This is my lawnmower new. Mine looks a lot dirtier then this. LOL.
I can remember when I was a young kid and going to my grandparents for a visit and my grandfather would be cutting the grass and I always wanted to help. I remember him always telling me I was too young to cut the grass, but when I got older he would let me. My grandfather owned the oldest Toro lawnmower that I had ever seen and it had to be at least 20 years old but it always started on the first pull and always did the job.
Fast forward 20 years or so when I was looking at lawnmowers and thinking back to when I was young and that old beat up Toro that my grandfather owned. They say people buy things based on past experiences and word of mouth and to some extent I agree. Want to guess what kind of lawnmower I bought? You guessed it a Toro and I have owned it for about five years now. It starts on the first or second pull and works like a champ. All I need to do is change the oil and gas it up.
I am not sure if my Toro will last 20-25 years like my grandfather’s did but one can only hope. If it wasn’t for my grandfather owning a Toro lawnmower I may not even own one myself. I love these kinds of posts that make me think back to the old days. I love my grandfather so much.
Have you ever bought anything because of your parents, grandparents, etc?