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If Someone Gives You Something For Free Please Come Prepared

With our move at the end of this month we have been selling stuff on Craigslist because we figure we haven’t used it in 3.5 years and we probably won’t start now. We were trying to sell our entertainment center since we got a new one for the new house and have had no luck. Our plan is to paint our living room this weekend and we really need to get rid of this entertainment center so we listed it on Craigslist for FREE. Within minutes of listing it I got two emails inquiring about it. I told the person to come with a truck and help as I was not helping move this item. This conversation took place Monday.

On Tuesday the girl showed up with her father and some other guy in a mini SUV like a Suzuki Sidekick. I am not sure if she didn’t read my email but I said to bring a truck. As soon as I looked at the mini SUV I knew this entertainment center wasn’t going to fit. So the entertainment center sits on a stand which can be removed with four screws but again I told her to bring a truck because I didn’t want to take this apart. I really needed/wanted this gone so I got suckered into taking it apart for them. It wasn’t a big deal and it didn’t take long but it was a pain and I felt she should have come prepared with a truck like I told her. Are you getting the reoccurring theme here? I hope so because she didn’t. We also had to wait for her and her father and the guy to have a family meeting on the fact that is wouldn’t fit. No crap I could see that and again that is why I told her to bring a truck. So after the family meeting and taking this stupid thing apart for them it is now gone.

So here is a note for anyone who is picking up something FREE from Craigslist. COME PREPARED!!!!!!!