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Fit Factor Kids, Exercise for Kids by Kids Recapitulation

Growing up I remember having physical education at 3 times a week in elementary school. In High School it went down to 2 times a week. Today Shaun only gets it one day a week plus a short recess after lunch. Why the drastic changes? What happened over the years that made school officials think physical activity wasn’t important in children’s lives. What happened to the days of tag, hopscotch, jumprope and relay races? Does your child’s school have a field day to bring in the warm weather?

We’ve all been guilty of allowing lazy behavior from our kids, I’m probably the guiltiest. You all know Shaun loves the television, video games and computer. Sabreena is a bookworm and loves the computer too and Shae follows whatever they do. This doesn’t mean they never leave the house but they could’ve been much more active than they were. This summer was especially lazy; we’ve had really high heat, little rain and a bad attitude about exercise.

Fit Factor Kids is helping to change that bad behavior. Using an exercise video may sound extreme for kids but not when it’s done by kids for kids. The movements start out simple and varied to keep the younger ones motivated and as it progresses they become more focused on aerobics and endurance training. Using kids as the instructors Fit Factor is a series of 6 routines designed to improve children’s fitness. Children use their imaginations and learn how to take care of their bodies as their energetic hosts provide informative tips and instruction. These children’s fitness workouts include creative animal movements, mimic recess activities such as jumping rope, playing four-square and shooting baskets. And our children’s fitness hosts walk you through simple stretching, strengthening and aerobic activities.

As you can see Shae is right in there. While she doesn’t the movements exactly right she loves the silliness of the animal movements so she keeps at it. Sabreena is playing right along but as the exercise gets a little more complex she has to work harder, this is usually where Shaun drops to the floor. He’s gonna get his stamina back up soon, soccer starts next week with weekly practice and a game.

Using three elements, ease of use, repetition, fun, Fit Factor was developed to encourage kids to get moving not discourage them with tricky footwork. Coach O, a physical education teacher of 15 years, created the DVD using “peer pressure” in a positive way. The Fit Kid hosts, Lizzy and Dean, are exceptional athletes and great role models and motivating throughout the routines. Fit Factor Kids is not about bulking up muscle and losing weight and getting 6-pack abs, it’s about building a strong, healthy kid. Improving your child’s fitness level can have lot of benefits.

  • Build stronger bones and muscles
  • Control body fat for a leaner build
  • Gain self-confidence and build higher self-esteem
  • Improve academic performance
  • Decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes and some forms of cancer
  • Raise HDL or “good” cholesterol
  • Reduce blood pressure
  • Lessen chances of becoming overweight

Fit Factor isn’t just for the home either. Do you know your child’s school PE educator? Let them know what Fit Factor is all about. Send them the link, show them the YouTube video or send them HERE. It’s an inexpensive program that can have phenomenal results. A single DVD is $19.95; purchase more than one for discounts.

Give it a chance, let your kids workout with the Fit Factor kids. LookWhatMomFound..and Dad too! is giving our readers the chance to win their own Fit Factor Kids DVD. Visit Fit Factor Kids and sign up for their e-newsletter, come back and tell me you did.

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Your entries must follow the rules or they won’t be eligible for prizes. This contest ends 11:59 pm, Wednesday, September 16, 2009. Winners will be chosen using then announced and emailed . Winners will have 48 hours to claim prize. This contest is open to US residents only.