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A New Regime Is In Place

Last night I talked to Melinda and the kids via Skype and while I was talking to Shaun I realized something. My house is currently a one parent household. Melinda is in charge of everything like breakfast, getting the kids off the school, homework, dinner, baths and bed time. That is probably just a third of what she has going on in any given day and I know it’s hard.

Between Shaun and Shae Melinda has her hands full. Shaun alone will drive you to the brink of insanity. I realized tonight that I have zero input as to what goes on in the house which is hard because I am use to helping make decisions and helping to keep the house running. I wish I was able to help Melinda and contribute more but I am not able to.

It was funny talking to Melinda last tonight because she said the house has been under a new regime this week and it is an adjustment to the kids especially Shaun. Shaun is use to coming to me for stuff and usually getting what he wants because he knows I am a sucker. Not anymore, there is a new sheriff in town and that is not a bad thing at all.

Melinda is a GREAT mother, provider and caretaker and I do not know what I would do without her. The kids should be happy they have her there in charge. I know I am. I just wish I was able to help her daily to alleviate some stress.