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The Kids Want A Pet

So Melinda has been talking about wanting to get a dog or cat for the kids so I emailed the landlord the other day to see if he would allow us to have any pets. I had a funny feeling I already knew what he was going to say but I emailed him anyways in hope for a positive response.

The news wasn’t entirely bad but not entire good either. He told me we would need to pay and additional $25 per month in rent and a deposit of $300. In addition, before me moved out we would need to rent a stream cleaner to shampoo the rugs rather then using the one we currently own. I am not entirely sure why he wants that but I guess since he owns this house I would need to follow his rule or not get an animal. To a point I understand because if I was a landlord I would require the tenant to clean the rugs as well but not sure I would care how they did it as long as it got done. For all I care the tenant could do a carpet steam cleaner hire as long as it was done properly.

Melinda wasn’t very happy to hear about the $25 rent increase just to have a pet. She was ok with the deposit because she knows at the end of our lease we would get that back but the additional rent would not be returned. To a point I understand the deposit because that covers his rental investment but why the additional rent? To me it just seems like our landlord is trying to gain additional income for no reason and for that reason Melinda put her foot down and said we would continue to be pet free.

So for now the kids are going to need to suffer and live without a pet. I am sure one day we will get a pet but at this point in time it isn’t going to happen.

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