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Skype I Love You!!!!

So I’m sure all of you know by now that I am employed in the great state of Delaware but we live in MD. I am not commuting but living with my in-laws which means I am away from Melinda and the kids during the week. It is tough but the one thing that has been great is Skype.

Skype is a free service that lets you make free calls to other Skype users and if they have a webcam you can do a video call which is what I have been doing all week with Melinda and the kids. Skype has been awesome and is pretty easy to use. I was having a slight technical problem with my sound going out during the web chat but after going into the settings and changing the microphone to use my webcam’s microphone everything has been all good since then.

Each night at 7 pm Melinda gathers the kids in the kitchen in front of her laptop so we can all chat via Skype. Skype is allowing me to stay in touch with my family and allowing me to see them even though I am in another state. Thank you Skype. I Love You!

If you are interested in trying Skype download it by clicking here.

This is a  NOT a sponsored post but the opinions and descriptions presented belong solely to LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! Your experiences and reactions may differ from ours.