I remember about five years ago when the only thing available for internet in our neighborhood in Delaware was either dial up or broadband satellite. Within six months of us moving there DSL internet because available but still to this day broadband satellite is the only option for a lot of people who live in rural areas of the country.
I have a few friends that live in the middle of the US and the only access they have to the internet is via bradband satellite which they love and they are extremely impressed with the connection speeds.
All HughesNet satellite internet connections speeds exceed those of a typical dial-up connection. The company offers consumers six choices for upload and download speeds, so the consumer can choose a plan based on their needs and those of their family. Additionally, the higher-end plans work well for small offices or businesses.
Here is how it works:
There are currently four satellite internet service providers in the US: HughesNet, WildBlue, SkyWay USA, and StarBand. These companies offer different packages so you would want to check which company or companies are available in your area and compare price and service options to make sure you are making the best selection for your needs. Some plans start as low as $39.99 monthly for the basic plan and go up from there based on your specific needs. Another things is some of the companies allow you to either lease or own your equipment and some of them allow you to install the equipment yourself if you want but they also offer professional installation if needed.
Eventhough most of us have access to DSL or cable for our internet needs some people in the US and world don’t and thankfully they have an option which is satellite internet.