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Ultimate Green Idea for Earth Week-Mobile Farmer’s Market

I’d love to go greener than we already do but I’d also love to impact my environment in a positive way. I’m sitting here flipping through all the Earth Day specials and I stumble on an interviewer asking people on the street “What would like to do to make a green change in your community or the environment”. Some of the answers were standard, offer more recycling, ride my bike to work, shop locally. This got me thinking about what I would love to do that was different. It didn’t take long to come up with several ideas but one really sticks out in my head; a Mobile Farmers Market.

Each morning local farms and dairies come together at a central meeting place with their freshest fruits, veggies, cheeses, meats and baked goods. A large pick-up/flatbed/utility truck is then loaded up with all the goods and it heads out to a specific location of the day. These locations must be in areas where farmers markets aren’t available and where they are needed the most. Low Income urban area’s come to mind first but that doesn’t leave out the suburbs. Stay at home soccer moms as well as the city dwellers all need healthy options for snacks and mealtime. I also think retirement/assisted living communities, military bases and college campuses would be great stops for the Fresh Food truck.

So I’d love to implement this idea but have no clue how to get started. I don’t own a truck, I only know of 3 or 4 local farms and I’m sure you need some kind of business license.

I ask you the same question, “What would like to do to make a green or clean change in your community or the environment?”