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Above the Influence

Do you have a child who is approaching the age of indepence. I’m talking tweens and teens. I have to brag and say that my Sabreena is a REALLY good kid. She’s a straight A student who is involved in community and charity work, she’s an awesome big sister, she is loyal to her friends and has a strong connection to family.

Even though she has all of these things going for her I worry. I worry about peer pressure with drugs, alcohol and sex. I know she knows right from wrong, I know she understands the ramifications of doing the wrong things but things happen. Rob and I have discussed a lot of things with her; smoking, drugs, sex, honesty, dating and responsibility. I think we have a very open and honest relationship but I can’t always be 100% sure.


We’ve all seen the commercials for Above the Influence but I went a little further than that. Above the Influence has a phenomenal website that is filled with facts, stories, videos and advice. I wanted to review the site before introducing it to Sabreena but I must say I’m pretty impressed with what I read.
If you are in need of some facts or tools to talk to your kids I recommend Above the Influence.