine out of ten women who were diagnosed with trichomoniasis were cured with a single dose of antibiotics. The key is paying attention to any symptoms that arise and taking a trip to the gynecologist regularly to avoid infections flying beneath the radar.
Bacterial Vaginosis
Research has shown that one out of four women have BV—and many of them have no symptoms at all. Bacterial vaginosis happens when there’s more harmful bacteria in the vaginal area than good bacteria. To date, there is no known cause or cure for BV, though there are several known ways you can thrown off the vagina’s natural pH balance, such as by douching, having multiple sex partners, or using scented products in that area.

Symptoms include a white or yellow discharge, a fish-like odor, or itching and burning. Because of the symptoms associated with it, it may be mistaken for a yeast infection, however, yeast medication products will not cure it. Typically, BV will go away with antibiotics, though it’s important to note that there remains a chance BV will be reoccuring. There are some over-the-counter treatments you can use, though official lab testing is slim. For example, boric acid suppositories have worked for many women, particularly those with a recurring issue.