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ReliOn Temple Touch Thermometer

Cold and Flu season is among us as well as the bothersome random runny noses and coughs and in general yucky feelings. Is your medicine cabinet stocked? Ours is but I recently received a nice addition, the ReliOn Temple Touch Thermometer.

I may be a young mom but I’m old school when it comes to taking temperature readings for my kids. As infants I did rectal readings and as they grew up it went to the armpit then under the tongue. I never thought I needed technology for something so simple. Well I was wrong. The Temple Touch Thermometer came I went around the house and got everyone’s base temperature, something everyone should know by the way. It was simple, so simple that Shae now asks for the “mometer” at night. The Temple Touch Thermometer uses a unique probe to record heat flow from the blood vessels in the temporal artery and converts it to body temperature.

The process is super simple.

  • Turn it on
  • Wait a couple seconds for the hour glass to finish spinning and beeps twice
  • Firmly press to temple between eye socket and eyebrow
  • Wait 7 seconds for single beep, reading is ready

Seven seconds can feel like an eternity when you have a sick or cranky child but with a little practice and distraction this can be done without the child even knowing. Certain guidelines should be followed when using this product, things that sound obvious but make your go hmmmmm.

  • Make sure your childs head is not wet, moisture can register cooler
  • Do not use if your child has recently been exposed to direct sunlight or other heat source like a warm bath, their skin will warmer
  • Do not use if your child has just exercised or exerted themselves, skin will be warmer after physical activities
  • Keep the Temple Touch Thermometer in a stable environment like a closet or first aid kit, extreme humidity, cold or hot temperatures can alter this products performance

The Temple Touch Thermometer is going to save lots of time and headache this coming winter. While I don’t look forward to sick kids I do look forward to having this handy tool at my disposal for those night-time fevers because that’s when they always spike! The Temple Touch Thermometer can be found in WalMart and Sam’s Club for approx $10.

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Thanks to MomSelect you can win your own Temple Touch Thermometer right here at LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! Let me know what you currently use for taking yours or your family’s temperature.

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Your entries must follow the rules or they won’t be eligible for prizes. This contest ends 11:59 pm, Wednesday, October 7, 2009. Winners will be announced and emailed and will have 48 hours to claim prize. This contest is open to US residents.